Must Be Something In The Water

Close Encounter

After my sister went down for her mid afternoon nap that time after lunch and before dinner time. Keith and I made our way back to his house.

"So I was wondering did you get that footage?" he asked me.

"What footage?" I asked him.

"Of us by the lake you video taped us." he said.

I skid on my bike and slapped my forehead.

"I left the camera at the lake trying to save you." I said.

"Save me?" he asked.

"When you fell in the water I thought you drowned or something I don't know. I threw it on the sand and ran after you." I said to him.

"We got to get it back." he said to me.

"It's at the lake that guy in the weird black suit probably found it anyway." I said to him.

"Well it might have some valuable stuff do you remember where you dropped it?" he asked me.

"Keith I'm not going back to the lake for a stupid camera anyway it's old." I said.

"But Alexis it might have something important on it." he said.

"Like what?" I asked him.

"Anything I don't know." he said back to me.

"How about you get it and I don't go near the lake?" I asked.

"I don't know where you dropped it. Please this is the last favor I'll ask you for." he said.

"Yeah because the last one almost killed us." I muttered as we drove past his street and to the lake.

We walked around the shore searching for the camera. I leaped on top of a rock scanning the whole sandy shoreline.

"Sure it's not here?" he asked me.

"Positive." I said to him and sighed.

He sighed to and then kicked a rock I saw him grab his foot and cried 'ouch'.

"What's wrong?" I asked him hopping off the rock.

"Hit my foot!" he complained.

"That's not a rock, that's my camera." I said and then ran towards the black object in the sand.

I picked it up and shook it off.

"It's probably busted now." he said to me.

"No, it's waterproof not even sand can get in it." I said to him pressing a button. He looked over my shoulder.

"Why isn't working?" he asked me.

"Must have been left on all night. It needs batteries." I said to him.

"Lets go back to my house and get the batteries." he said to me.

"Okay." I said.

We went back up to where our bikes was and before leaving we looked around to make sure no one saw us and then sped away.

Back in Keith's house we scrummage through all his drawers in search of double A's. It seems like every other batter was either too big or two small just our luck.

"Found some!" Keith said and then ran back to me.

He handed me the batteries I popped the other ones out and then I stuck in the new ones. My camera came on as good as new. I went to see if the footage was still in it.

"Is it there?" he asked me.

"Yeah it is lets watch it." I said to him.

Keith and I watched the video using his home computer in his room. We were at the part when I was standing in the middle of the lake. The way that I dropped the camera made sure that we could get every single glance of the video but from a distance. I looked like a dot and Keith seemed to look like a green colored dot and we could barely hear anything over the crashing of the waves onto the shore.

"This was the part when you were dragged into the water." Keith said.

"I ran into the water because I thought you were being drowned." I said to him.

"Why would you think that?" he asked me.

Just then I heard a voice.

"Hey!" the guy who chased us the night before said over the tape.

"That's when we were running away from that guy." Keith said.

"Sir, the kids got away and I have no idea where they could be." the man said.

"I think he's talking on a phone or something." I said to Keith.

"No, I'm not sure if they seen anything. We will find them and make sure they don't know anything about the Shelbies or the pregnancies." he said.

Keith and I looked at each other.

"What are Shelbies?" Keith asked.

"They know why the girls are pregnant." I said.

"I will contact the other agents." the man on the video said before the video cut off.

"Alexis do you know what this means?" he asked me.

"No." I said.

"This means that whatever is in the lake is being covered up by the local government and authorities." he said.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Not only did he mention agents but he mentioned calling on more. I also wonder what he meant by Shelbies... what if those are the things causing the pregnancies!" Keith said excitedly.

I could see the gears moving in his head and he started to get that weird twitch whenever he had a great idea.

"You're going to research..."

"I'm going to research." he said at the same time as me.

I nodded and he hopped on the Internet.

"Well while you're doing that, I'll be getting something to drink." I said to him.

"There's soda and water in the fridge." he said pointing to the door.

"Thanks. Want anything?" I asked him.

"Water please." he said typing away.

I ran down the stairs after leaving his room and then opening up the fridge door. I saw Keith's brother Kevin sitting down at the table eating cereal.

"Isn't it a little late for cereal?" I asked him.

"Don't you have somewhere else to live?" he asked me pouring himself another bowl of cereal.

"No I live in the pool room." I said to him sarcastically grabbing the water.

"Hey how's your sister by the way?" he asked.

"You know waddling as usual." I said.

He snorted and I saw milk fly out of his mouth.

I rolled my eyes as he laughed behind my back.

"Hey Keith have you noticed that your brother's a jerk?" I asked.

"What else is new?" he asked me.

I placed the water on his desk and then took a seat on the edge of his bed.

"So what did you find out?" I asked him.

"I typed in the name Shelby and then Shelbies and found a bunch of sights with girls and other stuff... then I found one that interested me a lot." he said.

"Okay what's so interesting about it?" I asked while twisting off the cap of my water.

"That Shelbies rather a Shelby are not creatures native to our waters or any other waters on earth." Keith said.

I scooted up close to him and took a seat at the chair to his side.

"So what are they native to?" I asked taking a long sip of my water.

"They are actually aliens from... another... planet..." Keith said looking at me.

I held the bottle up over my head trying to get every last drop. I saw him staring at me and put the bottle down.

"What? I'm thirsty." I said to him.

"Right. Anyway these Shelby things come around every fifty years and it just so happen that this year is their year." he said.

I reached over for his bottled water.

"So, what they visit Earth on their space ship looking for women to get pregnant?" I asked.

I unscrewed the cap to his bottle.

"Pretty much ninety percent of their species are males." he said.

"The ten percent?" I asked.

"One special female. The reason why the Shelbies keep coming back to Earth is that they are looking for the One female to take with them." he said.

"What make her a sex slave?" I asked and snorted.

"Pretty much yeah. They go missing never to be found again. Fifty years later they come back to Earth the same age they were the time they left but everything around them changed." he said.

"Where did you find this information?" I asked him.

"Some guy in Michigan wrote about the invasion in this article. Apparently his girlfriend was the chosen one of the Shelbies. Given the ability to breath under water and... Hey I was going to drink that!" he cried.

I shook the bottle above my head again.

"Sorry thirst, so what were you saying?" I asked tossing both empty bottles into his trash can.

"I was saying that the chosen one was... Oh come on it's very simple. Aliens are invading Alki, getting girl that crosses paths with the lake pregnant, in search of the One." he said.

"Right and you believe this all?" I asked.

"Why don't you?" he asked.

"I think a parasite would've made more sense then this." I said.

"I understand is an acquired article but this guy also speaks of an agency called the ELA that visited him when his girlfriend was abducted." he said.

"What those ELA stand for?" I asked.

"Extraterrestrial Life Agency. They are like the MIB except real life and not movie fiction starring Will Smith." he said.

"So the ELA do they have those pens that glow and..."

"I told you they are real life. They don't mess with your memory at least I don't think so." he said rubbing his chin.

"Secret agents, the ELA have everything under control then right?" I asked.

"I don't think so. The ELA is suppose to protect the earth from invasion like this. So whatever went wrong that time possibly won't go wrong this time." he said.

"What went wrong last time?" I asked.

"The Shelbies won they got their female victim probably brought her back to Michigan I don't know stuff like this isn't suppose to happen to normal people. The ELA should have everything under control but they don't. Girls are pregnant, and the One is still out there." he said.

"Who's the One?" I asked humoring him.

"No one knows they're just chosen. I'll have to research more about it and I'll get back to you with that. Oh by the way, I have the results of the algae samples." he said.

"What are they?" I asked him.

"All normal levels as far as standards go. I did send a sample to a lab just to be sure. They should have my results with in a week or two." he said.

"That's good I guess so what now?" I asked him.

"We sit, and wait for whatever happens." Keith said.

"Works for me." I said leaning back comfortably in his chair.
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Shelbies are the aliens that are causing all the trouble
The ELA is the Extraterrestrial Life Agency