‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


It has been three months since Sky left.

The first month I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, I didn’t care, but two months ago Ashton had gotten fed up with it. He had screamed at me to eat and if I didn’t he’d get Alex and Tay over here to force me.

Of course I didn’t believe him…

But not even twenty minutes later I found myself being held down by Ash and Alex while Tay spoon fed me and threatened that if I didn’t chew and swallow that he’d chew it for me. Yeah, that day was fun.Note the sarcasm.

I may have started to eat, but hardly. I always felt sick when I did. It didn’t have a taste to me, just like the steaming water from a bath had no feeling to me and just like the noises blasting from the stereo had no meaning. It felt like nothing meant anything and everything meant nothing.

Get it?

As I lay inour my bed staring aimlessly at the wall I heard faint voices.

“I’m worried…do you think he’s ok?” Tayden asks.

“Ivan plus a distressed Sky…no that’s not ‘ok’,” Alex growled.

I sat up quickly at the mention of Sky. I didn’t catch the rest of their conversation as I stood to my foot and quickly through on clothes. The only words running through my head were ‘Distressed. Sky. Not Ok.’

I quickly maneuvered out of my room and into the living room where the guys were. They all looked up at me shocked when I growled, “Why isn’t Sky ok?”


Not long after Iforced politely asked that I found myself in a run down urban area. Ash and Tay were sitting silently in the back of Alex’s car while I sat rigidly in the passenger seat.

After Iforced politely asked the guys to explain to me what was going on I found out some important information. Sky was with another guyI’ll kill him and they’re worried that he’s doing drugor should I say slaughter him?

My eyes scanned the neighborhood. Sky would never even step foot in a place like this, so why the hell is he living here with some drug dealer?

I growled, my fists clenched tighter into the pocket of my jacket as I glared out the car window. Speaking of the car, it stopped.

We all stepped out and headed towards a brick building. Ash and Tay were whispering behind me and I could only imagine what they were talking about. Alex seemed to be the only calm one, why I’m not sure, but he seemly walked towards the elevator where we went up and he lead us to a room.

“Ivan will probably answer,” Alex, informs me as he knocks on the door. “He’ll tell us Sky isn’t here…he always does.”

I nodded my head already knowing that as soon as Ivan opens the door I’m barging in. If Sky was in there, if he was really doing what Alex told me he was…then I have to get him back and if that means holding him down and forcing him to listen to me then I’ll do it.

I sighed when the door didn’t open. Alex knocked a couple more times before asking, “You think they’re home?”

I looked back at Tayden when he answered, “I don’t know. I didn’t look for his car while outside.”

Ashton was speaking, but I couldn’t hear him or anything but the footsteps.

When I had turned to look at Tayden I noticed familiar dark hair moving this way. I blinked a few times and stared at the two boys walking towards us. One was unfamiliar while the other was Sky…

The boy was leaning in too close. His lips were ghosting over Sky’s and I could feel this gnawing anger in the pit of my stomach dying to get out.

Then it happened. The boy had leaned in, pressing his lips firmly to Sky’s as they walked towards us unaware of the pure murder in my eyes.

I pushed passed Ashton and ignored their calls as I stomped towards this unknown boy. I’m just going to guess it’s Ivan since Sky was with him.

Sky was looking at me now, but I wasn’t sure what his facial expression was because I was to busy aiming my fist at Ivan’s face. The boy had hardly any time to react before I nailed him in the jaw, a loud crack resonating through the air.

Ivan stumbled back before I pressed his body against the wall and began aiming punch after punch at his gut. I could faintly hear Tayden, Alex, and Ashton telling me to stop, but I ignored them and continued causing as much pain to this asshole as humanly possible.

“Stop it!” Skyler screamed and I felt his hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off before kneeing Ivan in the stomach. He coughed before aiming his fist towards my face. I stumbled back when it made contact with my jaw, but launched forward to tackle Ivan to the ground.

“Damn it Averi stop it! I need him!” Sky screamed and if that was meant to calm me down it only made me angrier. I punched harder and faster after I heard that one little phrase.

I need him.

I could hear their footsteps coming towards me now. Blood was leaking out of Ivan’s nostrils and a few trickles of the red liquid were escaping past his busted lips. His eyes were rolling around in his head as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped him forward.

Our faces were inches apart when I threatened, “If you ever even think about coming near Skyler, I’ll kill you. Got it?”

Ivan nodded his head quickly and I let him go. Immediately the boy scurried backwards before jumping to his feet and running like hell, which I couldn’t blame him. I wouldn’t be surprised if horns had sprouted out of my head by now.

I pushed myself to stand before looking back at Sky who was staring at me wide-eyed. He staid completely still when I walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him flush against me while burying my head in the crock of his neck.

“I’m sorry Sky…I’m so sorry but…he can’t have you Sky,” I mumbled into his skin, already feeling the fire running through my veins at the mere touch. “He just can’t, because you’re mine and you always will be…please come home with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ain't that right Averi?
Averi: Mhm he's mine.
Yep, I felt the beggining was lame but I love the last sentence
"Please come home with me."
