‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


I lied on the couch with my hands behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling. I could hear the shower running which meant Sky was still in there.

My hands clentched to form fists. I could feel my nails digging into my skin as I grind my teeth together. I wasn’t sure what to do anymore…actually I haven’t known what to do since Sky had told me what happened.

I can’t do a thing. I can’t do a god damn thing! What kind of boyfriend am I if I can’t even help? I can’t comfort him or hold him or…fuck I can’t do anything but wait and see if it all turns out ok!

I feel so fucking useless! I am useless.

My fist made contact with the coffee table. “Damn it!”

He seems to have nightmares a good bit, which I hate. I don’t like waiting up to his cries. I can’t even help with them…

Sure therapy has been helping, but I haven’t. How long will it take anyways until he’s fully recovered? I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this. It’s emotionally stressful…

I sighed before deciding to not think about it. If I continued thinking about it it’d only cause a headache and make me feel worse, which is definitely not on my to-do list.

I pushed myself off the couch to go make myself some breakfast. Today was Saturday, which meant I didn’t have school, which is kick ass, but I do have work later on today.


I grimaced at the thought of all those evil children.

“What are you doing?”

I jumped which ended up with me getting grease everywhere.

“Fuck!” I screeched when some of it ended up hitting my toe. Quickly I put some cold water on it and whined. “You scared the shit out of me!”

“Sorry,” Sky giggles before walking over to me. “Are you ok?”

I nod before going back to cooking. I heard Skyler’s footsteps before the scraping of a chair. The chair squeaked and I knew that he was waiting for me to finish. I could feel his eyes on my back.

“Hey Sky.”


“Do you want kids?”

I laughed out loud when Sky started choking on some invisible liquid. I looked back at him to see that he had placed his hand over his mouth and I swear he was as bright as a tomato.

I chuckled, “Well do you?”

“W-What kind of q-question is that?” He asks, flustered.

I grinned like a maniac before leaning over so that our noses brushed. “An important one. Why does it bother you?”

He leaned back some and glared at me, which pretty much answered my question for me. I laughed evilly before pulling away and saying, “Because if you do I’m disciplining it so it isn’t evil like the others…and I’m not changing diapers…and I’m not cleaning up its messes.”

“What a help you are,” Sky scoffs.

I grinned. “Hey lovie it’s just the way I roll.”

After Skyler and I finished eating I decided we were going to go on a date. I was feeling a bit restless. I wanted out of this apartment. I wanted to go somewhere with Sky and just have fun. I want to see him smiling and…I want to embarrass him in public.

He’s just so damn adorable when he blushes…

I snickered evilly to myself, which Sky caught on to and immediately went on a rant about how I’m not allowed to embarrass him in public although we both know that I will anyways.

It’s just the way I am! He knows he loves it…

“What are we going to see?” Sky asks as we walk into the mall hand in hand.

“Jennifer’s Body,” I answer with a huge grin.


“Because Megan Fox is in it.” I began to drool.

Sky rolled his eyes at me before saying, “You’re weird.”

I laughed before paying our way in and getting us some snacks. We got there a little early so we got some good seats in the middle and no one sat in front of it so I got to put my feet up. When the movie started Sky and I began to eat our popcorn in silence as we stared at the movie screen…

“Shit,” I whisper once a sex scene comes on. Suddenly it hit me…

I look towards Sky who was watching the movie. I send him a glare before leaning over and growling into his ear, “Do you realize how long I’ve had to use my hand?”

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that while Sky was taking a drink because he suddenly choked and spit it across the theatre. Again we were lucky no one was sitting in front of us.

I watched as his face brightened considerably as he sputtered out, “S-Shut up A-Ave.”

I begin to whine, rather loudly might I add, “It’s not cool! You haven’t touched me in forever!”


I sniffle before turning to look at him again and saying, “When you get all better I’m taking a week off school and work to fuck you senseless. You won’t be able to walk once I’m done!”

Skyler’s face only brightened before he hissed out, “Just finish watching the movie.”

“Oh and I want a strip tease…and a stripper pole that I expect you to use!”

“Watch the movie Averi.”

I grumbled before readjusting myself in the seat.

No seriously…using my hand is not cool. I do not appreciate it…and I’m not joking about that whole taking off a week of work and school. I am going to go on a vacation and I am going to pound Skyler into the nearest object for an entire week!
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw poor Averi!
I love him really I do
He's just so much fun to write
