I Love Luciey

Chapter 2- Pizza, Booze, and Love

Matt’s Pov-

It was about 7pm when we decided to come upstairs, we were all hungry and Johnny wouldn’t stop whining about his skin being pruney.
Luciey went back to her room to get ready and Zacky and Syn went to their rooms to get ready them being the ones taking forever to get ready.
Jimmy, Johnny and I decided to have a drink before we got ready so we didn’t have to wait to long after we showered and dressed.

“Ok men I need to shower ill see you in a bit.” I said going to my room. I made sure I had my wallet and key card in my back pocket and my cell in my left pocket and made my way down the hall. I saw luciey exit her room. WOW she has never looked this beautiful! I wanted to just go up to her and scoop her into my arms and kiss her.
Although she would probably slap me and ask me what the hell I thought I was doing. I have seen her beat the shit out of a guy at a bar for doing so once. It was so awesome! I glanced at her; she was wearing a pair of tight dark blue jeans and a tight Vengenz tank top, with a pair of green vans… Green is her favorite color.
She has no idea how much I am in love with her. I realized I was staring at her and drooling when she got close.
I hurried and wiped the drool off my chin and without thinking and yes I could slap myself for doing this but I wrapped my arms around Lucieys waist and pulled her close to me and kissed her passionately.
Her reaction wasn’t what I had expected. She put her hand on the back of my head and kissed me deeply. When I pulled away all I could manage to get out was, “Wow, Luce you look so stunning tonight.”

“Thanks Matty. Maybe its time for us to have that talk…” she said, making my hands tremble. She took my hands and led me back to her room. She sat me in a chair and kneeled down in front of me.

“Matt we have known each other for 24 years and have been best friends 21 years. Now yesterday when I received those beautiful roses and that card I thought that you were just being sweet like always. But then Clara said ‘Luciey matt is in love with you’ and Mike agreed. I didn’t know what to think. I have always had those ‘yeah he is your best friend, but he I adorably, sexy, kind, so sweet and everything else in a man I could ever want’. But when I heard the tone I have set for when you call it hit me. Yes I am in love with you. Matt I know you’re in love with me to. That kiss confirmed it.” She said holding my hand.

“Yeah of course I am in love with you Luce, how do you expect me not to love you? You are everything in a woman I have ever wanted. You and I grew up together and I think that we belong together.”

She looked at me with a worried look on her face and then placed her head in my lap and started to cry softly. I lifted her head and kissed her forehead.

“What’s wrong Luce?”

“Mathew im worried that now that we know we are in love with each other it will change us for the worst. I don’t want to ever stop being so close to you. God Matt we are best friends! I don’t want to ruin that!” She cried. I wiped her tears away.

“No, no, no, no why would you say that! We love each other in more than one way. That makes us strong and good for each other. You are the only one for me.”

“I just don’t know what to do matt.”

“Are you disappointed that we kissed?”

“No I enjoyed that very much. But it’s just that I don’t think that either of us… Well are ready to be together. I mean I just don’t know Matty.” She said scooting away from me leaning against her bed. She put her head in her hands and cried.

“Why, does this have to be so complicated!?” I yelled standing up and pacing back ‘n’ fourth.

“Im sorry im scared, Matt!” She yelled back.

“Don’t worry about it Luce, come on just forget it lets go eat dinner.” I sighed. I really don’t want a relationship unless it’s with Luce and if she doesn’t want to be with me then I wont force her. Ill just be her friend like I have been the last 21 years.

“Matt.” She whispered looking up at me with those gorgeous eyes.

“Yeah?” I sighed.

“You’re mad at me.” She whispered.

“No im not Luce, things are fine. We are best friends, just friends. Don’t worry lets go to dinner.”

“Yeah, im not so hungry anymore matt, ill eat later.” She said going in to the bathroom and I could here the door locking. I sighed loudly.

“No Luciey come on right now we are going to dinner.”

She opened the door. “No Matt im NOT hungry! I don’t want to go! Let me be alone for awhile! Because im pretty sure I just broke your heart! I need to deal with that.” She yelled at me. She sighed sitting on her knees.
I kneeled down and wrapped my arms around her not letting her push me away.

“Luce you didn’t break my heart. You know it’s not like a pretty girl hasn’t ever turned me down before. Besides if you don’t want to be with me I would rather be your friend than to not ever have known you. I haven’t seen you in 6 months I really just want to spend time with you.”

“Ok matt just go eat dinner with the boys and we will talk later.” She said not looking at me. That kind of hurt my heart.

“Fine Luciey ill leave you alone and give you what you want.” I sighed standing up and opening the door to leave. I was being honest when I said she didn’t break my heart. She always forgets that I have hope for things when I want them bad enough. And if she loves me she will come to me. I smiled softly at her gorgeous form before closing the door.

“So wait what you’re trying to tell me is that she wont come to dinner with us?” Jimmy asked outrageously loud.


“Well then we will bring dinner to her! Whether she likes it or not!” Zacky said grabbing the keys to the rental. “Come on Jimmy you can help me. We will get her favorite frozen pizzas.” Zacky smiled at his good idea and pranced out of the room. With Jimmy dancing along behind him. I followed them out the door.

“Zacky no dude she wants to be alone.”

“Well to bad she doesn’t need to be, I mean she should have expected you were in love with her 4 years ago. She needs to stop being stubborn. She will be eating and boozing with us with in the next hour and a half!” Zacky grabbed Jimmy’s hand and they ran to the elevator.

“At least I don’t look gay holding another guys hand!” I bent over laughing.

Lucieys POV-

What am I doing? Why didn’t I just tell matt I want to be with him. Of course I want to be his girlfriend I love him and he would take care of me and I would take care of him. I shuddered at the thought of me fucking up. Deliciously smelling pizza wafted through the air and my stomach growled loudly. My hotel door opened slow and cautious. Zacky came first followed by the guys even matt. They each had pizza in both hands and liquor filled back packs. I wiped my tears and laughed at the site of my boys. I helped them bring the stuff in the kitchen and sat the pizza on the counter.

“Oh my sweet, sweet boys you brought dinner to me.” I smiled. Matt was looking at me and I couldn’t resist. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

“Oh matt im so sorry we will talk soon I promise ok?”

“Im, sorry to.” He said kissing my forehead. We ate our dinner and the guys made sure I was good and drunk before Brian and Jimmy went to try to pick some girls up at the hotel bar and Johnny and Zacky went to gamble away their money. They left Matty and I alone on purpose.

“Matty take me down to the strip.” I demanded falling into him.

“Luce you can’t even walk and your slurring im not taking you anywhere till one of us sobers up a little more.”

“Buuuut Maattt yooou can hold me up!” I slurred terribly my impaired judgment getting the best of me.

“Luciey please just watch a movie with me. We haven’t spent anytime together yet. And I was gone for a whole year only seeing you 3 times. I really miss you Luce.” He pleaded with me. The alcohol was now controlling my body and mind and was now forcing me to tell him everything.

“Matty, I…I… Liiiiied tooooo yooou.” I said finding a bottle of Captain on the bed I took a swig off it and fell on the bed. Matt sat next to me and took the bottle from my hands.

“Lied about what Luciey?”

“When I said I didn’t want a relationship, what I meant was I didn’t want one with anyone but you. I was just scared. Matty, I love you and I want to be with you. I need to feel your body on mine and I need to kiss those lips.” I said running a finger over his lips and biting my lower lip ring.
He looked into my eyes with passion. He put his hand against my cheek and tears fell from my eyes. Im one emotional bitch when it comes to this man. I could feel myself sobering up now.

“Matty I love you so much.” I whispered.

“Baby I love you to. Please don’t cry.”

“They are just tears of happiness.” I smiled.

“Baby girl I have loved you for so many years and I have waited for this day for so long! Luciey Wilson will you please be my girlfriend?” his sweet words entered my ears I wanted to shout YES! From the roof tops.

“Yes Mathew. Im forever yours!” I cried out throwing my arms around his neck and giving him sweet kisses. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tight. Soon my sweet kisses turned into passion kisses. He pushed me back against the bed and I ripped off his shirt my hands exploring his body. We could here the boys cheering from outside the door. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“I love you my Luciey Lou.”
“I love you my Matty Boo.”

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Yes only two chapters! but its ok. Read johnnys story!