Sequel: The Next Best Thing
Status: Finished. Completed. Done.

Last Flight Home

And I'm Living Out My Chance To Shine

"I don't understand, why give me mixed signals?" Alex asked, stirring his coffee. He had been playing with it for almost an hour now, it was bound to be cold.

Jack shrugged his shoulders, looking at Alex from across the table, they were sitting in a small café, girls around them giggling and twirling their hair. Jack caught a blonde girl's eye, her blue eyes shining from beneath her fringe.

"She's hot," Jack breathed, nudging Alex's hand, and Alex nodded his head, not taking on Jack's words. The girl got up, walking over to the table and smiling down at them.

"Hey, I'm Lauren," she said, smiling at Jack, her bleached white teeth, almost blinding him.

"Hey Lauren, I'm Jack and this is Alex," he replied, grinning up at her. She flicked her hair out of her eyes and leaned over the table, her low cut top exposing a bit too much.

"Can I have your number, Jack?" she breathed and Jack's grin got bigger.

"Yeah sure," he whispered. She handed him her phone, and punched in his number, handing her back the phone.

"Thanks," she replied and looked towards Alex. "Could my friend get yours?" she asked and Alex looked up at her for the first time, smiling slightly and he nodded his head.

"Yeah sure," he said and turned to look at the table she had been sitting at. Another gorgeous blonde girl sat there, and waved shyly, her cheeks glowing a soft red as she grew embarrassed.

"That's Katie," she said and smiled, "She's a bit shy, but she's a sweetheart," she said and handed Alex her phone, letting him enter his number in. "Thanks," she said and turned to Jack again, "I'll text you soon," she said and winked, walking away.

"Wow... It's fantastic being famous," Jack said and Alex laughed, shaking his head. Was he really getting over Rachel that quickly?


One Month Later

"Rachel, do you have that piece of writing that's going into the magazine today?" Joe asked, walking past her desk and Rachel jumped up, and walked after him, her heels clicking as she walked.

"I sure do," she replied and placed the sheets of paper on his desk. He smiled at her and she returned the same grin.

"Thank you, you're a star," he said and Rachel nodded her head, taking in the compliment and walked away.

"So you're finished now?" Mark said, sweeping his brown hair out of his eyes. Rachel smiled, nodding her head and kissed his cheek.

"I sure am," she said and he grinned, wrapping at arm around her waist and spinning her around.

"Then let's grab lunch, I'm starving and you deserve it," he said and kissed her lips softly. Rachel smiled, content with the small kiss.

"Okay then, let's go," she replied and grabbed her back and phone, walking away with her hand in Mark's.


"Babe, have you seen my spare guitar straps?" Alex shouted out, his voice ringing through the house he had lived in for a while now. He managed to make it a bit more relaxed, not so uptight and expensive.

He had gotten rid of any expensive looking cushion and replaced them with fleecy throws that made the place look a lot more cosier.

"I thought you put them in the cupboard in your wardrobe, above your shirts?" she replied and walked into the kitchen. Alex grinned at her, her hair was long and golden coloured, her eyes bright green and entrancing.

She wore a pair of boy shorts with one of his t-shirts which managed to drown her, he was satisfied with Katie, she was gorgeous and completely down-to-earth.

"Oh, Maybe..." Alex replied and walked passed her, kissing her quickly on the cheek and walking into the room.

He rummaged around in the top compartment of his wardrobe until he came across a small carrier bag "Ha ha, gotcha," he whispered and pulled it down. Right enough, they were there.

"Right, I've got to go, but I'll see you tonight, then we can go to that party I was telling you about, yeah?" he asked and kissed her cheek again, swinging his guitar bag onto his shoulder and grinning at her.

"Of course," she replied, and flashed him a killer smile.


"So I'm guessing you're over Rachel," Jack said as they tuned up their guitars, they were doing a small acoustic event for charity and the boys were excited, they loved charity events; it helped them get recognized and they felt better helping people.

"I guess you could say that," Alex said and bit his lip, "although I do miss her, there's not a day that doesn't go by when I don't think about her, but I guess she's moved on and so have I."

"That's good then," Jack said and sat down on his chair, waiting for the small curtain to be removed and for them to be exposed to their audience.


"So Rachel, you never mentioned why you came back to Brooklyn," Mark said, taking a sip of his water. Rachel felt herself gulp, as if she was swallowing a giant golf ball. She smiled at him politely and shook her head.

"No, I never, because I didn't feel it was appropriate," she whispered and Mark reached over to hold her head. "A long relationship didn't end too well," was all she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
New part, might write another tonight.
Not entirely sure.
Oh by the way, I'm writing a Forever The Sickest Kids story.
If you don't know who they are, I suggest you go search.
I think this story is going okay-ish, I fell I'm dragging it along too much.
But I'm too afraid to get to the point in case it finishes aha.