‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


I was extremely bored. Sky had got home but went straight to sleep. Really, I waited all day to spend time with him and he just goes to sleep. If he’s tired though I won’t bother him.

I scowled when I realized there was absolutely nothing on TV. Honestly, if they want America to watch the TV then they should put on some good shows. I rolled my eyes before pushing myself to stand up. At that exact moment my stomach growled…

“Food,” I said it like I was a zombie and chuckled to myself before going to our kitchen. I opened the fridge and tried to find something to eatif only Sky was up then I’d have something to eat. Ignore that thought…

I decided that I wanted some hamburgers and French fries, because I’m a fatty.Not really. I smiled as I started cooking the food and not even a minute later Sky was walking into the kitchen while whipping at his eyes.

“What are you cooking?” He grumbles, probably mad that the smell of the food woke him.

“Food,” I answer like the smart ass that I am.

Sky growls but still lets me walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. I snuggled my head into the crock of his neck before kissing the hollow of his throat.

“Are you hungry?” I ask.

Sky’s stomach answered before he did. I laughed hysterically while Skyler yelled at me like the bitch that he is.

Once our food was finished the two of us went to sit on the couch. I made Skyler sit in my lap, because if he’s up I’m keeping him around me. I went all day without him and all I want to do is spend some time with him.

So the two of us ate our dinner and watched some movie I found on TV.

“So where were you today?” I ask curiously.

Sky didn’t answer and took a bite of his hamburger. I scowled as he slowly chewed his food. He was stalling…

Once he finished he looked at me before answering, “Visiting Alex.”

A part of me screamed profanities, the jealous half, while the other more logical part of me knew to just brush it off. I mean he just went to visit him right? I’m sure he got bored at home alone so I can’t blame him…Stupid fucking Alex…

“Sounds fun,” I say with a shrug before pulling Skyler back into my chest. I rested my head on his shoulder and took in his addicting scent.

It wasn’t long until it was getting dark out and we both were ready for better. I jumped under the covers before opening my arms so Sky could slip in them. I wrapped them around his frame before pulling him close so I could kiss his forehead.

“I love you,” I mumbled into his hair. I just felt like saying it.

I felt a smile against my check as Sky whispered back, “Love you too.”


I woke up the next morning when the alarm clock went off. I groaned and quickly turned it off, not wanting it to annoy Sky. I sighed, as I lay with him a little longer before kissing his lips and slipping out of the bed, trying my best not to wake him.

I pulled the blankets up to his chin and made sure he was comfortable and warm before tip toeing to get myself some clothes on and exiting the room.

I hated waking up this early. Really, what the hell? Sky is one lucky bastard, getting to sleep in all day, but then again he goes to work later so…

I groan as I rub at my eye and make me a breakfast. Why can’t school be free? That way neither of us can work and I can just come home after school. It’d be so awesome, but no, no society has to blow some major balls and make us pay for every damn thing.

Next thing you know we’ll have to buy air!

I scowled at the thought. Imagine how much that would cost. It’d be like ten bucks for an hour worth of air. Then…then we’ll have to pay for our blood to flow, yep…

Sorry I have random thoughts in the morning when I’m half asleep.

After I rambled about the world in my head I realized it was time to leave. I pouted, not really wanting to go, I step out of the apartment and lock the door behind me before walking outside where I walked the ten minutes to school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmm I love my Ave&Sky <3333
Emy and I are our biggest fans XD
