Sequel: The Next Best Thing
Status: Finished. Completed. Done.

Last Flight Home

With The Darkness Overtaking

"Another vodka and coke!" Rachel screamed at the bartender, his smile brightening up the place around her. She had had her eye on him all night, his cute blonde hair gelled up and spiky. His golden skin sparkled in the flashing lights around him, his white shirt turning various shades of colours as the lights spun and changed. He had bright green eyes and the most adorable smile that Rachel had come across. Lisa laughed at her side, and Rachel stared at him as he tended to her drink.

"I think you should make a move on him or something," Lisa muttered into Rachel's ear. Rachel giggled like a little girl, tossing her hair over her shoulder as he approached them. She knew she had drunk a lot, but she couldn't stop. Getting over Alex was easier than she thought. "Say, what time do you finish your shift?" Lisa asked, fluttering her eyelashes at the young man. He was about twenty-two and about six feet tall. Rachel felt her knees go weak, by just looking at him.

"I finish in an hour," he said, winking at them. They both giggled and Lisa smiled politely before turning to Rachel, she smirked before returning her stare to the boy.

"Well, my friend here will meet you outside in just over an hour then!" she chimed and the bartender chuckled, that smile never leaving his lips.

"Okay then," he agreed and winked again at Rachel. "My name is Justin, by the way," he said and Rachel grinned, her smile taking over her face.

"Rachel," she replied and the boy poured her another drink. Leaning over the bar, he reached forwards, placing a hand round the back of Rachel's head, pulling her softly towards him.

"This one's on the house," he whispered into her ear, and she leaned forwards, kissing him gently on the lips.


"Justin, you're here!" Rachel said, stumbling around. Lisa and Caren laughed, watching their drunken friend walk towards the young man.

Justin grinned, his Cheshire grin dazzling the girls, "We'll leave her with you! We need to get back to our other girls," they said, and made their way back into the club. Rachel stood up straight, stretching and smiling at the blonde before her.

"Come on then," he mumbled, walking over to her, and placing an arm around her lower back, supporting her. Rachel grinned again, and turned to him, stopping in her tracks. Justin looked at her, smiling softly and leaned forwards kissing her lips, which she made no protest. She brought up a hand to his head, running her fingers down the back of his head and onto his neck. He wrapped both arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body.

"Let's go back to yours," Rachel whispered and Justin nodded in agreement.

"It's a long walk, but I'm sure we'll manage," he murmured against her lips.


Rachel woke up, her head pounding and the room spinning around her. To say the least, she had no idea where she was. The bright blue of the room showed her that she wasn't in any familiar place. The inexpensive taste around her showed she hadn't hooked the most richest of men. She looked down at the bed beside her and noticed she was alone.

She looked around the room, he wasn't the tidiest, in fact. She would say tidy was a word from another world in his books. The room was a state. Clothes from last night and even last week lay all over the floor. The floor couldn't even be seen for rubbish and console games.

The door swung open, and Rachel hid her naked body with the covers she was currently under. A brown haired boy stood there, smirking and grinning like a mad man. Rachel raised a quizzical eyebrow, confused to say the least.

"Justin was right, you're gorgeous," he said and Rachel smiled weakly. Awkward feelings rushing over her, here she sat, naked and confused while the boy she slept with told all his friends.

"Thanks..." she whispered and she looked around the room for her clothes.

"He also said he needs you out within the next ten minutes, his girlfriend is coming round," he continued, his tone of voice sounded bored now. Rachel scrunched up his face, disgusted with the situation.

"I beg your pardon..." she hissed and the boy shrugged his shoulders.

"You heard, now get out as soon as you can. He's downstairs, but he hates confrontation," the boy continued, but Rachel was already raging. She whisked off the covers, grabbing her newly spotted clothes. Her naked body was free for the world to see, but as far as she was concerned, she was disgusted with boys like these. She grabbed her shorts and top, putting them on and didn't care that she couldn't find her underwear. She grabbed her shoes that were at opposite sides of the room, and threw them onto her feet.

"I hate men like you and your friend," she spat and grabbed her clothes storming off out of the room. The brown haired male watched as she walked away, completely dazed at what just happened.

Rachel walked down the stairs and saw Justin from last night. His hair was messy and his eyes seemed tired, but he still looked completely gorgeous. Rachel forgot a second why she was standing there, until a cocky grin appeared on his face when their eyes met.

"I hope she finds out," Rachel hissed.


"So that was tonight's gig, I hope you all enjoyed it!" Alex screamed into the microphone. The fans around them screamed and grew wild, their bodies jumping up and down and causing all sorts of riots. "We'll be playing again here in two weeks! See you then!" And he placed his guitar down, and walked off the stage with the rest of the guys.

"You were fantastic," a small blonde said, walking over to Alex. He smiled and raised an eyebrow at this stranger. How had she gotten backstage?

"Thanks," he said and ran a hand through his hair, feeling a wave of anxiousness come over him. "What's your name?" he asked, sounding childish.

"I'm Lauren," she said and outstretched an arm, introducing herself. Alex grinned, and took her hand. Her golden hair was shoulder length and framed her pretty face. She had almost grey coloured eyes which intrigued Alex. He took his hand up to his lips and kissed it gently, she blushed slightly and Alex grinned.

"And I'm Alex," he whispered in return. "Alex Gaskarth."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, another chapter.
I know, I'll add much better drama soon.
I think I'm going back to original plan, which means this will end soon :(!
I want to start a new story, it might make new plans come to me.
So look out for a new ATL story, and a FTSK story!