Sequel: The Next Best Thing
Status: Finished. Completed. Done.

Last Flight Home

Because I'm Leaving What I Know Behind

"Jack, how did you find out where I am?" Rachel asked, the phone call was urgent, she could tell, but she didn't understand how he found her so quickly.

"It's not important," Jack rushed and continued on.

"What's wrong?" she asked, the tone of Jack's voice got her worried, he was normally hyper and silly.

"It's Alex," Jack started, and Rachel groaned, not wanting to hear the rest, "Listen!" Jack shouted and continued, "He's unconscious," he breathed, "He drank himself into a coma, by the looks of things."

Rachel gulped and took a deep breath.Why the hell would he do that? she thought and shook her head, running a hand through her hair.

"Jack, I can't do anything about that..." Rachel trailed off.

"You can!" Jack exclaimed, "If you came back, then I just know he'd wake up. We need him, Rachie, we do." He said and Rachel felt herself warming at Jack's use of nicknames. He was one of her friends, and he was asking of something little.

"Jack, it's just... I don't want to go back to Baltimore, I've got my life back here," she said and Jack sighed.

"Please Rachel, just one night?" he asked and Rachel sighed in return.

"Okay," she breathed and she heard Jack jump up and down in excitement, "But only one night! I need to pick up stuff from the apartment anyway."


"He's in here," Jack said, dragging Rachel's hand. "I can't believe you got here so quickly, I was expecting days for you to arrive." Rachel shook her head, what could she say?

She walked into the room, and saw Alex lying there. His body limp and still from the deep sleep he was in. Jack's eyes watched Rachel as she made her way round the side of the bed, to the chair. She stood over Alex, his body still. Reaching out for his hand, her eyes filled with tears.

"Why did you do this?" she breathed and Jack sat down in a seat, watching the two bodies before him.

She bent over, kissing the top of Alex's head and stepped backwards, looking at him.

His eyes started flickering open, and Rachel couldn't believe it; this only happened in those cheesy movies, didn't it?

"Alex!" Rachel and Jack exclaimed as he opened his eyes fully and a nurse came running in, waiting to see what the commotion was all about.

"You're awake!" Jack continued and the nurse, walked up to Alex and stared back at him, a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning," she said and Alex smiled back at her, his eyes showing disorientation and confusion. "You're very lucky," she continued, "Could you please tell me your name and date of birth?"

Alex nodded his head and went to speak, "Alexander William Gaskarth and it's 14th December 1987," he said. And the nurse beamed, happy that he was able to do the basics.

"You seem okay at the moment, but I'll just have to keep a look out for you," and she walked away.

Alex instantly turned to Rachel and Jack, his face lightening up when he saw Jack, "Thanks," he said to him and Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"For what?" he asked and Alex tilted his head towards Rachel, which she didn't notice and Jack smiled, "Ooooh, It was no problem," he laughed. "I'll leave you two alone," he said and walked away, finding a phone to call Rian and Zack.

"You came back," Alex said and Rachel smiled, but shook her head.

"I'm going back home in a few hours though," she said and Alex's face dropped instantly, his chest aching slightly.

"I'm really sorry," he said and Rachel pressed a finger to his lips.

"I don't want to hear it Alex, it happened and it's over, let's leave it at that," she breathed.

"But if that was the case, then we should go back to normal," Alex fought back, but Rachel turned away from him.

"I came here to check if you were okay, and pick up the remainders of my stuff, that's all," she breathed and Alex felt rage coming to the surface, boiling up and escaping his lips.

"Well I'm fine thanks," he spat and Rachel turned to him, tears in her eyes, "So you can go!"

"Alex, you're obviously not," she whispered and Alex raised a hand.

"You checked up on me, now go."


Rachel sat in the apartment, a few hours had turned into a few days. She had stayed in the home she shared with Alex since nobody was there and it did technically belong to her. He had gotten to her, under her skin, into her mind. He didn't want her to go so soon, she knew that, and that's why he said it; so she stayed.

She was half-asleep on the sofa when the front door went and somebody walked in. He stared at her, watching her sleeping figure curled up.

"I thought you went home," Alex breathed and dumped his bag on the floor, startling Rachel.

"I-I.." she stuttered but Alex interrupted her.

"I got to you, didn't I?" he breathed and she nodded her head. "Your suitcases are still packed though?" he asked, nodding his head towards the front door where two more suitcases were packed to their fullest. Rachel nodded her head again, too afraid to say anything. "So when is your flight?"

"Tomorrow at 10:45am," she breathed and looked up at him, his eyes cleared up and he looked much healthier.

"Tell me why you stayed?" he asked and Rachel shuffled up on the sofa, letting him sit down beside her. He slouched down and looked at his hands, which were occupied by each other, entwined and fighting.

"Because I wanted to know that you got better," she replied honestly. A small smile crept onto Alex's face as he sighed.

"Rachel, what are we meant to do?" he asked and she shrugged her shoulders, a small urge coming across her. Alex was gorgeous, sitting there, a lost look on his face, he looked innocent, like when they first met.

She leaned towards him, taking him by surprise and kissing his lips, crashing her body on top of his, and knocking him backwards onto the arm rest of the sofa. Alex kissed her back, their tongues meeting in the center and greeting each other, something they hadn't done for a while. They reacted almost instantly, like water on limestone, their bodies quickly removing clothes and heating up, as the stood up and made their way back to the bedroom.

Alex lifted Rachel up, laying her down on the bed, both bodies naked and clashing together as they joined each other on the bed. Alex crawled up her body, kissing her from her stomach up to her lips. She bit his lip lightly, causing him to groan slightly and cling onto her body. He kissed her urgently, his body needing the fix he was so used to getting.


Alex woke up to the sunlight, streaming in through the light curtains that had been put up. He looked to the opposite side of the bed, hoping to see Rachel, but there was no sign of her.

He groaned, looking at the time; 9:30am, it read. He had missed her, he had missed his chance to tell her that leaving was the wrong thing to do, that last night must have meant something.

He looked over to the clock again and noticed a small note, he reached over, grabbing it and narrowing his eyes so he could see it.

"I love you" it read.

Alex groaned, "If you love me, then why did you leave?" he whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another paaarttt.
Maybe it's quite short, but it'll do.
I don't think I'll write anymore Alex tonight.
I want to start another story, but I realized that's not a good idea.
Since I've neglected my Jack story..