Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

um, the start of a story.

Authors Note Do not read this story unless you have read Green Day Vs Bush, or this will make no sense. Also, do not read it if you are feeling particularly depressed, i dont want to make things worse. Thanks :]

I guess this is it. I never thought I would end up this way. I thought I could deal with him, I thought I could beat him. I think he's driven me insane. Well, that's kind of obvious, seeing as I'm standing in a graveyard with a gun in my pocket. You probably think I'm stupid, but you try having your dead nemesis inhabiting your mind. Its not easy. I've lost everything because of him. My friends, my family, my whole life has come crashing down because of him. But that's what he wanted. I know if I do this, he wins, but I cant see another way. I just cant. There's nothing left for me, and my life is a misery. I guess you will want to know why everything went so bad. Well, I guess I can finally tell someone, he can't cause me any more pain than he already has...

It all started a few days after we got home. After a long flight, in disguise, then being picked up by an undercover WLOS agent and taken home, all we wanted was to flop on our beds and sleep. Which I did. Nope, didn't even undress, it was just so damn good to be home.

Next day we all went out to dinner. Sadie had said that letting people know that we were still alive would be a good idea, so we made no attempt to conceal our identities. In fact, several people spotted us, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Several people came over, to check we weren't just look-alikes. It was almost good to be in the spotlight again. That is, until someone alerted the media. We spotted the reporters before they spotted us, and made to leave, but we got caught. It wasn't so bad I guess. It was nice to know people cared we weren't actually dead. They asked us where we had been, who had kidnapped us, why they'd let us go, anything they could have asked. We lied of course, to protect the girls back in England. And they believed us, as far as they were concerned, us being back was enough to sell a story. They insisted on taking photos, and several people asked for our autographs, well, me, Mike and Tre's anyway. Eventually, we managed to get away, and went home.

Me and Adie lay in bed that night, thinking about everything that had happened over the last 8 months. Being with Sadie had been okay, the food had been good, and we had run of the house when she and her parents were out, so long as we were quiet. But we hadn't been outside at all during that time, and spent most of it in the attic. And we hadn't seen any of our friends in that time. Still, Sadie had made us as comfortable as possible, and we'd appreciated her for that, after the initial realisation that she wasn't the one trying to kill me. We'd promised to keep in touch, she'd been over the moon at that.

Adie looked over at me. She was grinning seductively. I knew exactly what she wanted. Ah, what the hell, we hadn't been able to do THAT for 8 months...