Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

'cookies and cream ice cream'

So that's how this menace came to be in my life. But it got worse, much worse. As you can guess. Its quiet here, but I want to be alone. I look at the gravestone next to me.

Andy Armstrong
Died of cancer 15th September 1982
Loving Father, Brother and Husband
Sorely missed.

I guess its not so bad. At least I'll see him again. At least, I hope so. I've never really been a religious guy, but I sorely hope there's a heaven right now.

I went to get up, to tell Adie, but a sharp, stabbing pain in my head made me fall back. "Don't even THINK about telling anyone, or I'll do far worse. I know every thought you have, and I can cause you far more pain than you can possibly imagine." Bush growled. He could have been bluffing, but I wasn't taking chances. I stood up again and headed out to the kitchen to get a beer. I needed it right then. I opened the fridge and grabbed one. I swigged it down, it felt good. "Alcohol's not good for you y'know."
"Oh, shut up," I snapped.
"Make me."
I said nothing, attempting to glare at my own head, and looking really stupid in the process. Bush laughed at me. "You can't, can you. No, of course you can't. You're pathetic."

I couldn't sleep. Bush had been irritating me all day, and he still was. I rolled over, watching Adie sleep. If only I could tell her. But he wouldn't let me. "You have a lovely wife Armstrong. You're so lucky."
"Shut up," I hissed.
"Jesus, I was complimenting you, don't get stressy."
"Just shut it." He did. But I had a feeling he was just sulking, and he'd get back at me later, that's the kind of thing he'd do. Adie moaned and rolled over, smiling faintly. I wondered what she was dreaming about.
"Cookies and cream ice cream."
"I thought I told you to shut it," This wasn't helping my insomnia.
"Hey, you were wondering what she was dreaming about."
"Stop poking around in my wife's head asshole."
"No, you cant make me, so why should I?" I lay in bed, listening to my own thoughts, and Bush's random mumblings as he poked through my memories. Its even harder to sleep when your having random flashbacks from some of the worst moments of your life. I think he was choosing those memories deliberately. When my dad died, that time Adie left, that time I tried to... no, stop thinking about that... it wasn't helping my mood.

Next morning I felt shit. I had slept only briefly, and my sleep had been haunted with Bush-induced nightmares. Adie noticed something was wrong. She was so perceptive, she always knew when something was up. "Bill, what's wrong with you this morning?" She said, her deep brown eyes boring into my own green ones.
"I didn't sleep very well last night, that's all." I said, shaking my head irritably. She sighed gently. "Billie Joe Armstrong, I've seen you when you haven't slept, your nothing like this. Something else is wrong, I know it."
I couldn't lie to her, she would see right through me. But I couldn't tell her, I wasn't going to test Bush's threat, I knew he would come through. I sighed. "Adie, it's nothing, trust me."
She could see right through the lie, I knew, but she didn't say any more. I almost wish she had. Then she would have eventually got it out of me. She had her ways, and they worked. Maybe if she had, none of this would have happened.

Something was up with Billie. Even if he wouldn't tell me now, I'd find out sooner or later. I have my ways, and no, I don't read his diary, I don't even know where he keeps it. Usually just listening to him write songs gives me some idea of what's going through his head, but I had heard nothing in that vein for ages. It was as if he'd just stopped writing. That's when I knew something was up, he was always writing songs.