Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

The beginning of the end.

Even before Adie left, I was on edge. She and the kids were what were keeping me going then. Even after she took off, something kept me going longer. The promise I had made. Dad's words echo in my head now, filling me with shame.

"I don't wanna see you up here for a long time, 'kay?"

I'd told him he wouldn't. And I had lied. He's going to be disappointed, but there's nothing keeping me in this world, nothing here except misery and loneliness. There's got to be something better in the next world. I believe in that ever since Dad talked to me. And I miss him so much. In a way, him coming back just made things worse, 'cos now I miss him more than I ever have.

Adie was acting weirdly towards me the next day. I wasn't really surprised. She kept looking at me like I was dangerous. "She thinks your insane" sneered Bush; I could almost hear the smirk on his face. I walked out of the room, so Adie couldn't hear me talking to myself.
"Can't you just leave me alone for five minutes?" I snarled.
Why should I? If you think about it really, why should I do anything you tell me?
"And you wonder why everyone hated you" I muttered, wincing as pain flared behind my eyes.
There's no need to be an ass.
"Speak for yourself." More Bush-induced pain.
You know, you're really not doing yourself any favours. You should just give up.
"I'm not giving in to you."
Oh you will, you will."
"Don't threaten me, you parasite."
That wasn't a threat, that was a promise. Then he was silent. He was still there, he was always there, but it was clear the conversation was over. I clenched my fists in anger, but there was no real way to get one up on him. But I was getting very good at glaring at my own head. Not much of a bonus though, he just laughed at me when I did that. Adie suddenly touched me on the shoulder, making me jump.
"Oh, Billie, did I scare you?" she said."
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I replied, my heart pounding. I was too easily scared these days.
"Billie, are you okay?"
"Yeah, of course I am! What ever made you think I wasn't?"
"It's've to put this? Um, distracted, recently."
"It's nothing."
"Billie, you know I can tell when you're lying to me. Tell me what's going on, maybe I can help."
Maybe I should have told her, I wanted to, but I made the mistake of thinking about it. Bush gave me another kick in the brain, a painful one, to remind me he was still there, and not about to release his hold on me. But she was right, she knew when I was lying. I couldn't think what to say.
A sudden bang and shout from the kitchen spared me the ordeal, and we both ran back in. Jake was crouched by a still body on the floor: his brother.
"Oh God, Jake, what happened?" Adie gasped, as crouched over Joey, checking his pulse.
"I dunno, he said he was feeling kinda weird before, but I didn't think anything was wrong. But he just passed out! I don't know what happened."
Joey suddenly groaned and twitched.
"Joey, you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling in fear.
He opened his eyes and tried to sit up. He groaned again. "What happened?" he moaned dazedly. Then he realised. "Oh no, not again!"
"What do you mean 'again'?" I asked.
"This has happened before. I was on my own, though. I never told you, I didn't want to scare anyone."
"WHAT?! You never told us? We would have been worried, yeah, but we want to know!" I heard my voice rising, almost shouting.
Joey shied away from me. I hadn't realized how loud I'd been. Adie and Jake looked scared too. I felt anger rising in me, anger at myself, but I knew it wasn't me doing the thinking. Fear suddenly swamped the anger as I realized what was happening, as my vision went black again...

ADIE'S Point of View.
Billie got up, looking angry. I had never seen him quite like this. He looked like he was going to hit me. Despite my trust that he wouldn't, I was still scared. Something was different. His eyes, they weren't the same. They weren't the right colour...grey-blue not green.
He suddenly stormed out, shouting swearwords. I pulled Jake close, and Joey came over too. We were all scared. Billie cared about us, I knew that, but I couldn't live like this. I wouldn't become one of those terrified mouse-women who were afraid to return to their homes after work, and I wouldn't put my kids at risk, no matter where that risk came from...