Sequel: The Next Best Thing
Status: Finished. Completed. Done.

Last Flight Home

Going On The End Of My Days

"I can't believe it," Rachel sobbed, chucking her clothes into suitcases and clinging to the phone that was in her hand. "Why would he do that, even when he knew I wouldn't be long!"

"Shh, there, there. Don't get so worked up about it," Caren said, "You'll be back here, home in New York, in no time, and then we can discuss it." Rachel nodded her head, unaware that Caren couldn't see her.

"Okay," she whispered and continued to fling things into her suitcases.

After three suitcases were full, she raced around the house, picking up anything that might come in handy. But no such luck came across her and Rachel felt herself sobbing a little harder. Why would he do such a thing?, she thought. But her thoughts were interrupted when the sound of a taxi's horn interrupted her.

She made her way to the front door, dragging the suitcases one at a time. Her body struggling with the upset feeling she was experiencing and the weight of the luggage. The doorbell rang as she got the last case to the door, and she ran towards the door, looking to see who it was.

She was faced with a scruffy looking man, and she opened the door, realizing it was the taxi driver.

"Miss Green?" he asked and Rachel nodded her head, a small smile coming on to her lips. He noticed she was upset and struggling and grabbed two of the suitcases, lifting them up without much difficulty and making her way back down the steps.

She grabbed the other suitcase, one of the lighter ones, to Rachel's delight and locked the door behind her. She looked up at the building once more, before being taken over by the feeling of nausea.

"Goodbye house," she said in a childish voice and made her way to the big yellow taxi that was awaiting her company. As she threw the last suitcase into the trunk, the taxi driver looked at her once more.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asked, almost guessing what situation had happened. Rachel smiled at him, nodding her head slowly.

"I think so," she replied and shrugged her shoulders weakly, "I think it's best," and he nodded his head in agreement before slamming shut the boot of the car and making his way to the drivers seat.

Rachel stepped back onto the pavement and looked up at the house once more. The beautiful expensive building that she and Alex had tried so hard to buy, and they managed. They also managed to make it completely glamorous inside and she was going to throw it all away.

Rachel paused, thinking of the last remark.

No, she wasn't throwing it away. Alex, had managed to do that, quite well.

She opened the door of the taxi and went to step in until she was interrupted by the horn of another car and Alex leaping out of the arriving taxi.

"Rachel! RACHEL! WAIT!" he shouted and raced towards her. She froze, looking at him, the tears building up once more, threatened to spill.

"Alex, don't talk to me, you did this," she hissed and he shook his head, an apologetic look all over his face.

"I'm sorry Rachel, I really am," he muttered and she shook her head in return.

"No, I'm not falling for it this time," and she turned back to the taxi, but paused once more, "I was sick of all of it Alex, the long-nights out, the girls, and even your lies, but this time it went too far. I'm going back home," and she stepped into the taxi, Alex staring at her, a blank expression on his face. "And to make things clear, we're finished."

She shut the door and nodded to the taxi driver, his face full of sympathy, "Go, please," she muttered and he smiled weakly at her, before putting the car into gear and driving off, leaving a blank Alex on the pavement.


"Ah, Rachel," Caren said in a pitying voice when Rachel arrived through the departures. She broke down in tears again as she made her way to her sister. Caren engulfed her into a hug and held her there, letting her sister sob on her shoulder. "There, there," she cooed and Rachel snuggled closer to her, glad to have proper human company again. "It's been too long," her sister stated and Rachel nodded her head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere this time," she replied and Caren smiled, an unconvinced smile, but a smile never-the-less. They grabbed Rachel's suitcases and placed them onto a trolley, making their way outside to the cool New York City. Caren made her way to the car park, where her luxury BMW X6 sat, it's black body, almost making it impossible to see, as the night was almost at it's darkest and the lights in the car park were bright, but not bright enough.

They chucked the suitcases into the back, and hopped into the car, it's engine roaring as Caren revved the machine and pulled out of her parking space.

"Right, let's go home," Caren said and Rachel nodded her head.


"She left for Brooklyn?" Rian asked, as Alex paced up and down. Alex nodded his head, the tears threatening to spill, but he would not cry. He better not cry, he thought. Jack bit his lip and Zack shook his head.

"You really screwed up, man," Jack said and Alex glared at him, shoving him, so he fell of the arm of the chair. "That hurt!" he whined and glared back at Alex. "It's your own fault, you always were out with other girls, you should have realized she was something special."

Zack nodded his head in agreement and Rian joined in. They both looked at Alex sympathetically, but they both knew this was going to happen soon.

"Give her some time, she just needs some space. She might even come home in a few days," Rian said but Alex shook his head.

"No, Rian. She's gone for good, I just know she is," he breathed and sat down, his head in his hands, "And anyway, she's already said, this place isn't her home, Brooklyn is."

"I can't believe I left Brooklyn," Rachel whispered as her and Caren dragged the suitcases into the large apartment block. Caren grinned and scanned her key, the door opening and she was greeted by a doorman.

"Shall I help you with those, madame?" He asked and Caren smiled at him, nodding her head.

"That would be lovely, Sean," she replied and watched as he took the suitcases and placed them on a large hotel-like trolley.

"Oh the joys of having money," Rachel muttered and grinned, the idea of being home with Caren making her excited. She was going to go back to the life she loved and had enjoyed.

And there was no Alex Gaskarth to ruin it.
♠ ♠ ♠
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