‹ Prequel: It just ain't living

Would you carry me to the end

Chapter 23 Where to from here?

Over the next few days Jaslene had spoke to a child psychologist and was willing to talk about her ordeal through drawings and also speak verbally which the psychologist thought was great as it meant that Jaslene understood what had happened to her and it was also away for her to heal.

Mikey had become so protective not letting Jaslene out of his sight at any time as he was worried that someone else would take his little girl away, there was one occasion during the past few days where Donna had taken Jaslene for a walk around the hotel and once she had returned, Mikey had snatched Jaslene from his mothers hand and berated her, giving her worse then a grilling he was yelling where everyone had come to see what had happened and had to push him back which had also started Jaslene off with tears where Mikey scooped her in his arms and took her to his room where he tried to quieten her down and get her relaxed, the last thing he knew she needed was to be stressed especially after the ordeal that she had gone through.

The next couple of days there was more interviews with the police which Mikey attended as the police wanted to put a close on the case as Jaslene had been safely returned and there main suspect had killed herself.

Mikey was also worried about the looming case he had in order to get Jaslene to have full custody of her, he was worried the judge would see him as an unfit parent and would loose custody of Jaslene which he just couldn’t bear as the time that she was away from her he had come to love her more then words would ever be able to describe, he was grateful he was able to open his heart up again to a little girl who had stolen it and had him wrapped around her fingers, he would die for her rather then let any harm ever come to her ever again.

A couple more days had passed and Mikey and his family had decided as that the case was being closed it was no use all of them being in California and it was time to get back to Jersey where they could all forget about the horrific ordeal they had gone through.

Once finally back in Jersey, Mikey was glad to be home in safe surroundings, the first thing Jaslene done was jump un and down on her bed and then decided to pull all the toys out she had and put them everywhere around her room, she was so excited to see her dolls and teddies that she started giggling. Mikey stood watching her from the doorway “Daddy...I’m glad to be home...I hated my holiday”Jaslene said smiling while running up to Mikey and giving him a big hug.

As the night wore on Jaslene was put to bed and Mikey had gone up to his room where he thought on having an early night as the next few days were going to be trying as he would be going to court wanting to awarded full custody of Jaslene.

Rather shortly after Mikey had gotten to his room he was interrupted by his brother “Mikes can I come in?”
“Guess you are” Mikey snapped
“What’s up your ass lil bro?”
“Nothing, everyone keeps asking my that”
“Sorry dude...But you seem out of it”
“I’m not I’ve just been thinking...Like getting my own place and if I get custody of Jazz, I don’t want her taken away from me, I cant loose someone else I love” Mikey replied

Gerard walked further in to his brother’s room and gave him a hug and a pat on the back “Bro you will be fine and Jazzy aint going no where she is loved here and you will get custody of her..I know it”
“Thanks bro”

As Gerard left Mikey lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling where his thoughts drifted to a beautiful woman who he had married some time ago, Sienna, he could feel her smiling at him knowing he was doing the right thing and being the best possible father he could possibly be, but how he wished she was here where he could talk to her and get her opinion, she was the first woman that had ever captivated his heart and right now he wanted her more anything, to have her back in his life so that he could look after her, but as he continued to think he knew that she would have wanted to look after him as well. She was the woman of his dreams the woman he thought he would never have but he got her, he caught her heart and married her but she shortly passed away after that and that truly broke his heart.

But now he had that constant reminder of Sienna in Jaslene and he was grateful that he had her in his life and he knew one day he would tell her about her biological mother, the woman Mikey had loved so much. With that Mikey drifted off to sleep knowing tomorrow was going to be a big day and he wanted to truly be ready for it.

(A/N: Finally I have gotten over the writer’s block, so I hope you enjoy, though I have a question I was thinking of making this in to a trilogy...coz now I have heaps of ideas what do you guys think comment and let me know...Don’t worry this story hasn’t finished yet either )