Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge


Joey's a bright kid. Despite what his teachers say. He always knows when something's up with me, its like he can sense it. And he was on to me then. I understand why he was worried, especially as what he fears is going to come to pass. I hate to do this to him again, but I don't want Bush to take over and kill him or Jake. He would, too. I have no doubt about that. I owe my life to Joey really. Last time Adie left, he had refused to go. Maybe it would have been better if he had gone. Then he wouldn't have had to find me bleeding to death on the bathroom floor. But he saved my life, and I owe the kid big time. I tried to be the best dad I could after that, but being away all the time, its hard. Every time I get back, they seem to have grown, and become more like me. It hurts to know I'm not going to see them grow up, get married, have kids, shit like that. But its better I don't see that than it not happen at all. Not like it matters, Adie's afraid of me now. She's scared of what 'I' might do to her. Not that I ever would hurt her, but I wouldn't put it past him.

I'd been alone all day. Well, I say alone, but I was never alone any more. I always had Bush in my head, talking to me. He was more than irritating; I'd shouted at him several times. I was lucky Adie and the boys weren't home, or she'd think I was insane. Maybe I was, make that probably was. Its hard not to go insane with him in your head. I would have been more happy with a crazed teenie in my head than him. Suddenly I head something aside from the usual ramblings as Bush rifled through my darkest memories. "What the fuck?! Who the hell are you?" he shouted. But he wasn't the only voice I heard. There was another voice, one I hadn't heard for years, "Get the fuck outta my son's head asshole!" it shouted.
"Dad?" I breathed. I heard a scuffle in my head, and I got a couple of stabbing pains in my head, before he spoke again. "Heya Billie, yeah it's me," he said. I could almost hear the smile in his voice. I felt tears welling in my eyes.
"Oh my God dad, I cant believe it's you!"
"Don't cry Billie, don't cry. Listen, you gotta be strong. You have so much, such a great family. I don't want you to lose that. I've been watching your life since I got wind of Bush's interference in it. You've changed, a lot. Your family must have noticed, I have, and I'm dead." I nodded tearfully. He laughed a little, but there was no real humour in it. "Now Billie, listen. You need to be strong. Don't let Bush get to you, he'll try and make you do things, try and get you down so much you'll never come back up again. Don't let that happen, son. He's strong, but you're stronger. Don't let him get you down, or he'll just get stronger. Promise you wont let him do that to you."
"I promise, Dad." I could feel tears running down my face. I hadn't cried since Adie had left. At least she had come back. I never thought dad would come back. But here he was, talking to me. Sometimes, I guess the impossible happens.
"Good boy, Billie." There was a pause, punctuated with muffled swearing. "Now I gotta go, okay?"
I nodded miserably, tears flowing freely.
"Yes son?"
"Will I ever hear from you again?" I choked miserably
"Maybe, but I'm not sure. Just leave it at maybe."
"Okay, bye Dad."
"Bye son. Oh, and Billie"
"I don't wanna see you up here for a long time, 'kay?"
"Okay Dad."
"And good riddance to ya too asshole!" shouted Bush, sending stabbing pains shooting through my brain, before going back to rifling my memories. My head fell into my hands as I broke down in tears.