Must Be Something In The Water

Help Arrives

The big finally happened. The horrible, disorienting pain ended and there was a giant flash of lightening in the sky. You got only a glimpse of the ship. At least Keith did, it was as large as a football field, translucent and looked like a jelly fish without tentacles. Keith fell to his knees in the sand and looked down as the rain fell on his face. The invasion had ended because the Shelbies were gone, but not only were they gone but the one who he loved the most was also gone as well.

The ELA made it just in time to do damage control. They blocked off the whole section of the lake and dragged out girl after girl who went back to size. Coughing and tired, cold and a little confused. None of them had a recoliation of what went on. Keith stood up watching each girl hopping one of them was me. Yet, there was no such luck. He did get the pleasure of seeing Mr. Blue being dragged by his feet away from the lake.

"I was suppose to rule the world. They defied me!" he cried.

Keith looked back at the lake and noticed two agents closing in on him. They waved a weird wand over him. It didn't make a sound.

"He's clean, leave." the agent said putting the wond up.

"I'm waiting for my friend." he said.

"There's nothing to see here. I will ask you to leave again or we will use force." the second agent said.

Keith lowered his head and turned to back away. Just then he heard a splash. He turned around and saw someone lying in the water face down. He ran past the men who yelled at him to get out of the water. He didn't listen. He swam until he grabbed hold of the body. He flipped it over and gasped.

I woke up in the back of an ambulence. Everything looked fuzzy and I had a mask to help me breath.

"Alexis are you okay?" Keith asked looking in my face.

"Keith, I didn't go." I said to him.

"I know." he siad and smiled.

I closed my eyes back to rest.

I fell asleep inside of my hospital room. My mother and sister both came in. My sister soaking wet and back to normal.

"Where's my daughter Alexis Lewis?" my mom asked the nurse behind the desk.

"Room 294. Second floor." she said.

"Thank you." my mom said.

"Mom, I can't remember anything that went on." my sister said to her.

"Me neither, I hope she's okay. Thank goodness for those officers back at the lake." my mom said.

My mom and sister walked into the room first. Keith was sitting in a chair next to my bed his eyeglasses were crooked as he snored silent. His clothes were soaking wet. My mom shook him awake. He sat up and looked at her.

"Ms. Lewis." he said rubbing his eyes and yawning, then he fixed his glasses.

"Where's your parents?" she asked.

"They said they're suppose to be coming. You guys are back to normal?" he asked.

"Back to normal?" my mom asked.

"Never mind. She's asleep." Keith said looking at me.

My mom walked to the side of my bed and touched my hand. My eyes opened and I looked at her.

"Mom." I said.

"It's me honey you okay?" she asked.

"I missed you mom." I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

Keith smiled and then looked at my sister.

"Hey you're back to normal too." Keith said.

My sister looked at her flat stomach and pat it.

"Guess so. What exactly happened?" she asked.

"There were aliens and I guess they stopped you guys from dying." Keith said.

"Oh... yeah still confused." she said.

I looked over at Aly.

"Aly you're like soaking wet." I said to her.

She walked over to me.

"Yeah, whatever." she said and then hugged me.

"What did the doctor say?" my mom asked.

"Said that she suffered from jelly fish stings something like that." Keith said.

That explained why my arms and legs were on fire.

"Where did Jelly fish come from anyway?" my mom asked.

"Long story." I said to her and smiled.