Status: Finished One Shot

You Belong With Me


You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in my room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do

Nick and I were both on his couch in his living room watching a movie on our annual movie night every Friday when Nick's phone started blasting his ringtone.

" Who is it?" I asked ( by the way my name is Kaitlyn Chesapeke) Nick who was looking at the caller-i.d.

" Stacey," he said to me while answering the phone.

Stacey was Nick's current girlfriend. Ugh I hate her. She's so pushy and rude. I don't know what he see's in her. How can he not seehow rude she is to him, his brothers, Kevin and Joe, and most importantly, me, his best friend since we were in Pre-K. I already knew why she was calling. She does this every Friday after the school week was over. She was going off about something that Nick said, again. She just didn't get his humor like I did.

" Yeah. O.K.You to,bye," Nick said, hanging up the phone.

" So what happened. Same old, same old?" I asked.

" Yeah just complaining about something that I said," Nick said with a look of gloom on his face.

" Again, when is she just going to let stuff go and finally realize that the things you say are funny and not mean?

" I have no idea. I wish she would just stop calling about every little thing I say. Let's just finish the movie."

4 Days Later

Here I am, laying on my bed, waiting for Friday to come. It wasTuesday night. Nick was supposed to come over and we were going to work on our math homework together. But of course, Stacey insisted that Nick should take her out tonight for dinner. So, Nick calls and begs for us to do it another time. So, being me, I gave in to him like I do most of the time. Just incase you haven't noticed, I've basically fallen for my best friend I've known forever.
So I got really bored watching " Friends" reruns, so I got my iPod from my bedside table and turned to my playlist. I put it on shuffle and a Beatles song comes blasting out.

If Stacey even saw me listening to this, she would have a look of disgust on her face. Her idea of good music is David Cook and Hannah Montana.

And she always thinks she knows Nick better then anyone. Truth is, she doesn't know half of what's going on in his life. I know everything about him. He goes to me whenever he has a problem. I know about his past and how he went through a few deaths in his family. I was there through all the tears. I was there when he got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. And I was there when nothing was going right in his life. I even knew about his future, how he and his brothers all had a passion for singing. I have heard them. Most of their family had to. Stacey probably doesn't know half of Nick story like I do.

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wakeup
And find that what you're looking for has
Been here whole time


The school week had gone by so fast it was Saturday. Nick was going to see 17 Again with Stacey, but asked me if I wanted to go along. But I was only going to go if I had Joe come with us. I wasn't going to be the only one having to watch Stacey give Nick a tongue bath throughtout the whole movie.

I walked over to Nick's house. I was going to go with them in Kevin's car. He was the only lisenced driver in the group. Joe has taken his test 3 times and still can't pass.

When I got there, Stacey had already arrived. She was standing next to Nick, talking to him about something. As I was walking up their walkway I took notice in what she was wearing. She was still in her cheer uniform from the football game earlier that day. I could tell she had rolled it up at least twice since the game because it looked way shorter then before. She always wears stuff like that, mini skirts, short shorts, and tube tops tighter then they're supposed to be, and here I was in a t-shirt and skinny jeans.

When we got to the movies we took our seats, Stacey, Nick, me, Joe, and Kevin. The lights finally dimmed down and Zac Efron appeared on screen, shooting baskets. I could hear some movement in the seat next to me so I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Nick and Stacey making out.

" Ugh, disgusting," Joe whispered next to me. I thought he was talking about the movie, then saw he was looking at the same thing I was and now Kevin.

" Wanna ditch them?" he asked.

" Please," I said back while me, Kevin, and Joe stood up. I took one last look at them, not even noticing we got up, and thought to myself one day Nick, one day I hope you realize that what your looking for has been by your side the whole time.

Walk in the streets with
you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking this is
how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking
to myself
Hey isn't this easy

It was Sunday again and I was laying down on my bed, flipping throughthe channels. My cell phone started ringing. So I look and see it's Nick.

" Hey, whats up?" I asked still flipping channels.

" Do you wanna go for a walk?" he asked, totally taking my by suprise.

" Ummm yeah sure, just let me put on my shoes and I'll be outside in a minute."

After hanging up I slipped on my converse and walked downstairs quietly because it was already 9:30 and I couldn't go out past 9:00 on school nights. I opened the front door and saw Nick already there, standing on the sidewalk, waiting.

"Hey," he said and we started heading to the park.

" So, why did you, Joe, and Kevin leave the movie yesterday?" he asked.

" Well, we couldn't enjoy it while the people next to us were sucking each others face off," I said.

" Haha, well why didn't you just tell them to stop if they were making that much noise?!" he said completly oblivious I was talking about him and Stacey. We stopped and sat down on a park bench.

" Well I would've, but I didn't really want to start a fight with my bestfriend and his obnoixois girlfriend in a movie theatre."

" Oh ummm... yeah, sorry about that, she just," I cut him off, " It's o.k. Nick," I said while giggling to myself, " I'm not mad, just next time don't do it in public."

We sat on that bench talking for another hour until we both had to go home just talking about random things and catching up on each others lives. For that whole hour, I couldn't help thinking this is how it ought to be, just you and me.

And you've got a smile
that could light up this
whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
since she brought you down
You say your fine I know you
better than that
Hey what you doing with a
girl like that

It was Monday, another week of school. Nick and I were walking to school. He said Stacey called last night, wondering where he was and why he didn't answer any of her calls.
When he told her he was with me, she threw one of her huge hissy fits and hung up on him. Usually he's got a smile that could light up our whole town, but I rarley see it anymore. He doesn't smile very much, ever since she came along.

I keep asking him why he is so down all the time but he always says he's fine. I know him better than anyone. She is bringing him down more and more each day. And I keep thinking to myself what is he doing with a girl like her?

Oh I remeber you driving to
my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you
tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong
I think I know it's with me


I was laying on my couch thinking, when I hear a loud knock on my back door. That could only be Nick, he and his brothers are the only people that ever use that door.

I went over and opened it to see a very pale and sad Nick. " Hey, what's wrong? You look awful," I asked very worried, shutting the door after Nick came in. '

" She cheated on me," was all that came out of his mouth.

" What?"

" Yeah with Rodney Garza, the quarterback. Someone caught them behind the bleachers together."

" Oh, Nick. I'm so sorry."

" No it's o.k. I think this breakup finally made me realize something," he said looking at me, deep in thought.

" What would that be now, not to date sluts?" I said making him chuckle for the first time in a month. I could feel him lean in closer with every word.

" I realized, she wasn't the one for me and I should have opened my eyes and seen what I've been looking for has been here the whole time," he said.

Then he closed the space between us.

Finally, he noticed I was supposed to be with him all along.

Have you ever thought just mabye
You Belong With Me
♠ ♠ ♠
One of my first one shots taken from Quizilla.