Bang, Bang; You're Dead!

K is for Kimmy who was shot in the head

She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, that much was certain. Hearing the shouts and screams, she should have run away, that was what her mind was telling her to do. But her body had dragged her closer to the room where the noises were coming from. The woman’s screams were piercing and sent daggers down her spine, causing her body to shake at the mere thought of what might have been going on behind that door.

Her apartment building was usually loud and chaotic, but never before had she ever heard anything so violent. It literally sounded like the woman was having her throat ripped out as the man screamed profanities at her.

“You filthy fucking whore! You can’t keep it to yourself, can you?” She heard the man shout as the sound of a boot kicking flesh resonated through the corridor.

Kimmy stood outside of the wooden door, her eyes wide and her mind wondering whether she should go in or whether she should stand outside. What use would either of them do?

Just when she was about to turn away, the door swung open and the man’s face appeared. He noticed Kimmy and his angry face turned to rage. He grabbed on to her throat and dragged her inside of the apartment, kicking the door shut behind him as he threw Kimmy down onto the ground next to the woman.

Stumbling up from the ground, Kimmy swung around to hit the man square across the face. Her fist connected with his nose and she heard a pop before blood started to pour out. He yelled as his hand shot up to grab hold of his nose; she hadn’t broken it, but it sounded to her like it had hurt.

She turned around whilst she could to help the woman up off of the floor and she told her to call the police quickly. The woman ran off into the kitchen, leaving Kimmy alone with the enraged man. He shot daggers at her, his eyes piercing through her skull as he angrily bore into her. Her eyes were wide and before she knew it she was being thrown back across the dirty wooden floorboards. She landed with a loud clatter as her head hit the cabinet, sending mugs flying and smashing on the ground.

“You little bitch,” the man hisses, advancing on her and grabbing hold of her wrist, twisting it around and behind her back as he lifted her from the floor. “You think you can just waltz around here and act all tough, think again.” He shoved her away from him, advancing on the woman who was coming out of the kitchen, fear written all over her face.

His hands flew out from his sides, tearing at the blonde hair that lay atop the woman’s head, pulling and tugging as she screamed and cried out for him to stop. Tears poured down her face and her voice chocked out her cries, her body shaking as she tried to push him off of her. He over powered her easily and Kimmy wished with all that she could that this wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. Things like this didn’t happen to Little Kimmy Walker. She was an average girl who lived an average life, getting along just fine with no bumps in her track: And then this happens.

She advanced on the man from behind, jumping up onto his back and beginning to tug on his own hair, giving him a taste of his own medicine. He cried out, his hands letting go of the other woman as his arms rose up to swat at Kimmy and he spun in a circle, trying to shake her off. She grabbed harder onto his hair, pulling as hard as she could.

“You piece of shit, get the fuck off of me!” He screamed, his nails digging into the flesh of Kimmy’s thighs that had wrapped around his waist to secure her hold.

She hissed out in pain, her legs dropping slightly from her grip but she managed to keep herself hoisted up. Her fingers loosened on his hair and she began to move them towards his neck, her nails dragging in his flesh, leaving fresh red marks as they went. Layers of skin peeled off under her nails as she dug in hard and he screamed, clawing at the backs of her hands. Her fingers tightened once they reached the smallest diameter of his neck and they began to close in, tightening on his wind pipe and blocking off his oxygen intake.

He chocked, still scratching at her hands. Her own face had turned to one of rage and her fingers pressed deeper into his neck, feeling things pop around beneath them. He gasped out for breaths and she only squeezed tighter. She could still hear the crying of the woman who had crumpled herself up in the corner of the room, sobbing to herself as she buried her head in her hands, leaving Kimmy to do all of the work for her. Kimmy couldn’t help but feel a pang of anger towards this pathetic woman who was doing absolutely nothing to help herself.

The door swung open, but Kimmy’s grip did not loosen any, nor did the mans nails in the back of her hands let go.

“Turn around and let go,” the police instructed, but neither Kimmy nor the man showed any signs of giving up. The man still thrashed around underneath her as she dug her fingers deeper into his throat. “I said show yourself! Or I’ll be forced to shoot.” Kimmy ignored the command from the officer, her anger level too high to even begin to comprehend what was going on and she bit down on the shoulder of the man as a loud bang echoed through the room along with the sound of a woman scream; Kimmy’s blood splattering all over the walls.