I'm His Mrs. Claus

I'm His Mrs. Claus

I sat on the livingroom couch, waiting for that click of the lock. I strained my ears as I tried concentrating on my book, no such luck. Instantly the book flew out of my hands as I heard that sound, the jingle of keys, picking of the lock and the turning of the knob. "Zacky!" I ran over and hugged him before he was even through the door, early morning sunlight catching my eyes. "Ive missed you so much!" I say as I kiss his cheek, neck, lips and nose. "Iv missed you too love." His hands rested on my lower back, his figure drapped over me as I looked up into his -words-can't-decribe- eyes. Shivers ran down my spine as his lips touched mine, feeling the same spark as when we shared our first kiss, Christmas last year. "I have something for you, lets get inside ok?" Smiling I pulled him in, his rolling luggage following behind.

Ichabod greeted his daddy with playful little barks as he ran into the room, Zack patted his ear as I closed up the door. "Come here." His voice was so gentle and calm and sexy all at the sametime. Walking over to him, he took my hands in his. "I love you Si, nothing will or can change that." "I love you too Zack, forever." Standing on my tip toes I pecked his piecred lips. "Close your eyes beautiful." I did as he said, a smiling forming on my lips. I loved Zacks surprises, they're always sweet and fun, also tasty. Shuffles of movement go on infront of my closed eyelids, a zipper being unzipped-"Zack baby-" "Shh! Just wait a second." My smile resumed as I continued to hear Zack shuffle around, Ichabod brushed against my leg once or twice while I wait. "Open your eyes."

At Zacks words I lifted my eyelids, straight infront of me he was'nt in my view. "Sierra Dawn Lillie I love you, will you do me the honor in being my wife? Will you marry me?" Thump, thump, thump. My heart shot up into the top of my throat, looking down at him on one knee brought tears to my eyes. "Oh Zacky! I will! I will marry you!" Now for the first time I looked down at the little box in his hand, a silver band with an emerald sat in a pretty black lined box. In momentary silence Zack slid the ring on my left ring finger. I crashed myself down on him before he had a chance to get up. My lips finding his, slipping my tongue between his lips. "I love you." I breathed into the kiss, his strong hands held me in place ontop of himself. His fingers swirled little patterns on my back and sides.

Zack flipped me over onto my back, his body pinned against mine. I swurved underneath him, massaging his body with mine. My fingers traveled underneath his shirt, nails brushing his nummie nipples. Zacks hands traveled down my sides, sliding against my hipbones. His fingers seperated the buttons on my jeans and pulled down the zipper. I stole his right hand, wrapping my mouth around his index and middle finger. Swirling my tongue around his fingers, letting my teeth nip and nibble. His warm left hand crept beneath my panties, that feeling alone made me bite his fingers. Though Zack did'nt pull away, his index finger entered me softly, brushing around my inner walls. I wiggled around beneath him as he inserted another two fingers, his body shifted and his mouth claimed my bare neck. His teeth moved away the spaggetti strap of my tank top, biting my shoulder as his fingers continued work inside. I worked on his knuckles, biting little harder now. Pulling his tattooed skin on his wrist, letting my teeth sink in some as I sucked with feeling.

I let my hands drop, feeling his body in the palms of my hands. Getting handfuls, fingerfuls of his being. I slid my fingers beneath his jeanline, my fingers teasing the rim of his boxers. Tilting my head back in pleasurablepain, my hands slipping out of his jeans and onto the floorboard as his mouth engulfed my left breast. Fingers spreading inside of me, he did'nt stop. My own fingers spread against the floor, craming my nails as hard as I could. His teeth twirled around my nipple and I gave him the reaction he had been waiting for, I moaned from deep in my throat.

Moans change it all, moans mean the end of teasing the beginning of the real pleasure.

In a brisk movement my hands clung to his sides, he lifted up so I could take off his shirt. Zack, sitting ontop of me brought my pants as far down as he could without getting off of me, the panties joining. My hands rested on his shoulders, bringing them down roughly, my nails left reddening marks. Groping his chest, I groped as if reving an engine. He took his wet fingers out of me as my fingers reached beneath his bellybutton. Guitarist work real well with their hands Zacks hands traveled underneath my top, pulling it off quickly and revieling nothing underneath. A cute, deviant smirk formed on his lips, I myself formed my own deviant smirk. He was wearing no belt today, all there was was a zipper and a button. My nails popping off the button for fun, unzipping the zipper slow for an evil, dramatic effect.

"Thought the teasing was over love?" "Your the one to talk babe." Rushing down ontop of me, Zack licked my lips. His hands fumbling with himself. Lending my hands to his I helped him out, rubbing his erection, groping with slight nail prickling. Taking a second to position himself just right. Slowly, as always, he entered me. My fingers traveled upward as he kissed my neck. I nibbled on his earlobe as we got comfertable. It only took a few minutes, I wrapped my legs around his hips to really pull him in. My lower back knocking into the floor with each deep thrust...

"I am completely gone with you Zachary Baker." I say to him as his he holds me in his arms, our sweaty bodies stuck together and with the wooden floor. "Im more than in love with you Si, im-I don't know." Zack says kissing my forehead. "Merry Christmas Zacky." "Merry Christmas Mrs Vengeance."