Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

Joeys suspicions.

I've been here for hours. I don't know how long. It seems like forever, but its given me time to think. Well, not think, more like listen to Bush's gloating. I want to be alone, but there's a few people hanging around, visiting the other graves. I can't do this with other people here, they might try and stop me. But I don't want to be stopped. Without Adie, Mike and Tre I'm nothing. They were what kept me going, and now they're gone and there's nothing left, nothing but a huge hole in my heart where they were. I wish it could be different. But it can't. They will never forgive me, and besides, I don't want to let him hurt anyone else. What if he tried to hurt the kids? No, I cant let that happen, that's why I have to do this.

Joey was the first to notice something was up. I was playing my guitar and he knocked on my door. Normally, he knew not to disturb me, but if something was really bugging him he would. It was the only time he could get me alone. "Hey Joey," I said as he poked his head around the door. "What's up?"
"Um, dad, can I ask you something?"
"You just did, but okay, spill."
"Is something bugging you?"
"What? What makes you think that?
"Well, you've been acting kinda strange recently, not like yourself. Sorta, edgy." I smiled and put my arm round his shoulders. "I'm fine Joe, I just need to get used to being home again."
"Oh, okay, you sure?"
"Yeah, but it's good that you worry about me. But right now, it's not necessary." He smiled, the worried frown leaving his face.
"Okay, dad?"
"Can I stay and listen to you play for a while?" I smiled, maybe this whole thing was just an excuse for some quality time with his dad. I went back to my guitar, while Joey sat by my side and listened. I was a solitary creature by nature, but it was nice to spend time with him.

I could tell there was something dad wasn't telling me. He was a good liar, usually enough to fool someone who didn't know him so well, but not enough to fool his family and friends. But he didn't know that. He thought I believed that nothing was wrong, but I'd heard him shouting in his sleep. It was frightening. My room was next to mom and dad's, I heard everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, but I usually moved into Jake's room when that happened. I loved dad, and I didn't want anything to happen to him. He'd got like this once before, when mom threatened to leave him. Mom doesn't think I know about that, but I do. And I don't think I'll ever forget. Even if mee and Jake had to tie him down and force it out of him, I was going to find out what was up with dad.