‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


“So how are you and your boyfriend doing?”

I tore my eyes from the family and their kids to my right. Ashton stood there, doodling something on a piece of paper, with a concerned look on his face although he wasn’t even looking at me.

I had told Ashton that Sky and I were having some problems. Trust me, I didn’t tell him why. I can still hardly believe that some asshole touched my Skyler. I swear if I ever meet the fucker he’s dead. That isn’t a threat. It’s a promise.

Back to the point though, Ashton was immediately concerned because he knew how much I cared about Sky. I normally talked about him non-stop. If I ever tell a story that boy is in it.

I sigh before answering, “Better. We’re making progress.”

Which is true. After Sky had told me I made sure to tell him as sternly as possible that I don’t care what he did or what happened, I’d still love him no matter what and he isn’t allowed to think other wise. He seemed happy with my answer and maybe a little surprised.

It had been about a two weeks since that day. I’ve made sure to tell him I love him more often. I think he likes it, because every time I say it he either blushes or smiles, which is always a good thing in my book.

“That’s good,” Ashton whispers more to himself then to me. “Well I got to go check on my costumers, be right back.”

Ashton walked off then, leaving me behind to think about none other then Skyler. He was staring to get better with the whole touching thing. Sometimes he’ll let me hold his hand or give him a quick hug, and when I say quick I mean really quick, but it’s better then nothing.

We’ve talked about him going to therapy. I’m not really all for it because therapists aren’t exactly my thing. I think they’re annoying and they should mind their own business, but saying that they don’t help people sometimes would be a lie. They can help, and I hope that one can help Sky.

I miss being able to hold him. I miss waking up to find him sleeping in my arms. I miss the way we’d cuddle on the couch and how he’d cling to me for dear life when a horror movie was on. Saying that I missed kissing him would be an understatement.

I really wanted Sky to just forget it all, but sadly that’ll never happen. He just has to learn to push it into the back of his mind and focus on other things.

I jumped when something shattered on the floor. My face fell as I realized it was a kid again…really? Did life just hate me or did this happen to everyone?


“Sky!” I called into the apartment after I slipped in. “I’m home!”

I said it like one of those people in those cheesy romance movies. You know when they drag out the ‘o’ and make it sound extremely chipper. So chipper that it actually makes you sick, yeah that.

I heard some one scoff and immediately knew it was Skyler. I smiled as I walked to our room to find him sitting cross legged on the bed. My smile grew as I walked over and took a seat next to him. I made sure I skin didn’t touch because he normally freaked if that happened, but I sat as close as I could to him.

“I missed you today,” I told him honestly.

A blush formed on his cheeks as he mumbled more to himself, “I missed you too.”

“Damn straight you did,” I laugh before pushing myself up and holding out my hand. Sky was hesitant but accepted it anyways. I wish I could have just pulled him into my chest and kissed him good, long, and hard, but I didn’t want to see him cry. It was probably the worst feeling in the world. “Are you hungry?”

Sky nods as he intertwines our fingers. I knew that the connection between our hands wouldn’t last too long. Five minutes, tops, but I made sure to take in every feeling, the tingles going up my arms and into my heart, the butterflies ripping through my stomach and flying through my veins, and the smile that crept its way onto my face. It was all because of this, a simple connection of our hands.

I stood by the stove and started making dinner. I hummed some Breathe Carolina as I swung our hands back and forth between us, just enjoying the moment. Sadly, after a few minutes of this Sky pulled his hand away. I said nothing about it and let my hand fall limp by my side.

It suddenly felt extremely cold.

I ignored the feeling gnawing at my insides though to look towards Sky. He was standing shyly beside me with one hand holding onto his arm. His eyes staid trained on the ground as he swayed from one foot to the other.

I wish I could read minds and find out what was going through his head. I hope he wasn’t remembering the rape.I still want to kill the guy that did it. No, not kill, torture, a slow and painful death.

I decided to break the sad mood by making up a lame joke, “Hey Sky, will you do me a favor?”

Sky looks up at me curiously before asking, “Depends, what is it?”

I grinned like a maniac before answering, “Since I’m not allowed to make out with you can you at least give me a strip tease that I can masturbate to? I’d really appreciate it.”

I got hit with the nearest skillet for that.

But hey, it got him to smile and that’s all I care about.
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I can't believe some of you said 'Averi better not say something stupid.'
Wth do you have no faith in him!?!
I take offense to that =[
