‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


I rolled over, slowly waking myself from my slumber. To my right, the bed was cold, telling me that Averi had already left for school. I sighed, before rubbing my eyes.

The phone rang, and I let my hand fall to the table to pull the phone off the nightstand.

“Hey, Cutie,” It was Alex.

I chuckled, “If I didn’t know you were straight, love, I’d think you were hitting on me.”

“Psh.” He laughed, “I was just calling to see if you were awake, which I’m guessing I woke you.”

“Not really.”

“Alright, good. Well, before you head on over, Tayden and I were talking. And well, we want to go to a club— Ya’ know? Just to mess around, get drunk. And we want to know if you’ll come with us. It won’t be until later tonight, so you have all day to think about it.”

I sighed. A club? He wants me to go to a club with him and Taye. Oh, wow.
“It’s not my scene, though.”

“I know, but it’s just a one-time thing. You don’t even have to drink.”

I sighed again, giving in. “How long will we be out?”

“Just a few hours. It’ll be like you’re at work. It’s not a big deal.”

Sitting up, I yawned and pressed the phone to my other ear, “Alright. I just want to be home by at least eleven.”

Alex giggled, “Sounds great.”

“Where did this even come from?”

“I heard about it through some chick next door.” Alex was grinning. I could feel it. “Plus, I’m horny, and I really want some pussy.”

I laughed, “That’s one reason to go, then.”

“Of course. Well, you should get up, Hun.” Alex still had that grin on his face. I could hear it as he spoke.

I inhaled through my nose, “I should, but I’m just so tired. I don’t know why.”

“You can’t feel the after effects of the party until after the party, Sky! I’m going to make sure you have the most fun tonight, ever!”

The sudden change in his voice made me slightly jump, and I laughed, “Okay, okay. I’m getting up. I’ll try to be at your house in ten.”

“Ten what? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Years?”

I shook my head, “Minutes, Al. Fuck, you really need to stop drinking energy drinks.”

“Never!” Click.

So much for a ‘Goodbye?’ I set the phone down, and I climbed out of bed. I must have gotten up to fast: Darkness was starting to take over my vision, so I sat back down. I blinked a few times, clearing my eyesight, before standing back up.

I moved to the dresser and started digging through the clothes. Under my breath, I couldn’t help but say what I was looking for to myself— as if it was a reminder. I pulled out a clean outfit, and I quickly changed.

I wrote a note to Averi, in case I wouldn’t be home before he got home, letting him know that I might not be home until after ten and that I love him.

I checked the voicemail, looking to see whether or not I’m scheduled in for a job interview. But there was nothing, yet.

I locked the door behind me, as I left, and I cheerfully spoke to Fran for a few minutes as I got to the lobby. She’s such a sweet old women, it’s hard not to feel happy around her.

I arrived at Alex’s house in less than fifteen minutes, due to less traffic—and I think the taxi driver was on drugs.

Tayden ran over to me, and he gave me a tight hug, pulling me slightly off the ground.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.

He finally put me down, and I shook my head, “It’s only been a few days, Taye. Don’t over-exaggerate.”

He laughed, “Alright, fine.”

“Oh, man, Sky, you missed it.” Alex was knelt over from laughing. “Hunter grabbed Taye’s package, and Taye hit the floor in no time.”

I rolled my eyes. That dog has serious issues.
“Oh, wow.”

“It was hilarious, man.”

“It was not! It fucking hurt, that’s what it was.”

I couldn’t help, but laugh at the simple argument.
“You two act like five-year-olds.”

They both grinned from ear-to-ear, “We’re your five-year-olds.”

Hunter was barking in the back yard, chasing a bird.

“He’s such an idiot.” I laughed, pointing.

Alex gasped, “That idiot is my dog!”

“Oh, shut up. You call him worse things than that.” Tayden playfully punched his friend.

How I could be a close friend with these two was beyond me—even though I’m half-related to one of them.

“So, where’s the party?” I asked, softly.

Alex grinned, “It’s just at some nearby club not far from here. I was thinking we could all take my car, so we wouldn’t have to pile into some taxi late at night.”

“Taxi’s aren’t that bad,” I laughed, “I take them all the time.”

“Yeah, but you and danger hold hands all the time. Haven’t you seen the taxi shit on the news?” Alex said, biting his nails, “It’s creepy just hearing about it. I can’t believe you will even get in one.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Besides, they just eat your money anyhow.”

“Now,” I laughed, “That is something we agree on.”

We only watched about one, or two, TV shows before actually getting ready for the party. And by that, I mean, me helping Alex and Taye find something to wear. When it comes to chicks, Alex has to look ‘perfect.’ And when it comes to parties, Tayden has to look ‘sexy.’ For me, I don’t really give two shits—I already have what I want: Averi.

We all piled into Alex’s fucked up—literally— car, and we let Alex drive us the twenty-three miles to the club.

As we got in the small line in front of the doors, I gasped. I didn’t expect to go to a place so huge.
♠ ♠ ♠
I cannot believe there are so many stars already-- I think five.
We just started writing this. Haha, but I guess it is all of our faithful readers. :3
I'd also really like to thank those that have commented.
