Status: HIATUS

In My Dreams It's Me and You


I quickly turned around to see who was following me. I saw those gorgeous eyes behind his hair and automatically knew it was Zacky. He was looking down and didn't notice I was looking at him.
"Hey." I said while turning around to face him.

"Hi" He said while smiling

"Wanna play Guitar Hero with me or watch a movie?"

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Yeah, go pick out a movie."

Zacky walked to the dvd rack and picked out Saw III. He took it out and looked at me.

"This okay?"

"Yup, that's fine."

He put in the dvd and sat back down with me on the couch.

"We're going to Johhny's Bar later, wanna come?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

I looked at him and nodded. He smiled his cutest smile ever. I noticed that his cheeks were slightly turning pink. He quickly looked back at the TV, his cheeks were even darker. The beginning credits began and I tried to make myself comfortable. I slightly leaned on Zacky and he put his arm around me and I relaxed. I fell asleep in the middle of the movie dreaming of Zacky.
I watched the waves while I just sat down in the sand. The sun was already setting which made the view really pretty.

"BOO!" Someone yelled behind me while putting their hands on my shoulders.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled before I turned around.

I saw Zacky there with a smirk.

"I'm sorry Aubrey, will you forgive me?" He asked with his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Yay!" He yelled while giving me a tight hug.

We just stayed there at the beach talking like the best friends we were. We got some ice cream on the pier and hung out there until we finished our ice cream cones.

"Thanks for the ice cream Zacky." I said.

"No problem."

It was getting pretty cold now, so I wrapped my arms around myself. Zacky noticed that I was getting cold so he hugged me to make me warm.

"Better?" He asked while smiling.

"Much." I said while laying my head on his chest but looked up at him again.

While he hugged me he looked down at me. His eyes were showing something different. The sunset made his eyes brighter too. He cupped my face in his hand and slowly moved closer to my face. My eyes fluttered closed while I felt his lips on mine. He said something that I've wanted to hear for a long time.

"I love you, and I always have." That's all I heard before he kissed my forehead.


I was awoken by someone lightly shaking me. I felt that person lightly kiss my forehead. I got a little more comfortable and just continued to sleep.

'If only that really happened, but that dream felt so real.' I thought while sighing and getting comfy again.

"Ree, you have to wake up, we're going to the bar in a half hour."

I heard the velvety voice say. I woke up with Zacky's face just inches away from my face.

Zacky just started to blush again, so he backed up a little bit.

"Come on you have to get ready, or else we're leaving without you. Which means NO booze for YOU."

He said while smirking and pulling me up from the couch.

"Okay, I just need to straighten my hair and put on some makeup."

"Hurry up!"

"Sheesh! You're soo impatient!"

I yelled, while running upstairs to my room.

As I was done coming down from the stairs, tripped on someone's foot. I felt someone catch me before I was able to hit the ground.

"Whoa, better watch where you're going."

"Uh, ya thanks Zacky, I guess."

About ten minutes later we arrived at the bar. We all got out of the car and walked to the building. Thank God they knew the guys that worked here or else we wouldn't be able to get inside. We all sat down and waited for the bar tender to ask what we wanted. Zacky was sitting next to me, again, but I didn't mind at all. He just smiled at me and asked me what I was gonna get.

"Soooo, whatcha gonna get?"

"A beer and a few shots of Jack Daniels maybe."

"Mind me sharing the Jack with you?"

"No not at all."

I said while smiling. While Zacky and I kept talking the bar tender came.

"What can I get you guys."

Zacky signaled me to go first. What a gentleman

"I'll have Heineken and us two are gonna share a few shots of Jack."

"Okay and for you?"

"I'll just take a Heineken too."

"You guys got it."

"Soooo, whatcha doing next weekend?" Zacky asked while blushing.

"Probably nothing and watching you guys practice...And why are you asking?"

"Uhh... well.... um..."

He just started blushing even harder and wasn't keeping eye contact with me.

"Uh, Zacky are you alright?"

"Uhh, I gotta go take a piss, I'll be back."

He said with a really rushed tone. Really what was going on with him. Why does he start blushing all of a sudden and not feeling comfortable around me. Maybe I'll just ask Val till he gets back.

-Zacky's P.O.V.-

"Fuck! What's wrong with me?"

I whispered to myself in the restroom. I practically embarrassed myself in front of the girl of my dreams. Great what am I gonna do now? Might as well get drunk and think about it later or maybe tomarrow. I need some advice man advice. Maybe I just don't have the fucking balls to do it. Fuck, I need to make a move before she finds someonelse.

I went out of the restroom and saw Aubrey talking to Val. I really wanted to know what they were talking about. I tried to eavesdrop, but then I heard Aubrey talking.
God, she looked so pretty under the light. Man, I wished she felt the same way for me like I feel for her.

"Val, do you know what's up with Zee?"

"No, why?"

"Well... After we ordered our drinks he asked me what I was gonna do next weekend, but while he asked that he started to blush, wouldn't keep eye contact with me and kept stuttering."

"Oh my God Val don't tell her I like her. No. LOVE her." I whispered to myself. As Val was gonna say something I rushed right to the bar stool next to .

-Aubrey's P.O.V.-

After Zee left to take a piss, I decided to talk to Val.

"Val, do you know what's up with Zee?"

"No, why?"

"Well... After we ordered our drinks he asked me what I was gonna do next weekend, but while he asked that he started to blush, wouldn't keep eye contact with me and kept stuttering."

"Well I thi-"

Val was just gonna say somthing until someone cut us off. Looked to my left and saw Zacky.

"Hey, whatcha girls talkin about?"

He said while taking a sip of his beer.

"Oh, you know, girl stuff."

I said, while smiling at him. He returned the smile and poured some Jack into two glasses. He gave one to me and slightly smirked. I took the glass and drank the contents. He just smirked again and took his shot. He just kept pouring shots until we both got drunk.

-FWD 2hrs Later-

"Hey! can I get a few more Jack please?" I slurred. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and kiss up my neck. I just shrugged it off and poured some more Jack in the shot glass and drank it. I Looked to who had their arms around me and kissing me and saw it was, ZACKY

"Zacky, Zacky, uhh... Zee?"

I slurred at him, but he caught my lips with his, which made me moan. We both got up from the stools, and Zacky paid for our drinks. He kept kissing me but I didn't reject. He lead us to I'm guessing was the alley and continued the make out session there. All I remeber after that was going to the house, still making out with Zacky.


I woke up the next morning with a killer hangover not remebering anything from last night. I felt someone's arm around my waist and became stiff I saw all my clothes sprawled all over the floor, I was fucking scared and shocked. If this wasn't my room then who's was it. I looked to my left and saw the person. It was ZACKY. I was freaking about to scream, but I saw him start to move. His grip on my waist bacame even tighter. His eyes opened and I saw the gorgeous green eyes that I always loved. He had a very shocked expression as well. I was about to get up but he just kept his grip on me.

"Don't leave"

He said. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"But if Matt sees I'm not in my room you're dead."

"But I have something to tell you."


He brought his face closer to mine. We were just centimeters apart, just like when he woke me up after the movie. He lightly kissed me and said,

"Aubrey, I like you a lot, ever since the day i met you."

"I like you a lot too, ever since the day I met you too"

He just smiled and kissed me again and then asked something that made my heart skip a beat.

"Will you be mine?" He asked while blushing and his gorgeous eyes glowing full of hope.


That was all I could say


Was all he said while smiling. He kissed me much more passionatly for a few more seconds and let go.

"We better change before your brother sees us and murders me."

"Can I borrow one of shirts so I can run to my room without being seen naked?."

"Yea of course."

He said while getting up and going to his dresser. I tried not to look at his body, but I couldn't stop myself. He saw this and smirked while giving me his shirt. I looked up at his face and took the shirt and put it on. I gathered all my clothes and walked out of his room. But came back to tell him,

"Uh, when you're done getting ready and you see the rest of the guys downstairs, can you tell them that I just woke up and just went to the bathroom to take a shower."

"Yeah, anything for you babe."

He said while smiling.

"We'll just tell the guys and Val whenever we're ready to say that were officially together.

"Okay, see ya later."

"Later babe."

I said while blushing. We all filed out the door into Matt's car and were off to the bar.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two!!
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Oh, and I forgot to tell you guys that
this is my story from deviantart.
but I dont update it there anymore,
so I decided to move it here on mibba.
I added a few things here and there, and
edited it. So basically I have like seven chapters
already written for this story.

Well hoped you liked the update.
I love it when you guys comment!!