Green Day Vs Bush 2- Bush's Revenge

the bridge

Maybe I was too hard on Billie. You never know, he could have been telling the truth, but that was ridiculous. Not remember trying to strangle me? How could it be true? He never did anything like that before, except that time he went ballistic on that guy at that concert, but there was a reason for that. He was never really that violent either. He would get into the occasional fight, but usually when he was drunk out of his head, and we've all done that occasionally. Who hasn't? And there was something weird about him. Obviously apart from the fact he was strangling me.
His eyes, just before he lunged at me, they changed. The normal bright green turned to a slate grey, like storm clouds. I've never seen his eyes do that. Sometimes when he was miserable they'd be a bit duller, more grey-ish, but never like that.
And when he had hold of me... it was almost like he was strangling me and trying to stop himself at the same time, that's the only way I could describe it. Not like I was paying much attention, but it must've perforated my oxygen starved brain and now I can breath I can remember it. Something was seriously wrong with Billie, and even the Bush scenario seemed reasonable. I just hoped he would be okay, we may not be friends any more, but worrying about him had become a habit.

I had used to come out here all the time when Adie had walked out. No one ever noticed me. Even if they did, no one actually cared. I looked up at the moon, full above my head as I climbed onto the ledge. Oakland Bay Bridge had been my favourite spot a few years ago.
I hadn't come here for ages.
I sat down, letting my feet dangle over the edge, staring down at the dark water far below. Not for the first time in my life, I thought how easy just letting go would be. I'd nearly done it so many times, but lacked the courage, or the inclination, to do it. Tonight was different. The abrupt exit of Mike And Tre from my life was a raw wound, and it hurt. And it was all because of him.

"Go on Armstrong, jump. You know you wanna," Bush teased.
"Just shut up. If I was gonna, I would."
"No you wouldn't, you're scared of death. And don't tell me you're not, 'cause I know all your darkest secrets and fears."
"Just shut up."
"Death isn't so bad really, its what's waiting for you on the other side that sucks." he chuckled. "Well, for some anyway."
"Go AWAY!" I shouted at him. No reply. I could only presume he was sulking. He was wrong anyway. I wasn't scared. I just didn't care if I lived or not any more. Or maybe I did. The water below me looked so inviting. I leaned forwards slightly, throwing myself off balance slightly. Suddenly I heard a car pull up behind me. Oh great, the cops. I heard a door slam, and footsteps coming towards me. But I was wrong. Someone climbed up beside me. I looked over. He was a young guy, about 16 years old.
"You too huh?" I said. He looked round, startled.
"Hey, come on, sit down." He did, slowly, as if he didn't trust me.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"What makes you think something's up?" he snapped defensively
"Because you were gonna jump off the bridge."
"Okay, but you don't wanna know."
"Yes, I do, that's why I asked."
"Fine. Well, my dad died like, 2 months ago. That I could cope with but my mom's got a new boyfriend and he beats me up, among other things. My sister left home to get away, but I cant do that. She was my best friend really, but I still thought I could handle it. But my mom started drinking... a lot, I'm scared for her. But it got worse. Tonight, her boyfriend beat her up too, and me and my brother, he was pissed out of his mind, and taking it out on us. I ran out, I was scared, not thinking straight. And I cant go back, he'll kill me! There's nowhere else I can go, except down there." He nodded down at the dark water below us and sighed. Poor kid. Reminds me of me. I smiled at him gently.
"What's your name kid?"
"Patrick, but what does it matter?"
"Patrick, there's always somewhere you can go."
"You know somewhere?"
"Yeah, there's this old youth hostel I used to go to a lot when I was a kid. You can stay there until things blow over at home."
"Well, I guess its better than what I had in mind. So where is it?"
I gave him directions, then he got into his car and left. I turned and headed for home, Bush calling me a coward and a loser all the way. Stupid ass fuck.