Sequel: The Next Best Thing
Status: Finished. Completed. Done.

Last Flight Home

And If Words Aren't Going To Cut

"I love being back home," Rachel said, sipping on orange juice. It had been three days since she had left Baltimore and she was feeling at home already. She had to admit, life was good but something was still missing and she knew exactly what it was.

"Rachel, you always wanted to life a glamorous life, he couldn't give you it," Caren said, walking into the kitchen, dressed in the latest DKNY suit. She had matching heels and a bag to go with it.

"I love that outfit!" Rachel said, smiling at her sisters appearance. She had grey high-waisted trousers on, that were slightly loose and went in at the ankles, exposing her gladiator heels. They were silver, with grey pieces of leather across the foot. She had a cute white blouse on, tucked into the shirt and a grey waistcoat to match.

"Thanks, the job pays well," Caren said and winked at her sister. Rachel nodded in agreement, it most certainly did. Caren was a leading business woman in the local computer sellers. They bought in big names and sold them to companies that wanted the latest software, it's easy to say they made heaps.

"Well I'm off to work, would you at least try and talk to your old boss? I bumped into him yesterday and he'd love to hear from you!" Caren said and bit into a healthy looking green apple. "In fact, he was excited you were back," she continued and Rachel smiled, hope coming over her.

"I might just go in and see him then," she said and Caren smiled, feeling victorious.

"Then I'll see you at half five, I should be home by then."


"Dude, you need to try talking to her," Jack said, coming into the apartment that Alexand Rachel owned.

"I can't, there's no way she'd listen," Alex muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"Well at least stop doing this to yourself," Zack said, he sat down on an armchair and Rian soon came into the apartment, carrying a few bags of shopping.

"I bought you some groceries, just to make sure you had food in this place," Rian said and placed them into the kitchen.

Alex smiled weakly at him and nodded his head, whispering a small 'thanks' as he did.

"So you haven't heard from her then?" he asked, sitting down beside Alex. Alex shook his head, wishing that he had.

"Maybe she needs another few days space," Zack suggested and Jack glared at him.

"She doesn't need space, she needs to see you!" he popped up and Zack and Rian shook their heads, shooting him deathly stares.

"No, she doesn't," Rian said and turned to Alex. "You just need to give her a few more days alone, then she'll be willing to talk to you."


"Hi, I'm here to see Joseph?" Rachel said, leaning over the receptions desk. She was nervous to say the least; this could be the first step of getting her life back on track. Wait, she thought, I've already done that, step one was moving away.

"He's waiting for you, floor seventeen and it's th-"

"Entire room, I know, thank you," she said and walked over to the elevator, pushing the button for floor seventeen and waiting patiently as the doors shut.

"WAIT!" A man's voice shouted and Rachel pushed the 'hold' button, which opened the doors and stopped the elevator from going anywhere.

"Thank you," he breathed as he walked into the the small compartment, "Thank you very much... Rachel!" he exclaimed. Rachel smiled, her grin taking over her face, reaching from ear to ear.

"Mark!" she exclaimed, as he engulfed her into a small hug.

"Rachel, you're home? Nobody knew about this," he said and looked down at her. He was 5'9" tall and had dark brown hair that matched his dark eyes, he looked an awful lot like Alex, now that Rachel thought about it, but she didn't want to think about it, she didn't want to think about him.

"I know, there was a problem back in Baltimore, so I flew home," she muttered, hoping he wouldn't pick up on anything, and he didn't. Or if he did, he realized she didn't want to talk about it.

"I see, so what are you doing back here?"

"I'm away to see Joe, see whether he'll take me back," she said, smiling. Mark beamed, a grin spreading across his face.

"That's quite a coincidence, because he's actually looking for someone to fill your job, five people have already been fired from it, nobody can compare to you, i think that's what he said anyway," Mark said.


"Thank you so much, Joe!" Rachel said, engulfing him in a hug.

"I'm just glad to have you back," Joe said, smiling at her. "At least the jobs will be done properly!" he said and she smiled back.

"I'll try to get my section back up to perfection," she said, followed by a small wink. Joe laughed at her, and waved his hand towards the door.

"Good, now go and get ready for coming back, you'll start tomorrow!" he exclaimed and she smiled, walking out of his office.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel this story will be more Rachel than Alex...
And I don't think people will like that.
So I'm going to have to change my plot a bit.
I wrote a one-shot btw, check it out.
It's an Alex Gaskarth one-shot btw, and it was for a competition :)