If I Let This Go


Absolutely amazing banner by: WeWontBackDown!


Totally awesome banner by: Waltz Moore

Choices can be hard to make, but sometimes you have no other options. You can look at the pros and cons of a situation and contemplate the choices, or you can just go with your gut feeling and do whatever you want. But what if it’s not that simple? What if the choice’s consequences determine life or death, love or hate?

Hi, I’m Megan Collins and I’ve trapped myself in a horrible situation. The man I’ve loved for so many years has finally given me the time of day, but I cannot forget all the times he’s hurt me prior to that. His name is Ronnie Radke and he used to have it all as the singer of Escape The Fate. Now all he has is a private jail cell.

During this time, a new man stepping into my life. He was a childhood friend when I used to live in Arizona, before moving to Las Vegas. He does all he can to make me happy, even if it’s hard on him. He’s completely selfless and has the biggest heart. His name is Craig Mabbitt and I think he may be slowly replacing Ronnie, in more than one way.

What would happen if I let go of everything I had, just to try something new? Ronnie sure as hell wouldn’t be happy when he got out of jail, that’s for sure. I’ve never been one to make rash, important decisions. But maybe it’s about time I did. I gave everything to Ronnie and he barely returned the favor. Maybe if I give Craig a chance, it’ll be better for me. Then again, maybe Craig’s not as great as he looks either.

What will happen if I let this go? What will happen if I don’t?

A sequel to Situations Are Irrelevant Now