Status: Complete

Poster Boys For Your Scene

Chapter 25

This time, it was Pete driving the van. Everybody was coming up with suggestions of where to go. First, Joe came up with the idea to go to Vegas. "I was told that when in doubt, Vegas baby!"

"But Joe, Vegas has a lot of people. THEREFORE, not safe. We need to be somewhere no one would expect us to be. And plus, if we wanted to have fun in Vegas, we would all have to 21... *coughcough* Morgan and Melissa *coughcough*."

"Gee thanks, Patrick."

"No problem, girls! And, we have to be at a place that doesn't require to much walking. We don't want Melissa to hurt her leg more."

"How about we just drive with no plan. Beckett won't be able to predict where we go if we don't even know. I was thinking randomly driving through the plains? And it's tornado season. I've always wanted to see one..." As Andy listened to his girlfriends suggestion, the idea of it grew on him.

"Hey, that sounds like a good plan. I think we should do it." Melissa smiled when Andy agreed with her.

"What if we run out of gas in the middle of nowhere? It's pretty barren out there."

"We'll try to avoid that situation as much as possible. But for now, Morgan, it's a good idea."


"URGH I can't believe it! Adam Lambert lost?" While on the road, Morgan was listening to the radio. When the news came on, she learned that her favorite to win had actually lost. In the passenger seat, Patrick was laughing because he was glad Kris Allen won.

"I'm so mad! I mean, Kris was good, but Adam was way better. Plus, he has really good hair." Pete was shaking his head back and forth.

"Pete, you never even watch American Idol! Why the disappointment over Adam not winning?"

"Well I saw one of the episodes when we came back from the concert with Morgan an she go me hooked on Lambert!"

"Uhhh don't make me barf!" He pointed is finger down his throat to simulate throwing up.

"Can we stop talking about America Idol? I want some food! I'm SOOO hungry." Joe was in the middle seat, twittering about his hunger. His tweet read: does anyone know of good places to eat in the middle of the nowhere? Andy was just checking his twitter page when he saw Joe's tweet.

"JOE! You can't tweet where we are!" He gave Joe the evil eye. Joe responded with a shrug of the shoulders and explained that it doesn't count because the term "middle of nowhere" is used a lot. "It doesn't matter! Beckett already has a pretty good idea of where we are, I bet. Now he knows that we're looking for a place to eat and probably will check places to eat around here. Seriously Joe? We have to be more careful."

"Ohhh... Okay. From now on, I decree that there shall be no more twittering until we are out of this mess!" Joe's regal tone irritated Pete. He looked back at Joe.

"Me? Stop tweeting? You must be insane. I'm still gonna use twitter, but my tweets will be smartly written. Aha me.. Stop tweeting... you're hilarious." Looking off into yonder, Pete spotted something that looked like a diner. He pulled in and apparently it was home of the biggest burger.

"I take that sign as a challenge! I bet I have seen bigger burgers in my lifetime. Let's go." Patrick was determined to see this burger. After they found a parking space, everyone spilled put of the van. Andy got out the wheelchair that they stole from the hospital and helped Melissa on it. He then wheeled her into the establishment and found a nice table for everyone to sit at. The waiter came around and Joe took the liberty of ordering the burger.

"We will have one of your burgers that you claim to be the biggest, please! Andy, do you want something else?"

"I'll have a veggie burger, thanks."

A half hour and five stomach aches later, they all came out of the diner with take-out boxes and went back into the van. "Okay," said Patrick. "I believe that they have the biggest burger. My distended stomach is a testimony to that." Before hitting the road, Pete paused and thought hard about something. Something was in the back of his mind bugging him. But he didn't know what.

"Look at that!" Melissa pointed out the window to the darkened sky. "The lightning looks so cool at night. I love storms. Isn't the sound amazing?" Morgan jumped about ten feet in the air when she inevitable thunder that followed the lightning.

"Patrick, do you mind switching seats with Morgan? I want her to be next to me." He smiled and gladly switched with Morgan. She tried to smile back, but she was too scared. I hate storms...
♠ ♠ ♠
Agh I start school tomorrow!!! I'm scared. Lol and yay me, I'm getting purple highlights tonight! Life is good right now. =] And I got an idea for a new story... Let's see where this goes. Comment please!