Status: HIATUS

In My Dreams It's Me and You


---Aubrey's POV---

"FUCKERS WE'RE HOME!" I yelled with Zacky following behind me.


"Well then fuck you..." I whispered while going to the kitchen.

"Babe, are you okay?" I heard Zacky ask.

"I...Uhhh...yeah...Er umm...No.... 'Cause I still can't believe that the stupid motherfucker was there." I said while my eyes started to get watery.

"Awww, baby it's okay. He's gone and you have me, the rest of the guys, and Val." He said while hugging me tightly and kissing the top of my head.

"I just thought he would be out of my life forever." I said while staining Zacky's shirt, but he didn't seem to mind at all.

"It's okay. The fucker never deserved you. Come on let's go watch what ever movie they're watching." He said while lacing our hands together and leading us to the living room.

"Sorry 'bout you shirt babe." I said while sniffling a bit.

"Haha it's okay." He said while hugging me.


"Wow Matt, you're actually gonna use the grill!" I said while bringing out the paper plates.

"Yeah, come on, you know I make amazing steak." He said while showing his dimples.

"Yeah true."

I was currently sitting on the grass talking to Matt. Since it was fall, it was way too cold to swim. Zacky and Brian were throwing a baseball, and Jimmy and Johnny were bringing out some of the stuff for the mini bbq. Val was lying down on the grass next to me.

"Aubrey look out!" I heard someone yell.

"Huh-." Boom, my face was met by a baseball.

"Bree! Ah shit! Brian you fucker!" I heard Matt yell.

"Aaaahhh....motherfucker!" The tears were already running down my cheeks.

"Come on let's go get you some ice." I heard Zacky say while he helped me up.

"Aubrey, I'm sorry." I heard Brian say.

"Ith's otkay Bwian." I said horribly because I was covering my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating, and for this chapter being short.
This chapter sucks...a lot.
Hope you guys liked it though...

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