‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


I woke up to an empty bed. I sighed and sat up. Averi is at school. I groaned, missing him already. An idea popped into my mind, and I looked over at the new installment. The thin metal stared back at me with two blue eyes: My reflection. I sighed, knowing that Averi would want me to do it. And I slowly pulled myself out of the warmth of my bed. I walked over to the pole. I walked around it, as if it was some strange, foreign object. My fingers softly touched it.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I removed myself from the sight of the pole, and I stumbled into the bathroom. I showered, changed, brushed my hair and teeth, and etc. I stretched, before adjusting my belt.

My cell rang.


”Hey, Sky, want to come over tonight?” Alex.

I sighed, “How about Friday?”

”I’m busy. Eh, well, maybe some other time, then.”

I nodded, “Yeah...”

”Are you okay, Sky? I feel like you’re avoiding me…”

“I’m not. I’m just busy.” I bit my lip.

I heard him scoff, ”With what?”

“I just am, alright? I’ll call you later.” I hung up, sighing.

I picked up my iPod, from my dresser, and I placed the headphones over my ears. I flipped the switch, so it wasn’t on hold any more. Vocals and beats started to sound, and I shook the hair out of my eyes.

Listening to music I usually didn’t listen to, I stared at my reflection in the pole again.

I pressed my fingers against my bottom lip. I missed Averi’s lips against mine: Especially when he wore those silver studs. Mmm.

I wonder what he’d do if he came home, and I had piercings. Would he flip? Or like ‘em? What would it feel like? To kiss with piercings…

I dropped it. I wasn’t going to change my appearance without talking to him first.

I was avoiding Alex. Well, Alex and Taye. I was sure they both had somehow found out about what happened, and why I was being so different, but I didn’t want to do anything stupid like that again. I didn’t want to even be tempted, so I was avoiding them. It pains me to do it, but I don’t want to even think of what might happen if I went to another party with them.

I turned my iPod off, and I placed it on the table in the living room. I grabbed my wallet, and I found myself pulling on my shoes with a destination already in mind. I waited at the bus stop for about five minutes before the bus stopped in front of me. The doors opened, and I climbed on in.

“Elms,” I told the driver, as I put seventy-five cents in the dispenser.

I quickly took a seat, and the bus started to drive. There were several others already on the bus. I felt eyes on me, but I ignored them, and I looked out the window.

I kept track of the street names, and as the bus was nearing Elms, I pushed the button on the yellow rope. The bus stopped, and I quickly hopped off. I didn’t want to miss my stop.

The bus pulled away, and I turned down the street. I walked along the sidewalk for about a block or so, before coming to a dead end. The building in front of me I only knew from where Averi had taken me to get the stripper’s pole.

I inhaled deeply before exhaling and walking inside.

The inside of the building made me nervous. It was embarrassing: Some things in this store. The music got louder, as I walked to the back. The curtains in the doorway were made of beads, separating the store from the club. I pushed my way inside.

I wasn’t stopped, since no one really cared who came into this club. No one really came in this club unless they knew what they were doing; No one really knew about it, unless they’ve been in this store; And no one comes in this store because of what is being sold. So they didn’t need to worry about watching out for whom enters the club.

I danced around, looking for the pole dancers. If Averi wanted me to learn something knew, I didn’t want to look foolish.

I danced, as I watched the girls pull themselves onto the pole. Their legs clung to the pole, as they let their arms drop. Their arms were doing their own thing: Slowly grabbing at the top of the pole. With a firm grip (with their hands), they moved their bodies around the pole.

I studied their movements, before finally calling it a night and leaving. I caught another bus home, and I walked into the small apartment.

I sighed, hearing the shower running. Averi was already home. How late is it?

I sniffed my shirt, smelling the smoke, and I grunted. I was hoping to be home before Averi.

Oh, well, fuck it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long.