Status: Complete


One of One

They say you will remember your first time for many years after you have lost it, some people can recall the moment as if it was yesterday. Some say it was good, some say it was one of the worst experiences they had ever faced.

But for me, I can’t even remember what day it was, if the sun was out or even where this spectacular event took place. I remember who it was with of course.

Ever since I could understand what “sex” really meant, it has never been much of a big deal to me. I had idealistic thoughts of how it should turn out.

But I guess you could call me a cynical, I just wanted it over. To me it was a chore. Another milestone I had to complete before I turned eighteen.

It had happened with my first ever real boyfriend, and to him it was a race, a stupid bet he had made with one of his friends. Our relationship had hit two months and I had lost it.

I felt victorious, happy in a way that I could say “I had lost my virginity” because not many people I knew had.

But with all that said, I may not have cared about the first time I experienced sex because I think in some way, I didn’t really care about the person I done it with.

But the first time I had sex with the one person I had fallen in love with {still am I would like to add} because it was as if nothing mattered in the world that day and we were in a bubble of our own.

He was romantic and said the right things he was meant to, it was slow but sweet. It was the first moment I ever fell in love, the first moment I ever felt love.

Now sex is a big deal to me, and I don’t like rushing the moment leading up to it and during, which is funny to think when I was ready to give it up to anyone who was willing.

So my conclusion is, losing your virginity really isn't a big deal. Its not going to be like the movies and I can tell you now its not going to be romantic, and stars aren't going to appear. More times then not its sweaty, over in a few moments and nowhere near mind blowing, not to mention it hurts!

But I hope I haven't completely ruined your ideas/thoughts on the matter because if you do want it to be special or it is a big deal to you, good luck with that endeavor.
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Well I had a go.
I'm not sure if I like this.
Thanks for reading!