Must Be Something In The Water

Screw Shamu

The very next morning my mom woke me up at around eight a.m. On a Saturday morning just so that I can be the first one to some doctor's appointment. She had it set up for me and my sister.

"Why do I have to go to the doctor?" I asked her.

"To make sure you're not sick or infected with parasites." my mom asked me.

"Stop calling them that." Aly said in the front seat.

"Call who what?" she asked.

"Calling the things in my stomach parasites they aren't parasites." my sister said.

"Well they sure as hell aren't human." my mom said.

My sister crossed her arms and looked out the window. I kind of felt bad for her I mean in a way they were parasites but I think she's grown to love her weird hitch hikers.

"Hello Allison how are you today?" Dr. Star asked my sister.

"I'm fine." she said and smiled.

"We're not here for Aly today we're here for my other daughter." my mom said.

The doctor looked at me and noticed a big difference in me.

"What's the problem?" she asked my mom.

"She's went into the lake and I wanted to make sure that she was infected with parasites as well." my mom said.

"They're not parasites." my sister muttered.

Oh, okay. Well I'll need to give her a blood and urine test. To clear off a number of things." the doctor said to me.

We waited for her in the freezing cold check up room. I was thirsty but I didn't see a water fountain anywhere.

"We sent the tests to the lab and you should get it by later this afternoon. Right now, I want to check up on Alexis make sure everything is in check." she said.

"Okay." my mother said and then looked at me.

"I just need you to hop on my table." she said.

I hopped onto the examing table and she checked my hearing and eye sight and my nasal air waves.

"All good. Now I want you to lie down for me." she said.

I lied down on my back and she pressed onto my stomach. I giggled when she got to my ribs.

"Ticklish like your sister." she said to me.

I sat up.

"Nothing wrong then." I said.

"We won't know until we get the tests back." she said.

"Well I just have one question why did Aly show symptoms but Alexis hasn't?" my mom asked.

"Well, it could be numerous reasons or maybe the parasite itself is picky which wouldn't be the case. Like I said we won't know until after the tests get in." she said.

My mom, Aly, and I waited for the call from the doctor. My mom was watching the news, my sister was in the kitchen making herself a sandwich and I was sitting next to the phone staring at the wall since I wasn't even allowed to watch TV.

Just then the phone rang and I answered it on the first ring.

"Hello?" I asked.

My mom and sister looked at me. The anxiety billed up in me.

"Hey Alexis this is Keith, how come you didn't come over?" he asked.

"Can't talk." I tried to whisper.

"Why?" he asked.

"Grounded, long story. Got to go." I said to him.

"Who's that?" my mom asked.

"Okay, well when are you ungrounded?" he asked.

"A week, bye." I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" my mom asked again.

"Keith he doesn't know I'm grounded." I said.

"That reminds me I need to talk to his mother." he said.

Thanks to my sister, Keith will be grounded as well. I sighed sometimes I wished I was an only child.

An hour passed and I grew tired of staring at the wall so I stared at the TV. Which didn't matter since my mom had fallen asleep on the couch and my sister was in her room probably fast asleep. I wouldn't be able to change the channel without making some sort of noise so I sat at my chair and watched whatever was on the news. Right now it was world news something about China or Japan I couldn't tell. Then the phone rang. My mom flew awake. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Alexis Lewis?" a woman asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Is that the doctor's office?" my mom asked me.

I nodded.

"Okay, well I have some good news, everything is wonderful and you're not sick. However, there is one thing that is strange." she said.

"Put her on speaker." my mom said.

I listened to her and did it.

"What was strange?" I asked.

My mom raised an eyebrow.

"It could've been lab error but when we tested your blood it had more than enough hemoglobin." she said.

"Okay." I said not knowing what that meant.

All I knew was that hemoglobin made blood red and carried oxygen.

"What does that mean?" my mom asked.

"Is this Ms. Lewis?" the doctor asked.

"Yes." my mother said taking the phone from me.

"Well, it's nothing serious actually, I believe there could've just been a contamination in the samples but it just means hypothetically that your daughter has the blood of a porpose or orca for that matter." she said.

My mom gave me a funny look.

"And are those?" my mom asked.

"A type of dolphin and a killer whale. This is just hypothetically speaking. Her blood was probably contaminated while sampling. Other than that mistake she has perfect health and isn't infected with any unknown foreign bodies." the doctor said.

"Thank you very much Dr. Star." my mom said to her and then hung up and looked at me.

"A porpose?" I asked.

"That's a pretty big mistake they made." my mom said.

"Yeah no kidding." I said getting up.

"Where are you going?" my mom asked me.

"To my room." I said.

"Oh no the doctor says you have perfect health which means you can go get started on the dishes, mop the kitchen floor, and dust." she said.

I sighed.

"Okay." I said to her walking away to start on my chores.