Sequel: The Next Best Thing
Status: Finished. Completed. Done.

Last Flight Home

And I'm Living Out My Chance To Shine

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Caren asked as her sister thumped down the stairs with her suitcase.

Rachel rolled her eyes and sighed, an almost over exaggerated sigh. "Caren, I'm going back to see him. His tour finished yesterday, I've sat patiently for the last two days waiting, I know this is what I want to do."

Caren groaned, scratching her head. "I just don't think-"

"Yeah, but what normally happens when you think?" Rachel asked sarcastically, interrupting her sister.

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts, I'm doing this whether you want me to or not," Rachel said. She stopped when she got to the bottom of the stairs. "It'll be okay, and everything will be even better if this goes to plan."

Caren sighed, huffing and throwing her arms around herself. "I'm just going to miss you, you better make sure you keep in contact!"

Rachel laughed and walked towards her sister, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close to her body. "I'm just going for a few days, I'll need to come back for all my stuff!" She let her sister step backwards before continuing. "Anyway, he might not even want me back," Rachel started and Caren raised a hand up, stopping her.

"I don't want to hear that complete and utter rubbish," she said and laughed, hugging her sister again. "You better make sure you phone me once every thing's sorted."

"I will, don't you worry!"


Rachel sat in her seat, waiting for the air hostess to finish up her demonstration of what to do if the plane crashed. She popped her gum, and looked down at the small girl sitting beside her.

"I think these things are sooooo boring!" she said in a moody voice. Rachel smiled politely and nodded her head.

"I have to agree with you there," and she slouched slightly, picking up her magazine and waiting for the plane to take off.

The plane started up, it's motors making a loud noise as the plane advanced to the long runway. It picked up speed, the scenery on the outside speeding past them, and before they knew it, they were up into the air and everything they saw before was replaced by white fluffy puffs of clouds.

Rachel raked around for her iPod, and put her earphones in, waiting for Busted's music to fill her ears.

"I love them!" The small girl said from beside her, Rachel smiled again and turned away, trying to make sure the girl took the hint. One thing she couldn't stand were children.

"You know, I saw them live once," she started.

Rachel sighed, it was going to be a long flight.


"You know I'm always busy on a Wednesday," Jack said, laughing and moving away from Alex.

"You're never busy Jack," Alex said, walking towards him. "What are you hiding?"

Rian laughed and threw down his keys, looking at the two boys who looked like they were up to mischief. "What are you two up to?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Alex's arms were spread wide, trying to block Jack from running past either side of him.

"Stopping him from going anywhere, he's trying to disappear. I personally think he's hiding something!" Alex said, and launched himself forwards, trying to attack Jack.

Jack screamed like a girl, and jumped out of the way, rolling over the arm of the sofa, and off the other end, dashing past Rian. Alex landed on the floor, shouting out obscenities as he landed in a twisted mess.

"I'll phone you later!" He shouted, and before Alex could gather himself off the ground, Jack was out of the door.

"I don't trust that boy," Rian said and Alex laughed.

"I could have told you!" he replied.

"Anyway, have you heard from Rachel?" Rian asked, sitting down on the sofa. Alex shook his head, running a hand through his long scruffy brown hair.

"Nope, I've decided to leave her alone. Whatever happens, happens," he sighed, and looked at Rian. "If she loves life in Brooklyn, then who am I to take her away from that?" he asked and Rian nodded his head in response, agreeing with Alex. "However, if she comes back, I have to admit, I'll be the happiest man alive."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, new part! I think there's two more of these now. It should only be one, but I want to finish all the main lyrics, so I'm putting it into two parts instead. You lot should be grateful, by the way! Instead of revising for my advanced higher maths, I'm writing you stories. I should get a thank you for that ;)

I've decided to do a Jack Barakat story next. So I'll be writing three stories. No idea how I'll cope, I find it difficult to remember what I put in one story, let alone three. The next chapter of this should contain the link for the Jack story, even if it's just the summary page so you can subscribe :)

Anyway, Just to keep new readers informed. I have two new stories.
Alex Gaskarth - For Hannah & Jonathan Cook - From Forever The Sickest Kids.
If you could read, comment and subscribe, I'd appreciate it ;)