‹ Prequel: Mysophobia
Status: Complete.

The Harsh Truth


I felt bad for doing this to Averi, but his constant nagging was starting to make me lie more and more. I know lying is bad, but I can’t deal with telling Averi. I don’t want him to know anything is wrong: I don’t want him to pity me. I just want to hear him say how much he loves me.

“Sky,” Ave was sitting on the couch. He patted the seat next to him, “Want to watch a movie with me?”

I looked at his hand that was positioned where he wanted me to sit, and then I looked at the television.

“What movie?” I asked, tearing my eyes away from the television.

Averi smiled, making me feel guilty, “I was thinking we could watch The Haunting in Connecticut.

I felt my eyes widen at the thought of watching a scary movie.
“Um, Okay.”

I didn’t sit next to him, like he wanted to. I knew he would want to cuddle with me, and I don’t know how well that would work out.

When I was at my dad’s house this morning, he was shocked. I told him everything, and I cried for a long time. I told him I was raped. I told him I quit my job. I told him I slept outside in an unfamiliar town, and I laid on the sidewalk until I was strong enough to call a taxi and get myself to see him. I told him how hard it was for me to climb back into a taxi without feeling like I was in danger, let alone dirty. He let me get cleaned up, and he had to search around the house for any clothing that either Tayden or I had left, so I could wear it. I threw the clothes I wore last night away. I couldn’t wear them again, anyways: They were ruined.

It didn’t take long this morning for my father to tell Tonya, who ran over and hugged me: But that only made me panic and start sobbing.

I was shaking, already, just from watching the beginning credits.


My breathing was shaky, as I quenched my eyes shut.

“Sky, are you alright?”

I got up, and I wondered into Averi’s and my bedroom with my noodles. I sat on my side of the bed, and I slowly ate.

I heard the voices from the movie, and the man came into my thoughts. He was telling me things that he never really said to me.

I groaned, and I set the noodles on the table. I didn’t eat much, and I had already lost my appetite.

I closed my eyes, as I let my body curl together. I shut my eyes tighter, trying to block the man out of my thoughts, but I couldn’t. He wasn’t going to leave. I felt myself crying softly, as I remembered last night.

I didn’t hear Averi come in, but when his arms silently wrapped around me, and he kissed my forehead, I couldn’t stay calm. I pushed him away, shaking more violently. I sobbed, and I told him to leave me alone and not to touch me.

He was confused, and I know I made him feel bad.

I just… I just can’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sky is officially caught in a web of lies.
