‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


Ashton tried everything. He tried to get me to talk, to tell him what happened between Sky and I, but I had stopped speaking to him.

He tried motivating me to move, to do something, to do anything, but I started ignoring him.

He came over every day and started to make dinner. The boy would walk into the room with a tray of food and lay it beside me. I would stare at it for a second before scowling and hitting the tray causing it all to go crashing to the ground.

Ashton would yell and tell me that I was just wasting away my life that I was acting childish, but I couldn’t give a damn less.

He wasn’t Sky, so his opinion didn’t matter to me.

I lost count of how long it has been. Maybe it’s been two days, maybe it’s been a few weeks, hell maybe it’s even been months, I don’t know. All I know is that this bed and I have become close friends.

I hardly move.

I hardly sleep.

I do not eat.

I do not care.

Nothing’s worth it anymore. I feel like without Sky around I can’t do anything. I lost my friends and my family, because of him and now that he’s gone I don’t have anyone left. He was the one thing that kept me motivated to do everything that I did…

Now he’s gone, because I was being an annoying bastard. It’s my fault for being so fucking stupid. Maybe if I hadn’t tried to push the marriage idea onto him he’d be here, lying in bed with me, cuddled against my chest while sleeping softly…

A whimper pushed past my lips. Ashton looked at me concerned as a few tears rolled down my cheeks to stain my pillows.

Ashton watched as I curled up into a ball in bed. The covers were the barrier between myself and the world around me.

I just wish that my bed would swallow me hole. I wish I could just disappear, but someone up there seems to hate me because nothing in my life seems to go right.

“Averi…you need to eat something…you haven’t eaten in eleven days!” Ashton shouted at me as I yet again threw another tray of food across the room.

I shook my head from side to side stubbornly, showing that I had no intention in doing so. What was the point? Why should I eat?

“Ave you’re just wasting your life away moping around like this! Sky left ok…get up and do something about it then!”

Get up and do something about it? I tried and failed.

I decided that Ashton was annoying me so I turned on my side to face away from him. My eyes began to close, but when they shut sleep didn’t take me. It never took me…

So I lay there, my eyes shut, darkness consuming my mind, but sleep never took me. I heard Ashton walking around the house before the door opened and slammed shut, it reminded me of the day Sky left and I flinched at the memory.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar shining object across the room. The ring still lay silently on the floor. It seemed so innocent…

I sighed and finally pushed myself to sit up. My eyes went towards the phone where I contemplated on calling Sky. I picked it up and dialed his number, but as usual all I got was the voicemail.

I hung up immediately and slammed the phone back on its hook. He really didn’t want to talk to me…he…he really hated me.


The word left a vile taste in my mouth. I tried to ignore it, but it just wouldn’t work. The taste seemed to get even worse as the seconds went to minutes and minutes to hours.

Finally I motivated myself enough to get a glass of water. I lazily threw the glass back into the sink before returning to the room and lying back in the blankets where I staid put until that evening when Ashton returned.

I wasn’t sure how he put up with me. I simply lay around like a dead rag doll, which is what I felt like, and did nothing but cause problems. But for some reason Ashton stuck around and tried to help me.

If I somehow make it through this I’ll thank him.

My stomach began to growl again. I was feeling sick and unusually tired. My head began to pound but I ignored it and concentrated on Ashton who had just walked into the room.

He sighed when he saw me sprawled out on my back on the bed. He shook his head disappointedly at me before asking, “Are you going to eat?”

My answer was a shake of my head.

Ashton bit his bottom lip. His eyes scanned the room as if it held the answer to him. He looked at the drawers that still hung up from when Sky left, I hadn’t moved them. He glanced towards the silver ring on the floor, that I haven’t let him touch. He looked back at me once more before saying, “I’m going to make this better Ave, I promise.”

I looked at him skeptically before slowly deciding it was nothing. He was just being weird ‘tis all…

And as Ashton walked towards my bed I felt my eyes beginning to get even heavier. Things were getting blurry and I could feel my eyes beginning to shut. I think it’s been over 72 hours since sleep took me…

I felt my breathing evening out and soon… soon I was fast asleep.
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Word hasn't picked up any grammar errors.
SO IF YOU FIND ANY, LET ME KNOW (chapter/paragraph/etc) SO I CAN CHANGE IT.
I can't change it, if I don't know where it is.