Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

A race against time

I moped around the house for days after she left. Tormented with that voice during the day, and by cruel nightmares and visions at night, until I was at my wits end. He was trying to finish what he started, he was slowly but surely driving me insane, trying to force me to do something stupid. I hung out as long as I could, desperately sure that I could hang on, that Adie would come back, and every day my hopes were destroyed viciously by the cold hand of fate, and the cold heart of the only woman I had ever truly loved. She said she still loved me, but if she really loved me she would be here, helping me through.

In the end I could take it no more. One morning I woke from a disturbed, nightmare-filled sleep, desperate for a way out. I crossed to my wardrobe, pulled aside the various garbage on the floor of it, past old boxes of photographs, a pair of Adie’s shoes, several old notebooks filled with songs, some of which had been recorded, many hadn’t, and never would be. Finally I found what I wanted. A small, unassuming box at the back of the wardrobe, carefully concealed so no one would ever find it. It was locked, the key I kept in a hidden compartment in one of the drawers of my bedside table. I took it out, and got the key from its hiding place. Slowly, carefully, I turned it in the lock, opening the box. Inside was something I had bought a long time ago, something I had hoped I would never have to use, but somehow always knew I would. I put the gun in my pocket, I had slept in my clothes, and slipped downstairs. I grabbed a piece of paper from the computer, and wrote down everything. Any other time, Bush would have stopped me before I even got down the first sentence. But this time, he was so confident of his victory, he was going to let me tell someone. I wrote it all down, hoping that everyone would forgive me for not telling them sooner. Or at least telling them when I was alive. Finally I walked out, getting in the car and driving away. I knew exactly where I was going. I’d known as soon as I had woken up where I would go, I had told them in my letter. I didn’t even know if anyone would read it. Or if they would care if they did. I just had to go, no question about it.

*2 hours later*
I pulled up outside the house. I had decided to come home. Billie needed me, and to tell the truth, I needed him. He was my husband, and as insecure as he was sometimes, he was my rock, and I was his. We had always been there for each other, always. He was a fantastic guy, and I was lucky to have him. Even thought he was away so much, he always seemed to be right back again when I needed him most. I walked up the driveway towards the front door. I was surprised to find it unlocked. Billie never unlocked the door unless he was going somewhere, or expecting someone. That had me on my guard straight away. As I walked in, I knew something was wrong. Call it feminine intuition, a strong bond with my husband, whatever, I knew something was wrong. The house was completely still. Not just the still of someone being very quiet, but the still of an empty house, no one was there. At least, not alive. I instantly began to think the worst, half expecting to find him lying dead in a pool of his own blood or something. I spotted the letter on the table and my heart leapt. I was barely daring to breath as I picked it up and read it. I swear my heart stopped as I read it. I stood dead still for several minutes, before turning and bolting for the door. I was glad I had left the kids at mom’s for the time being. I started the car and floored the accelerator, roaring off down the street.