‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


Of course Averi had to bring that up, and it made me curious. I never thought about marriage before. I always just thought of men and women getting married— I never pictured myself as one that could. Why would he be asking me about it now?

I slowly pulled myself off the bed, and I sighed, “I’m going to dig through the fridge. I’ll be right back.”

Averi sighed, before letting me pass him and head to the kitchen. I couldn’t say that I wasn’t curious, or I would be lying. How could he just bring it up and drop it so quickly? Marriage isn’t something that you just randomly talk about: He must have some incentive. Is one of his friends asking someone to marry them, and it made Averi think he should ask me about it?

I grunted in discontent and curiosity, as I opened the fridge. It was almost empty. I should have gone grocery shopping today. I probably wouldn’t smell bad, if I did: I hate the smell of smoke.

I sighed, and I pulled out some lunchmeat, mayonnaise, and some flour tortillas. I never liked lunchmeat: The smell and taste was never appetizing to me, but I slowly made myself a wrap anyhow. This was all we had left, and I wasn’t going to waste it.

I walked back intoAveri’s and my our bedroom. Averi was sitting in bed: He had pulled down the covers on my side of the bed for me. I smiled.

“What’d you make, Sky-baby?”

My smiled fell, and I showed him the wrap. “It’s nothing special. It is just lunchmeat, Ave.”

“You don’t like that…”

I climbed in bed next to him. “I’m going to go grocery shopping tomorrow.”

“Alright, Love.”


I cuddled into the body pressed against mine. Averi must be off of school today. To get more comfortable, I pulled my left leg up over his. Averi moved slightly, signaling that he was waking up as well.

“Morning,” I grunted. I was groggy, tired, and horny.

Averi yawned, “Good morning.”

I softly kissed his bare chest, making Averi chuckle. “I love you, Sky-Baby.”

I grinned against his chest.
“I love you, too.”

I climbed on top of him, straddling him. I kissed his nipples.

“We need to go on that vacation.” Averi gasped.

I nodded into his chest, “Tomorrow.”

“Can’t,” Averi sighed, “I have to work late tonight.”

I sighed, making Averi shiver as my breath hit his hardening nipples.

“Stop teasing me.” Averi laughed.

I looked him in his eyes, before knowingly grinding my hip into his own once. “Teasing? What teasing?”


I groaned, upset that Averi didn’t take my advice and quit his job. He ditched me to go to work, and I was starting to feel lonely. I couldn’t say I was just now missing him, since I was missing him ever since he set that first foot out the door. All I wanted was for him to quit his job, so we could go on that one-week vacation and fuck each other’s brains out with our hard dicks. Is that too much to ask for?He should have booked the room before I changed my mind.

Averi came home from work, asking about marriage again. This time he was asking about what I thought about moving to Nevada, getting married, and adoptingcute babies.

Where was he getting these weird ideas? It was hard enough living in California. How would we get enough money to move to Nevada, pay for the marriage, as well as paying to adopt kids? I wasn’t even sure I wanted to get married or adopt kids. I’m not really the fatherly type. I’m more of a… Well, I don’t know. I just don’t want to spend most of my life yelling at kids.

And yet, telling Averi this, I felt like I was breaking his heart, and I felt terrible. I hated seeing his face trying to hide how he was feeling.

He needs to stop talking to whomever he is talking to about marriage because I can’t bare to hear about it anymore. I hate how he’s coming home and talking on and on about it.It’s like he can’t just spend the rest of his life with me without committing.

I sighed, picking up the phone.

A female voice was cheery, “Hi, Is this Skyler?”


“I’m just calling to say that you’re application was outstanding, and we would love to make an appointment with you sometime soon for an interview.”

I remembered about the several applications I sent out a while ago.
“Oh, I’m actually not looking right now. Thanks, though.”

I wasn’t going to go back to work, yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need a new laptop.
Mine is retarded.