Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

'these days im never alone'

There's someone else here now. Visiting the grave beside my dad's. She's a tall brunette accompanied by two boys, twins by the look of them. She would be beautiful if she weren't crying, her blue eyes full of tears. She suddenly seems to notice my presence and looks up, smiling through the tears. But there's no real happiness in that smile. She nods at the gravestone beside her.
"My husband," she says, obviously she needs someone to talk to. Ah what the hell, she might be the last person I ever talk to. "He got hit by a bus walking home from work. Never even saw it coming. He was a great guy," She says. One of the boys sniffs miserably. I can understand how he feels, even thought that was so long ago.
"My dad." I say, "Died of cancer when I was 10. You never really get over it, y'know?" She nods silently. She has that air of someone who has no tears left to cry. I just want to take her in my arms, tell her its going to be okay, and I don't even know her. She was staring at me intently now.
"You know, I get a feeling your not here just to visit your dad. There's something else isn't there? I don't wanna upset you or anything but..." Oh shit, I was hoping she wouldn't say that. Dare I tell her the real reason I'm here? Not to visit my dad's grave, but to blast my own brains out over it. No, I cant tell her. Can't put that on her conscience that she couldn't stop me. There's only 3 people in the world who could stop me, and 2 of them hate me.
"No, there's no other reason."
"Well, I gotta go." she says. "See ya around?"
"Probably not. But bye." She turns and leaves, and I'm alone again, except for a couple of people dotted around, I'm alone. But these days I'm never really alone.

"God you've got a small dick."
"Shut up, I'm trying to have a shower here you git."
"Ya, and?"
"Just shut up."
"Nope, don't think I will, and what are you gonna do about it?"
In the end I was the one who shut up. Honestly, this guy is so childish. He did that every time I showered. I tried to avoid it when I can, but Adie complained that I smelled. So I had to put up with comments about my cock every time I stripped. But that was small fry compared to what was worrying me more. I thought he was getting stronger. He'd been there for weeks, but I could feel him more constantly now. At first, he was just the odd twinge of pain, the occasional murmur, now he was always there, constantly jabbering away, to himself or me I wasn't sure, and giving me random doses of hangover grade headaches. He enjoyed seeing me suffer, it was his goal in life, or death, or whatever you wanna call that state that he was in. All I know is that is extremely irritating. I just wanted to kill him sometimes, except I couldn't because he was already dead.

I stepped out of the shower ("And you're getting fat too") and dried off. I had band practice today, and I needed to practice too. I'd been playing really bad ever since we got home, and we all know whose fault it is. I headed to the bedroom and got dressed, checking for flab as I did so. Man, he was even making me paranoid. I'm not fat! And my dick isn't that small. I headed down to breakfast, but I wasn't hungry. I hadn't eaten since yesterday at breakfast, but I wasn't hungry. I forced myself to eat anyway, even though I felt sick after. It was obvious Adie noticed my lack of appetite, because she kept giving me worried looks. Honestly, she was worse than my mom. Not that I minded. It was nice to know someone cared.

After breakfast, Adie caught me before I could go out the door. "Bill, are you feeling okay?" she asked.
"What? Yeah, I'm fine."
"No, something's wrong. Normally you eat like a horse. You've been worrying me recently. Last time you stopped eating you nearly starved yourself to death."
"Adie, that's not going to happen again. I'm fine. Trust me."
"I do trust you, but you have to trust me enough to tell me if something's bugging you. I care about you Billie."
"I know, but I'm fine. Now, I gotta go over Tre's for practice 'kay?"
"Okay, see you later." She kissed me and let me go. I climbed into the car and drove to Tre's. Little did I know this was going to go so badly wrong that it would destroy my friendsip with them...