Status: Why is it that every story I write gets reported for having a character description? Where the hell else am I supposed to put it? GRRRR!!!

Addicting Emotions

Chapter 4

Evelyn’s POV
I woke up and dressed in dark wash skinny jeans and a nude ruffled sleeveless top and sling back sandals in nude and I grabbed a nude leather bag then threw on some gold bangles and a boho style ring before eating and then waited for mom to take me to school, my third day and a routine was already being established.
I got through Algebra with Emmett joking around when I finished my work and Rosalie and I talking about the merits of class teaching. Whether we should just be allowed to learn what we want or whether having a teacher telling you what to learn was better; we reached a stalemate.
I got through Economics easily with no one to talk to and the work being straight from a book.
I then got to Advanced Biology which I was dreading and excited about at the same time, I was drawn to Jasper but I had revealed too much about my personal life to him yesterday and I don’t know how he will react today because there was no way that you could not tell that my dad had done something bad from what I had said and if he knew then it was likely the rest knew though Emmett and Rosalie showed no difference. I was looking forward to it because I got to see Bella again and Edward plus the strange attraction I had towards Jasper which drew me to him despite my only meeting him yesterday.
I took a breath before I entered the room and saw that the three weren’t there yet so I let my breath out and sat down at our station and took out my stuff before crossing my arms on the desk and dropping my head into them with a groan. I hadn’t slept well with thinking about Jasper; I couldn’t get him off my mind. It was the weird calmness he seemed to give off but beneath I could feel an emotional struggle; it was the way he moved like a predator and the way he spoke carefully as if measuring the weight of each word. I just couldn’t shake him from my mind.
I took a few deep breaths and pushed everything I was thinking into a neat little filing cabinet I imagined in my head and I was free from thought.
I heard the chairs in front and beside me scrape as they were pulled out and a hand closed over my shoulder startling me slightly but not from the movement but the fact that I recognized the touch and it sent a shock through my system from my shoulder to the pleasure centre of my brain. I blinked and raised my head to look at Jasper who was sat next to me looking at me with a worried smile. I smiled widely and sat up straighter in my seat
“hey Jasper” he smiled and it wasn’t as tight as it had been the day before
“hello Evelyn” I shook my head
“Evelyn is too long, Eve is fine” Jasper grinned
“Evie it is” I frowned
“no Eve”
“OK Evie” I growled
“yes I heard Evie” I glared and was about to smack his shoulder when the teacher came in and Jasper sent me a triumphant grin before facing forward. I glared at him a bit more before sticking my tongue out at him and facing forward too though he must have seen because I heard him chuckle. I pouted and crossed my arms thinking
stupid Jasper calling me Evie how would he like it if I called him Mop Head?” Edward burst out laughing in front of me and I narrowed my eyes at him as everyone in the class turned to look at him. Jasper was giving him an inquiring raised brow as if asking what was so funny and Bella was just shaking her head at him clearly amused herself. OK I am so not liking the coincidences here, every time I think something funny he laughs, not good, not normal.
“Is there something you would like to tell the class Edward?” the teacher asked and Edward shook his head
“no sir” the teacher shook his head and I could see where this was going
“no really Edward, enlighten us” I sighed and called out
“he was laughing at the bird that just flew into the window” the teacher raised a brow
“what bird?” I dropped the tone of my voice and made sure the believable tones flowed and blended in with my speech
“the small crow which just flew into the window, didn’t you hear the thump, I know I did” a kid on the other side of the class piped up
“yeah I heard it, it was like a smushing thump sound” I nodded and I felt Jasper’s eyes boring into the side of my head. The teacher looked a little uneasy but just shrugged it off
“well then let’s get back to class” and then he started talking about Eco systems again.
We were sent to the library to find books and Jasper caught up with me
“impressive” I waved a hand dismissively
“Edward would have gotten in trouble” Jasper shook his head
“no I’m talking about the fact that not only did you get the teacher to believe it but the whole class as well” I shrugged and headed down the microbiology section, Jasper keeping step easily in his fluid and silent way which kind of made me nervous but at the same time I found myself smiling that he was paying attention to me
“well I heard your voice change I’m guessing you add something to it, I would love to know about it” I sighed and turned to him and whispered harshly
“am I some science project?” Jasper looked startled
“no, I’m just curious” I sighed and rubbed a hand across my eyes before I started searching the books again
“sorry, I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night” Jasper stopped me by placing a hand on my arm and turning me to face him, he looked down at my up turned face with a concerned frown
“why?” I groaned, I was so not telling him the truth
“I had a lot of things on my mind”
“like what?” he was not going to let it go with out an explanation I saw as he looked at me expectantly
“I have a lot of recent history which troubles me so sometimes I stay up with thinking about it” it seemed a satisfactory answer and it was the truth after all, I did stay some nights thinking about my father but last night was all about Jasper.
Jasper nodded accepting the explanation and we started walking again though I noticed his hand was still on me but had moved to my lower back which sent a thrill through me every time his fingers brushed my skin even if through fabric.
I found the books we needed just as the bell went so we headed back to class and grabbed our bags before heading off to our next class which happened to be Trigonometry and Statistics which I had with Jasper which is a god send.
I sat in my seat and groaned which made Jasper look at me again
“What is it?” he asked and I sucked on my bottom lip before answering
“I hate Trig, it’s my worst subject” he raised a brow
“you’re bad at something?” I laughed and swatted him arm lightly, well I thought lightly but my hand hit what felt like marble and I pulled back frowning.
I shook my head and answered
“I just can’t stand this class, it bores me and I mean when am I ever going to use it?”
“You’re good at Algebra though right?? I nodded
“yeah that’s the weird thing, I rule at Algebra but when I try to apply it to Trig, everything just looks jumbled and makes no sense to me” Jasper grinned and replied
“well it’s good I’m here then because I’m great at applying Algebra, just not working it out” I laughed and the teacher came in and told us to work on problems 20 through 35 in our books.
Jasper and I worked together to work through the questions and I actually understood it when he explained it and I helped him work out the equations before he applied them.
Soon the bell rang and we had lunch, I was so hungry so as soon as we hit the cafeteria I went to get some food.
I loaded up my tray and went to sit at the Cullen’s table. Looking at their trays I noticed that yet again they didn’t eat a thing but I had decided not to worry about it too much, I would work it out later when I think Edward can’t hear me and I know he can.
“Hey Evelyn, do you want to come round mine tonight?” Bella asked and I looked up from my mash potato mountain I was building. I thought a moment and replied
“well I don’t wanna leave my mom by herself” Bella shrugged
“bring her along, she and my dad can talk and we can go to my room, dad always could use more friends” I laughed
“yeah so could my mom” we shared a laugh before making plans for me to go round at 5 that evening. I went back to building my mountain and added little peas as people and I made a flag out of a little carrot and a piece of lettuce.
I was so engrossed I didn’t notice that the entire table was looking at me like I was crazy until Jasper lent next to me and said in my ear
“that’s a very nice sculpture” I looked up to see all of them looking at me and winced a little before looking at my creation and smiling
“It is isn’t it? I need some of those plastic army men next time” Jasper chuckled and I heard Bella trying not to laugh on the other side of Edward who was trying to hide a grin in her hair and across from me Emmett was shaking his head laughing openly while Rosalie had a smile on her face that she couldn’t hide. I grinned and the bell rang.
I looked down at my plate and frowned
“what’s the matter?” Jasper asked concerned and I sighed
“I’m going to have to kill my pea people” Jasper tried to look sad but failed as he chuckled
“well I guess they had to go sometime” I solemnly nodded before I got up and carried my plate to the trash bin where I tipped my mountain and peas in, giving them a small salute before walking back to Jasper who was shaking his head laughing.
“Come on crazy girl we have Chemistry” Jasper managed to get out and I grinned
“maybe I can make some bombs for my plastic soldiers”
“maybe you could melt some plastic soldiers?” Jasper suggested off hand as we walked and I clapped
“that is such a good idea!” Jasper looked at me alarmed
“what? No it’s not I am not letting you near fire” I pouted and Jasper smiled slightly seeing it, he held out a hand and I took it, he put it in the crook of his arm as we walked and said
“I’ll tell you what, how about next time I’ll bring in one plastic soldier for you to melt?” I grinned up at him
“that would be great, thanks” he smiled back at me and we walked into class.
Chemistry was just a write up of the experiment we are going to do the next lesson, Writing/Composition was just being told to read a certain book which it turns out Jasper and I had already read so we just passed notes all lesson. In P.E I got tackled to the ground by Bella, well I say tackled, it was more her running and tripping over taking me with her; then advanced Literature was fun because I got to choose a book by any author, read it and prepare a presentation on it for the next lesson.
I got home and did a few bits of homework before telling mom we have dinner plans
“what! We’re going to someone’s house and you didn’t tell me!” was the shouted comment I got before mom raced up the stairs and started raiding her closet for an outfit; 30 minutes later she still is doing it. I sighed and got up from my place on her bed and walked over to a mound of clothes, I grabbed a pair of jeans and her favorite top, shoved them in her hands and shoved her into the bathroom
“there you go, dress and do your hair then we can go, we have like 40 minutes until we need to be there”
I went and waited downstairs and eventually she dressed and we headed over to Bella’s.