If I Was Your Vampire...

Chapter 1

I sat in the carriage, pondering the cloud filled night sky, wondering how I got here. I was a normal teenage girl, who begged for an actual vacation. What I got was this. My fathers friend, Marc, had a business trip and because I was fed up with being at home all the time I went with him. Marc was a shy man, traveling all the time, he had no family, and was always on the go. He was a lawyer and was never up for waiting. He saw a case, he went after it, no matter how far away it was. I lived in London, but this case took him all the way to Scotland.
It was cloudy and damp here, but I guess that's what I get for living on an island. If you were wondering why I was on a carriage, I was bored with the hotel, so at around five I found myself wondering the city. I found a man offering free carriage rides and I decided "Well, what the heck." It didn't even cost that much. So now here I was, on a carriage thing, wondering where the hell I was going, when all the sudden---
"Oops! We seem to have to cut your ride short, dearie, the horses are a bit uneasy tonight."
The fat driver drawled. "Ok, whatever." I said. I was grateful to see atleast a little bit of the country. "NEIGGGHHHHHHHHHHhhhHHH!!!!!" the horses started rearing and causing a bunch of loud commotion. I never really liked horses.
"AaaaHHhh!!!!" the driver yelled and jumped off his seat. "There are wolvesss!!!" He shouted.
"Well, dont you have a gun or someting?!" I shouted over the ruckus of the horses.
"OF course not, I wouldn't shoot any-" He was cut of mid sentence as I heard a horrible growl, a yell from one of the horses, and next, the sound of muscle and flesh being ripped off bones. Dare I look outside? I did, only to be greeted by the sight of the wolves, about ten of them, ripping apart the horses. The driver stood there dumbfounded. "We should leave." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me with a mixture of dread and extreme sadness in his eyes. His horses were probably his life, like Marc's job was his. He nodded and slowly we backed up, away from the gory, horrid sight before us. The wolves were too busy feeding to notice us.