‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


I woke up the next morning to a very familiar presence pressed against my chest. I grumbled as I felt the light pour in through the window to hit me in the face. Quickly, I buried my head in the dark locks and it took me a moment to realize who was there.

I blinked a few times as I breathed in the familiar scent of Skyler. I lifted my head up, but only slightly to see the boy resting peacefully in my arms, his naked body pressed close to my own, so close that I’m sure no one would be able to find out where one of us ended and the other began.

I smiled as I remember last night…

To be honest I didn’t think Sky would let me get a stripper pole and damn…he actually used it! That’s even better! It’s a dream come true!

I snickered he is so using that more often whether he wants to or not because damn that was hot.

I laid my head back onto the pillow and pulled him closer to me. I missed this, holding him when I went to sleep and waking up with him in my arms. It just felt natural, comforting to me.

As the two of us laid there I decided that we were taking that one week vacation very soon. I need it…why…well I don’t know I just know that I do okay!

Sadly, Sky began to stir in my eyes. I sighed and traced circles on his stomach as his eyes fluttered open before closing again. I smirked when he groaned and turned so that his face was in my chest.

I shivered when his hot breath hit my skin.

“Good morning Skyler…that unexpected display you did for me last night was amazing and I hope you know that you’re going to do that for me more often now,” I snickered as I kissed his forehead.

Sky gave me a look that clearly said keep dreaming, but I ignored it to lean down and kiss him. I was hoping that he was ok with it, but what we did last night was way worse then this. Then again…he’s still recovering so I guess I can’t really be sure.

“I love you, Sky,” I whisper into his hair just because I felt like saying it.

I felt him smile into my chest before he said it back, “I love you too.”

“Mm that’s what I thought,” I joked before yawning. “So what are the plans for today? Are we going to sleep, have more amazing sex, go out, or have more sex?”

Sky pinched my hip, a girl move, and I flinched before pouting at his answer, “Just shut up. I’m tired.”

“So sleep…”


I don’t know how long I lay there, just holding him. I couldn’t really go back to sleep since I was wide-awake now. My stomach growled but I didn’t dare move because I didn’t want to wake him up.

He looked so peaceful and it was hard to find a peaceful Sky these days. So why the hell would I ruin it? Exactly, I wouldn’t.

I ran my fingers up and down his spine. Sky ended up throwing one of his legs over my hip to get himself closer to me before he cuddled into my chest. I wish I had a camera…wow that sounded kind of creepy, but he just looked so cute.

Plus it’d be good for black mail in the near future when I want him to use that pole again.

I chuckled at my own thought.

My stomach suddenly growled rather loudly and as expected Sky woke up again. I glared down at my stomach while Sky mumbled, “The hell?”

“I’m…hungry,” I answer awkwardly.

“Then go get something to eat,” Sky yawned.

“You got to come with me.”

“Why?” Sky asks with a confused look.

“Because…I’m strange and I want you to.”

Sky grumbled something about stupid boyfriends and their needs before rolling over. I smirked and watched the boys ass as he moved to grab some boxers. I took a glance over his shoulder at me and I noticed the blush on his cheeks as he hissed, “Stop staring a-at me like a p-piece of meat.”

“Mm, but it’s so tempting,” I said before standing up as well and throwing on some boxers.

Sky rolled his eyes at me before following me into the kitchen where I proceeded to make us breakfast and inform Sky that he was going to have to start making up new moves to use on the stripper pole because I want a ‘show’ at least three times a week.

As expected he glared at me and gave me a form, icy ‘no’, but I know that I’ll talk him into it. He can’t deny my charm!
♠ ♠ ♠
To be honest I wasn't exactly sure what to write for this chapter
So I just winged it
Hope it didn't suck
