I'm Hardly Worth Your Time


Jul 28 2008
Englishtown, New Jersey

“Last box G!” I nodded my head and reached for the last box of shirts and handed it to Vinny. “Thanks. You can head back to the bus to hang with the guys now if you want.” I waved and headed back to the bus like he said. Today was New Jersey, my home state. It felt weird being back, but I wasn’t to far from my old house. I climbed back onto the bus to see Alex and Zack messing with an acoustic guitar.

“Hey Gloria!” Alex said hugging me. I laughed and waved. “Your voice is still gone?” Once again I lied and nodded my head.

“Are you sure you’re okay? We can go to a doctor ya know.” Zack said. I just shook my head and smiled. They both smiled back. I pointed to the guitar with a questioning look.

“Oh! Well we don’t have a normal set today so we’re doing an acoustic set for a couple fans. It’ll be short but afterwards we get to meet all of them.” Alex informed me. I smiled and nodded my head again.

“You can come if you want.” Zack said smiling. I nodded my head again and clapped my hands. I pointed to the clock.


“What time do we play?” Zack asked. I nodded my head. “I think 2:30.” I looked shocked and pointed back to the clock. They both looked at it.

“Oh shit! We’re on in 10! Come on.” Alex screamed running out the door. Zack began to leave but then turned and kissed me. I pushed him away and led him out the door so he wouldn’t be late. We all ran toward the acoustic tent to find Rian and Jack.

“Where the fuck have you two been?!” Rian asked.

“We. Clock. Late. Time. Gloria. POINT!” Alex said out of breath. I laughed as I looked at Zack.

“Gloria pointed to the clock and we saw that we were going to be late so we ran.”

“That explains Alex panting like a girl.” Jack said laughing. Alex looked at him with an angry face.

“Oh yeah! Well-” I clapped my hands and pointed to Rian’s watch for it to read 2:35. “I’ll get you back later Barakat.” I rolled my eyes as I watched them head in front of the tent to many screaming fans.

“Thanks Gloria. I don’t know what we would do without you.” Ri said hugging me from the side. I gave him thumbs up and smiled.

“Still no voice?” Jack asked. I shook my head and made a sad face. Jack shook his head and pulled me aside. “Gloria what the fuck is up with you? Your voice must be back. I lost my voice seeing Blink 182 and I got it back in no time. What’s up?”

I shook my hands as if I was saying ‘nothing’.

“I don’t believe you one bit. You know if you need to talk to someone I’m here for you.”

I nodded and gave him a warm hug. I love Jack, he’s like everyone’s older brother.

“Come on let’s go watch your boyfriend and Alex.” I nodded and we headed back to where we were.

“Where did you two go?” Rian asked Jack in a whisper in hopes of me not hearing, FAIL.

“Something’s up with her dude. She said her voice is still gone but she’s hiding something. Did her and Zack get into a fight or something?”

“Not that I know of they’ve been fine.”

“What about Violet. We all know she’s evil why is she with us?!”

“Because I’m getting paid to take her with us. She’s with us for a little while and then she’s out.”

“But she’s Zack’s ex. What if she told a lie to G?”

“I’m sure she would but G would have told us.”

“I don’t know but I’m looking out for her. You know we all hate Vi.”

“So do I but I get money for it!”

“How much?”

“You don’t need to know!” Rian said with a normal voice. I laughed to myself while watching Alex and Zack.

July 28, 2008. 8:49pm.
Today wraps up another day of Warped journal! Today was actually kinda fun! I helped Vinny unload the merch and then headed back to the bus to see Alex and Zack. They told me they had an acoustic set today, it was so cool to see them play their songs slower then normal! My favorite to hear was Jasey Rae. Of course they were almost late but I made them not late! The set went great and after that they met fans. So many bras were given to them it was scary. They should start collecting them from every date and then add them up at the end to see how many they have, I’m sure they’ll have about 4 million by the time this is over, haha. After the set we all came back and watched movies all day. I don’t really remember what we watched, but I was happy I got to cuddle with Zack. Wow, cuddle? Where has my head gone? Well he is my boyfriend…speaking of that, Violet left me alone all day! Not sure why, maybe she’s making up an evil plan to poison me for good. Fucking bitch, better watch my mouth. Ah who cares! My journal my rules! Jack pulled me aside today asking if I was okay. Of course, I lied. Then him and Rian had a conversation about Violet being evil? What the fuck? So all the guy’s hate her? Makes me feel a little better! She’ll be gone soon…I hope. I want to talk to the guys already. I miss my own voice sometimes. I don’t know what else to put in this. Random crap. If I forgot anything about today then oh well, a forgotten memory. Better stop writing, Alex just screamed goodnight to everyone and it’s only near 9? Guess he’s super tired. I better hit the hay too. Night journal! Talk to you tomorrow…or write to you tomorrow. Just…bye.
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I would like to thank my_beautiful_rescue for being my third comment so I can write this chapter! I want another 3 comments before I begin again. It's not to hard people ;D <3

I joined ATL's fan club called The Hustler Club. So if you're in add me!: KierstynRM

Music wise, Hey Monday's "I Dont Wanna Dance" is really fucking good. I listen to it everyday. It's on now actually
Avenged Sevenfold's new album is great. Fiction had me broken down into tears because it's the last we'll ever hear from The Rev. ='[

Remember to comment :D<3