Must Be Something In The Water

Fish out of water

The next afternoon I was so glad that Aly had to go to the doctor to get an ultrasound of those things inside of her. Because this morning she drove me crazy with all her weird cravings. I was putting stuff in eggs that most people wouldn't even conceive to put in eggs.

Anyhow, Keith invited me to his house to go swimming in his pool. It was finally cleaned and ready to be used. I wore my red bikini white polka dots and road my bike to Keith's house wearing an over sized black hoodie. I climbed off my bike with my towel around my neck and rested it on the side of the gate.

I saw Keith's brother Kevin jump off the side of the pool and into the lake. Keith was sitting on the edge and looked up at me.

"Hey Keith." I said to him unzipping my jacket.

He jumped up.

"Glad you're here, I just found out more about what went on that night." Keith said to me.

Kevin pulled himself out of the pool.

"Get in the water's great." he said splashing us.

"I am just wait." I said pulling off my hoodie and throwing it onto one of the fold able chairs. I wore a pair of black swim shorts under my hoodie. I decided to leave them on.

"Don't you want to talk about it?" Keith asked me.

"I'd rather not aren't you going to get in?" I asked me.

"Yeah, I just have to get my goggles." he said running back through his sliding doors.

Kevin walked towards me drying himself off with the towel. I stared at the droplets of water and then at the pool.

"You okay, you seem a little out of it." Kevin said to me.

"I'm fine, where are you going?" I asked him.

"I got places to go money to make." he said.

"Work?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said.

"Bring me some fries when you get back." I said and smirked at him.

"Oh shut up." he said walking into his house as Keith walked out.

"Got my goggles." he said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked him and ran and then leaped into the pool.

Keith followed behind holding his nose. I splashed into the water before him and then bobbed back up.

I watched as Keith splashed in as well. I dived and swam to the bottom of the pool. I was holding my breath but it was like I didn't want to swim up for air.

Keith came up for air and pulled the goggles from his face since water flew up them. He laughed.

"That was a great dive huh?" he asked. Then looked around.

I swam around the other side of the pool closer to the deep end and the more my lungs ached for me to go back up. My body was only forcing me to go down. Once I touched the bottom. I gasped opening my mouth. Water entered my throat and my nostrils and I was waiting for the burning sensation but nothing happened. The water around me felt so good it was like lying in your bed on a Sunday morning. You had no school, no errands, and nothing to do and it was just an inner peace and warmth.

I saw Keith swim towards me and he blew bubbles through his nose. I waved at him and smiled and then I swam away from him. He came back up for air and gasped. Then I finally came up for air and coughed up water.

"Alexis how did you do that?" Keith asked me.

I rubbed my nose as dry air entered it.

"Do what?" I asked.

"How did you stay under water for so long? Most people would've died by now." he said surprised.

I shrugged. "I don't know it was easy I guess." I said to him.

"Holding your breath underwater for that long is never easy." he said.

"I don't think I was holding my breath. I think I was breathing underwater I mean my lungs didn't hurt and my chest didn't burn." I said to him.

He shook his head.

"Impossible a normal human can only hold their breath for two maybe two and a half minutes." he said to me.

I ignored him and dived under. This time when I came up Keith was looking at the side of the pool.

"When did you get out?" I asked him.

"Ten minutes ago." he said looking at his watch.

"I was under water for ten minutes?" I asked swimming towards him.

"That's not normal." he said.

"I guess not." I said.

"Hey Alexis, Keith are you ready for lunch?" his mom asked us.

Keith and I looked at his mom.

"Sure Mrs. Stevens." I said climbing out of the pool.

"What's for lunch mom?" Keith asked.

"I made tuna fish sandwiches." she said.

I walked over to my towel and I dried my arms and legs and put on my hoodie and then I wrapped the towel around my hair and tried to dry it.

"Hey what's that on your neck?" Keith asked me.

"My neck?" I asked looking at him.

He nodded putting his glasses back on.

I touched the back of my neck.

"I don't feel anything." I said to him.

"There's a hole in your neck." he said to me.

"Where?" I asked.

"Right here." he said and then touched the spot.

It stung.

"Ow! Don't touch it!" I said to him rubbing it.

"What is it?" he asked me.

"I don't know but it hurts when you touch it like that!" I said quickly and annoyed.

"It wasn't there before." he said.

"It's probably nothing maybe a zit popped or something I don't know." I said and then walked into his house.

We took a seat at his kitchen table. Where his mom brought us out a plate of sandwiches and a tall container of lemonade.

"Can I get water please?" I asked her.

"Sure." she said smiling.

"You just came out of the water." Keith said.

"I didn't drink it." I said to him.

She came back with a water bottle.

"Thanks." I said to her.

"Keith, I have to go to the hospital, and since dad and Kevin aren't here stay downstairs okay?" his mom asked looking at me and then Keith.

Keith turned red as I looked at him.

"Yeah mom I know." he said turning away and picking up a sandwich.

Keith's mom was a nurse at the local hospital and his dad was a pediatrician. So Keith's family came from a family of medical personnel. I could understand why he may notice things most people probably wouldn't notice.

I reached over for a sandwich.

"Bye." she said to us.

"Bye Mrs. Stevens." I said.

"Bye mom." Keith said biting into his sandwich.

I bit into mine and it tasted really good out of this world.

"Wow Keith your mom makes great tuna fish." I said to him.

"She brought it from the store." he said.

I shrugged and helped myself to another sandwich after I finished my first one. Then I started on the second sandwich and uncapped my water bottle and sucked down half the bottle of water.

"You've been really thirsty lately haven't you?" Keith asked.

"I guess, yesterday after I left your house I drank like a gallon of water and was still thirsty." I said to him and finished the other half of the sandwich licking the mayo off my finger and then drying my hand on my towel and then I finished the rest of my water.

"That was good ready to go back for a swim?" I asked him.

"I didn't even finish my sandwich yet." he said to me.

"I'll meet you in the pool then." I said and then got up and ran back to his pool.

I swam underwater for the next few minutes each time I would come up for air just to make Keith feel like I was still breathing. Then it got to the point when I didn't want to come up for air. The sun was setting and Kevin's brother had come home from work.

"Hey she's still here?" Kevin asked.

Keith was already in dry clothes.

"Yeah." he said looking at Kevin and then back at me as I swam under water.