Love Is for Anyone

Can I stay with you

I kept on walking nd walking until my legs stopped moving, and luckily, they stopped in front of Chris's house. I sighed, from being tired of walking, and I carried myself to the front door. I was destroyed from crying as I walked. There was still tears on my face but as I waited, I wiped them off quickly. The door opened to reveal the love of my life. His face was in awe as he saw ma suffering.

H gasped, "Sid, baby what happened, are you ok?"

More tears streamed down my face, as i ran up to him for a hug, I needed to be held so badly by him. He was stroking my back and the back of my head as I sobbed quietly on his shoulder. When tears stopped flowing, we pulled away, and he kissed me softly on my dry lips.

He said, "Let's go inside and talk."

I nodded and held his hand as we went inside. At times like this I loved Chriss more than I've ever loved anyone. We sat on his couch, as he wiped away the tears from my face with his hard thumbs.

He asked me as soft as possible, "What happened Sid?"

I breathed in and exaled as I told him, "My mom heard me talking on the phone with you and she got mad at me, cuz she doesn't let me be in relationships, and I guess I sounded like it. Then, I yelled out at her about us like word vomit and she kicked me out."

Chris was silent, not knowing what words to say. He held me tighter, kissing me on forhead, as I felt his chin on my head. I wanted this moment to last forever. Then, he gestured me to go to his room and we went. I was so tired and wanted to sleep in his arms, so we did that as well.

The next morning, it was a Saturday, thank god, and Chris and i slept in until 12. I needed that rest too, so I was glad I finally had it. A few hours passed and it was 12:30, I opened my eyes slowly, fully rested, and stared at chris, sleeping peacefully. He looked so awsome and really cute. I was glad I ended up with him, instead with some guy that wouldn't treat me right. I loved him so much and I knew he felt the same way.