Birthday Surprise


Sometimes Katelyn really hated her life, and today was turning out to be one of those times. Of course today was probably one of the last days she should be feeling like this, what with it being her birthday and everything. But then again this wasn’t how she’d envisioned herself spending her birthday.

It’s not that she minded working on her birthday, or even being dragged out by her friends for birthday drinks after work. It was the fact that the one person she wanted to be with on her birthday couldn’t be with her. Instead he was on a tour bus somewhere across the country. Avenged Sevenfold didn’t have a show tonight but they were still too far away for Brian to fly back to Huntington for the day to make it back for their show the following night.
Katelyn had known this was the case from the moment they’d announced the tour dates five months ago, but it didn’t make it any easier.

“Katelyn, come on!” Val yelled over the music as she returned to the booth where they’d all been sat. “You’ve gotta come and dance!” she said taking hold of Katelyn's arm and trying to drag her from her seat.

“Val, I don’t want to, I’m not in the mood.” Katelyn replied trying her best to root herself to the booth.

“Don’t give me that, you’ve gotta come dance, it’s your birthday!” she yelled still tugging at her arm.

“Are you going to give up anytime soon?” Katelyn asked.

“Nope!” Val replied simply shaking her head with a victorious smile gracing her lips.
Katelyn rolled her eyes and shook her head before allowing her friend to lift her out of the booth and lead her towards the dance floor where the rest of their friends were all dancing.

“Katelyn! Finally!” Leana yelled grabbing hold of her arm and pulling her into a hug. “Come on, dance!” she said manoeuvring her so that their bodies were pressed up against each other, moving in rhythm to the music.

For a while, Katelyn forgot about her birthday blues and enjoyed herself. She danced with the other girls like she did on other nights out with them. Seeing her enjoy herself, the girls took the opportunity to get some shots into her, lining up shots of tequila and vodka for her, which she knocked back without hesitation. The next thing she knew, the lights were going up in the club and the music had stopped.

Katelyn found herself sat back in the booth, taking sips from a bottle of water. Val was sat next to her with her own bottle of water and Gena was opposite them, smiling like a Cheshire cat as she played with her cell. Katelyn looked around the club through drunken eyes and saw people making their ways towards the doors. She searched through the people and spotted Leana and Lacey making their way back over to the booth as Lacey spoke on the her cell.

“Ok, there will be a cab waiting outside for us in five minutes.” Lacey said cheerfully sitting down next to Gena and leaning over to grab the bottle of water out of Katelyn’s hand.

“So did you have fun tonight?” Leana asked as she pushed herself into the booth next to Katelyn.

“Yeah, I guess I did in the end, thanks guys.” Katelyn replied with a smile.

“No problem honey, anytime.” Leana replied wrapping her arm around Katelyn’s shoulders and pulling her into a hug.

“Happy birthday honey.” Lacey cheered taking another sip of water. “Come on, let’s go wait outside for the taxi.” Lacey and Leana stood up from the booth and allowed the other three girls to stand up too. Val and Leana linked arms with Katelyn as Lacey and Gena linked their arms as they cheerfully made their way over to the front doors. They were outside for a matter of seconds when a large people carrier taxi pulled up to take them home. Lacey instructed the drive on which order to drop the girls home.

Val was dropped off first, followed quickly by Gena, who was still smiling at her cell phone, and then the cab driver drove them to Katelyn’s house that she usually shared with Brian.

“Thanks for a good night girls, I’m glad you insisted on me coming out.” Katelyn said as she stepped out of the cab.

“No worries sweetie, glad you enjoyed yourself.” Leana cheered from her seat.

“Night girls, I’ll call you in the morning.” She replied with a wave as she shut the cab door.
Katelyn watched the cab drive off before turning and walking up the driveway towards her front door. As she expected the house was in darkness when she let herself in. She leant across to reach of the light switch, turning on the living room lights before shutting and locking the door behind her. She walked across to the stairs, switching the landing light on before turning the living room lights. She reached the top of the stairs, having climbed them slowly, clinging onto the banister in case she was to drunkenly loose her balance.

A look of confusion crossed her face as she spotted Pinkly sleeping outside the bedroom door. She could have sworn she’d purposefully left the door open as she had been sleeping on the bed when she left.

“Hey girl what are you doing out here?” she whispered as she placed her hand on the door handle to open the door. She jumped up and looked up at Katelyn with a small yap as she ran into the bedroom. As Katelyn followed the dog, her heart jumped to her throat at the sight before her. She pushed the door further open and watched as the light filtered into the bedroom for her to see more clearly.

Led on the bed in front of her, on top of the bed covers, in only his boxers Brian was sleeping quietly. A smile crossed her lips as she stood in shock for a moment, noticing that in his hand was a single rose. She couldn’t tell what colour it was through the lack of light, but she knew it was defiantly a rose. Still smiling, she slowly kicked off her shoes and walked quietly over to the bed, kneeling down at the side of the bed so that her face was level with Brian’s.

She watched his sleeping face for a moment before leaning across slowly and pressing her lips gently against his, smiling as he moaned softly before stirring. She pulled away and watched as his eyes began to flutter open.

“Baby?” he muttered sleepily, lifting his head slightly off the pillow.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” she replied with a smile.

“I wanted to be here for your birthday.” He began to explain, pushing himself up into a seating position. “I thought you said you were staying in tonight?”

Katelyn sighed as she lifted herself onto the bed next to him. “I was, but you know what the girls are like, they kinda dragged me out.” she replied.

“I’ve been waiting for you since about ten o’clock.” He mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

“Sorry baby, if I’d known….”

“You’re here now.” Brian cut her off with a smile, leaning towards her to press his lips against hers, his hands moving to her sides.

Katelyn moaned softly into the kiss, feeling his tongue trace her lower lip, instantly parting her lips to allow his tongue to entwine with hers. Brian’s hands moved to her back, quickly finding the zip of her dress and pulling it down and slipping the straps off her shoulders and down her body to reveal her black lace bra. Her hands finding his boxers and pushing them off his hips.

His hands ran back up her bare back and quickly unhooked her bra. As he removed it from her body, he slowly lay her down on the bed, positioning himself on top of her, his hands swiftly running down her body, catching hold of the material of her dress, his lips trailing down her body as he slipped the dress further down to remove it.

Katelyn gasped loudly as she felt his hot breath on her inner thighs as he pulled away her lace panties. Her hands quickly found their way to the back of his head, her fingers entwining in the black mess of hair as his tongue flickered lightly against her opening.

“Oh God, Brian.” she gasped, shutting her eyes, as he took her clit between his lips, sucking at it before slipping his tongue into her entrance. She felt him smirk against her opening as she bucked her hips towards his face, moaning uncontrollably as the sensation brought her closer to the edge.

“Brian…Fuck!” Katelyn gasped, little bright white lights cascading behind her eyelids as she came, writhing under him. Brian lifted his head, smirking as he trailed kisses back up her body, capturing her lips with his as he slowly slipped into her, letting her feel every inch of him. She wrapped her legs firmly around his waist, pulling him closer to her as he quickened the pace. Each thrust hit her spot, pushing her closer to the edge again.

“Katelyn….” Brian groaned as he felt her tighten around him, the sensation causing his release, his penis throbbing deep within her as they both moaned loudly as they came together.

“Happy birthday baby.” Brian said hoarsely, brushing her hair off her face as he lowered his lips to hers once again. As he pulled away Katelyn smiled up at him contently.

“Thank you for the best birthday present you could have gotten me.” she replied reaching up to kiss him again. He slipped out of her and lay down next to her, pulling her into his arms, placing a kiss on her temple.

“I just wish you could stay longer.” She whispered.

“I know baby, I wish I could stay longer too, but why don’t we make the most of the time we’ve got.” Brian replied with a smirk, his hand reaching between her legs once again.
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Katelyn, I hope you liked it :) I just wanted to thank you for being such a loyal reader, making me smile with your comments and entertained with your own stories. :)

Katelyn's Outfit