Status: HIATUS

In My Dreams It's Me and You


"So, you have a date with Zacky tonight?" Val asked while we were sitting at a table at Starbucks.

"Yeah, an actual date without you guys and Matt being over protective." I said while taking a sip of my late.

"That's good, you guys need a night to yourselves and just yourselves. It's basically gonna be your guys' first date." She said with a smile and flipping a page through a magazine.

"Yup, and honestly I have nothing to wear and I have no idea where he's taking me."

"Well hun, this calls for shopping." Val said while getting up, I followed and we walked to her car. "I'll call lover boy once we get to the mall, and see where he's gonna take you." I nodded.

"I just hope it's some place that's way to expensive and too fancy. Zacky doesn't really need to blow off his money at one place just for me." I said with worry.

"Bree, I know Zacky, and I know he wouldn't do that, especially since he knows you don't like that kind of stuff." She said while making a turn.

"Yeah I know, but I just don't want him to go over the limit for one night." I explained while looking out the window.

"Don't worry, just be excited that he's taking you out tonight." She said with a calming tone. I nodded.

The ride soon ended as Val found the perfect parking spot in front of Macy's. We both got out and walked inside the mall. Val said to try the dress section first so that she could call Zacky.

Val pulled out her phone and dialed Zacky's number, "Zach... Yeah, I just wanted to know where your taking Aubrey tonight... Hm... okay... uh huh... Are you sure?... No... Uh, okay then... yup thanks buddy I'll see you later.... bye." And with that she hung up.

"Well looks like we're not buying a dress." She said while putting her phone away.

"Thank God!" I gratefully said.

"So let's try the other stores like Express." She said while grabbing my arm.

We made it to Express and right away found nothing. Either the tops didn't suit me or I just didn't like something... period. We went to another store and nothing. We've gone through six different stores and we found nothing in any of those stores. We were drained from going in and out of stores, spending about forty-five minutes in each; so we decided to get something to eat at the food court. We found a table and placed our trays on it, we both got those Mongolian BBQ noodles that they fry with the meat and vegetables, and two bottles of Snapple.

"So what exactly are you looking forward to wearing?" She asked.

"Uh, well a top, jeans, and pumps." I said while taking a bite of my food.

"Hmmm... the last store we could try is Forever 21. If you can't find anything then you have to borrow something from my closet." She said while opening her Snapple, and I just nodded.

"So did Zacky tell you where he's gonna take me?" I asked.

"Yeah, but sorry hun, I promised I wouldn't tell you. He said it was a "surprise"." She said while doing air quotes.

"Of course." I said bluntly.

"Aw, come on he wants it to be a surprise."

"Yeah, yeah." I said while rolling my eyes.

As soon as we finished our food we made our way to the last store, and our only hope. I looked around worrying that I wasn't gonna find something. After looking through a few more racks, I found a top and a pair of jeans. Val thought it was perfect for my liking. She picked out a necklace and a bracelet and found a pair of pumps that matched perfectly with the whole outfit. I got in line and payed for my clothes, I was so happy that I actually found something, and really excited for the date tonight. When we got out of the mall, Val decided that we should go to a spa, her treat. She drove to this small salon and spa that looked really relaxing. Two ladies greeted us and told us where to sit. I decided on a manicure, pedicure, and facial; but the lady said that if we got the manicure, pedicure special that we could get the facials half off, and have a free massage. Val agreed and so we were off to a very relaxing two hours at most. My date was at eight 'o clock, so we had five hours to spare.
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Sorry it's just a filler.
Hoped you liked it though.
Date will be in the next chapter.

Aubrey's Outfit for the date

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