‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


The professor kept talking but all I could hear was “50 year-old-virgin!” I blinked a few times as the man snorted and laughed, thinking that joke he cracked during class was funny. I twitched and begged for him to let us out already.

His bald spot was shining. It was hitting me in the eye. His glasses were too big. I swear those clothes were made in the 1950’s and he keeps snorting.

I groaned and slammed my head against my books. This was horrifying! How can I pay attention in class when that thing is teaching me? He’s just begging to get made fun of, but I must resist…

Holding in my snickers was hard and when my professor finally let us out I burst out laughing. I bet the man still lives with his mother, probably in the basement, and he probably never went out on a date.

Oh, if only I could shove him in a locker…

I sighed as I walked off campus. That was my last class for the day,thank god. Now I had to go work. I groaned out loud just thinking about it.

Work. The word should be removed from every language, every dictionary, and everyone’s vocabulary. No one should have to work. It’s so…


My eye twitched as I watched the child scream, jump around, and throw his food on the ground. The parents sat across from him with smile on their faces. They were smiling! Their child is destroying the resturant and they’re just smiling?

Ashton, a boy I work with at T.G.I Friday’s, chuckled behind me, “Don’t you just love kids?”

“No,” I snap with my teeth grinding together. “Evil little bastard…if he throws-”


“That’s it!”

Ashton grabbed my arm roughly before shouting, “Whoa man he’s like five!”

“I don’t give a flying fuck,” I hissed back at the short brunette. “His parents should beat the brat and tell him to stop throwing things. I have to clean that up you know!”

Ashton only laughed, “Maybe they’ll leave a nice tip?”

I scoff. “Doubt it.”


“Fucking little brat…dumb rip off parents…stupid job…stupid restaurant…”

I contined my rambling as I unlocked the door to the apartment. I pushed it open and kicked off my shoes. My day was horrible at work. That stupid brat got shit everywhere and-

Suddenly I heard a squeak, a slip, and a crash. My thoughts stopped as I walked into the living room and suddenly my day wasn’t so bad. I grinned widely as I stared at the predicament Skyler was stuck in in front of me.

Sky must have been cleaning again, because some how the boy had slipped and got bent over the arm of the couch giving me a great view of his ass, which looks amazing in those skinny jeans I must add.

“You know,” I snicker as I continue to admire him. “This is probably the best way you’ve greeted me home…ever.”

Skyler pushed himself to stand up and turned to glare at me. I knew he wasn’t mad at me, the blush on his cheeks clearly stated that. I chuckled as he hissed out, “Shut up.”

“Now don’t be a bitch.” I make my way over to him. I slipped an arm around his small waist and pull him into my chest.

Skyler immediately snaked his arms around my neck. One hand slipping it’s way in my hair while the other lay idle on my back. I sighed, being around Skyler always left me feeling relaxed.

I rested my forehead against his before saying randomly, “My professor is a fifty year old virgin.”

Skyler raises an eyebrow and looks at me like I’m stupid, but I’m so used to the look now that it doesn’t bother me anymore. “And you know this how?”

“If you saw him you’d agree with me,” I laugh before leaning down to kiss him. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip before pushing past the pink flesh to roam around on the other side. After years of practice I knew all his weak points, and trust me I took advantage of that a lot.

It felt like our first kiss all over. Kissing him always made me lose my breath. I still felt the sparks, the heating of my cheeks, and the butterflies. They were still here, I think they’ll always be there.

When I pulled I placed a kiss on the bridge of his nose, whispering I say, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Skyler speaks just as softly before pulling away.

“So you want to bend back over the couch for me?”

And he hit me…

“One day, I am throwing abuse charges against you,” I joke.

Skyler rolls his eyes at me before saying something along the lines of “stupid boyfriends and mental disabilities.” I stuck my tongue out at him before going to take a shower since I smelled like burnt pizza and cabbage…or maybe it’s rotten lettuce?

I don’t know.
♠ ♠ ♠
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