The Blue Channel

Giving Up And Going Back

July 31, 2009

Today was the 3 year anniversary of that fateful day.
The day that had shaped the past few years of his life, that had made him who he was today.

Every one of his friends remembered it, after all, they had been there.
That day they singlehandedly ruined a girls life, a girl who haunted him constantly in his dreams.
Though, that Tuesday afternoon they had only planned it, the result had been better than they had imagined.

She left.
On January 14th, 2007 to be exact.

The house was completely empty, devoid of any object of hers.

And now, he was empty.
Just as empty as that house.


“Dude, what the hell are you listening to?” Cayden demanded, yelling over the music.

If you could call it that, all that anyone within a 50-foot radius could hear was just screaming and drums being bashed by, what seemed to be, a very angry person on crack.

Calmly, Addison leaned over to reach his nightstand and lowered the volume on the SoundDock he had received only days before.

“Poison The Well.” He replied, his voice only slightly annoyed as he went back to lying down on his bed.

Snorting, his friend sat on the plush chair that was by his desk and glanced over at him.

“Let me guess, the song was about letting go of someone you love?” Caydens voice was scathing, he was the only one out of his three friends that constantly teased him about it (to his face anyway).

When Addison didn't respond Cayden took it as incentive to continue.
“She's not coming back. I mean, why the fuck would she?”

Still no reaction, it was similar to speaking with a very stubborn child.
One that refused to speak.

The truth was that Addison already knew what Cayden was trying to tell him, he had thought about it constantly. Nothing could drive her to return to this hell hole, not while everyone still remembered.
And certainly not while he was still here.

Addison lifted his hand to his hair, running it through the silky black mane and sighed loudly.

“What time is it Cayden?” His voice was devoid of any emotion, any other person would think him only to be bored.

Cayden knew better.

“2:13,” he hesitated for a split second then continued. “Theres something I need to tell you.”

Any normal person would be excited, heck even elated, because when Cayden needed to tell you something it was usually important. He never bothered to say anything he didn't think was imperative to someone.

“I know I'm late for football practice, if you haven't noticed I'm skipping on purpose.”

Cayden frowned but decided not to continue, Addison would find out soon enough. Afterall, he had a knack of going by her house every other day, which Cayden still found to be irritating.

Deciding to take this new line of conversation, Cayden leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, looking at him seriously.

“Do you want to be kicked off the team? You know, probably more than anyone, that we aren't shit without you. We can't do this if you're not there.”

This was a good line of strategy in his opinion, usually when his friend felt stressed he tended to go driving around and always ended up in the same place.

To his surprise, Addison looked back at him with an intense look in his eyes, one that went beyond what they were talking about.

He sat up on the bed, all the while still staring back at him.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" The annoyed edge in his voice was back, also mixed in with exasperation.

"The football team. What else would I-"
Quickly, Addison cut him off in the middle of his explanation, and glared at him as he causticly snapped at him.

"What else would you talk about? How about reminding me every time I see you that she isn't going to come back? Don't you think I know that by now? Don't you think I know that it's all my fault? And don't even start some dumbass arguement about how you weren't talking about her because you were. Just so you know, I'm trying to get over her. But I don't care what you fucking even think at this point, the fact is that every time you open your mouth it has to do with her!"

The room turned extremely quiet after his outburst, both of them only staring at each other as the seconds passed by.

Cayden didn't want to deal with him anymore so he finally let it slip.
"There was a U-Haul truck outside the house."

Addison froze almost instantly, then searched his face for any detection of what he said being a lie. When he couldn't find any his face turned into complete stone, he just continued to stare at Cayden like a deer caught in the headlights.

Cayden got up from the chair he was in and walked over to his door, opening it slightly before turning back to his friend. Pity washed over him as watched Addison stare blankly at the chair he had been in seconds before.

"Look, I thought you deserved to know. You were going to find out sooner or later."
Cayden hesitated for the second time that afternoon and plowed on with his speech.

"It's a family of four...soon to be five." When his companion didn't bother to show any sign of having heard him he decided to give him a fair warning.

"Don't do anything stupid." He demanded loudly and finally walked through the door, closing it quietly behind him.

Even now, he knew his demand would be ignored.
Of course Addison would do something stupid.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a new story.
I've been adding and deleting alot of stories on here, but I have a huge feeling this one will be here to stay.
I like the story line I've planned out, and the story behind it.
Which, of course, you'll all soon find out about.

Please tell me what you think so far.
As for the next chapter I think it might be up soon, I'm really looking forward to writing (and hopefully finishing) this.