
Chapter 8

..... and lord and behold it was Xemnas.

"Yes Xemnas, how can I help you?" Allison whispered hoping no one would be eavesdropping.

"Can I come in first?" Xemnas grumbled. From his tone,he wasn't in a good mood. Allison nodded and stepped aside for him to enter. After he was in, Allison reached over and closed the door.

"Is there anything wrong?" Allison asked and Xemnas sighed.

"I fear that something impossible has happened and I will lose my self." He said finally.

"Something impossible happened and him losing himself? What is he talking about?" Allison thought frantically.

"I don't understand." Allison murmured, fearing the outcome. Xemnas sighed once more.

"I don't blame you for not understanding, but you see, Its because of you that I feel this way..." Xenmas said starting to trial off. Allison realized what he was talking about and gasped. He did love her though it was impossible since nobodies did not have emotions.

"S-so what you're saying is, you feel something? And its towards me?" Allison said meekly beginning to tremble slightly. Xemnas chuckled.

"Yes, does it scare you?" He said coolly. Nothing more was said and for the moment they stared at each other.

"Sarah, do you feel something to?" He wondered. Allison didn't know what to say to him. For one thing, she had to make it seem like she was a nobody. But, she did feel something there for him.

"I think so, its hard to tell but I feel something. I think so, at least." Allison mumbled. Xemnas gave a smile and began to approach Allison and kissed her.

"What is he doing?" Allison thought. Though she was bewildered why this was happening, she kissed him back. They stayed like that for a while. Then, a faint knock was heard on Allison's door. Xemnas pulled away relunticly and stared at the door.

"Who could that be?" He grumbled furiously and was about to open the door and demand who ever it is to leave.

"No wait! We should keep this on the down low for the time being!" Allison whispered frantically. Xemnas stared at her and then nodded.

"Whatever makes you feel comfortable." He murmured and his hands dropped back down to his sides.

"Follow my lead." Allison said and began to approach the door.

"I'm coming!" She shouted and opened the door. It was Roxas. Roxas smiled and then he noticed Xemnas standing there behind her.

"Um, am I interrupting anything?" He said shyly. Allison shook her head.

"No, not really. Xemnas just had to drop off some papers, right Xemnas?" She said, glancing at Xemnas.

"Yes, I was actually just leaving." He replied and rushed out of the room.

"Okay then. I should give you some time to fill out that paper work. Bummer. Alright, ill see you later then." Roxas mumbled and walked away before Allison could reply.

"Okay." She said with a heavy sigh. She closed the door and fell on her bed.

"Okay, why is this happening to me? Why does Xemnas like me instead of someone else. Of course, he's a nobody. But, nothing makes sense any more!" She thought, becoming more bewildered.


About a week passed by and Xemnas didn't come to see Allison at all during that time period. Though, he continued to smile and stare at her every night during dinner.

"Is he testing me? And why the long wait? That never stopped him before." Allison thought.

"Sarah. Are you okay? All week you have been acting strange." Axel said. She looked up at him and studied his face. He looked concerned.

"Oh please tell me that he doesn't have anything towards me now!" Allison thought.

"I'm fine, thanks. I guess I'm not yet used to the way things are here." She said finally and sighed. Axel nodded and walked away, starting to become weirded out. There was only one thing Allison needed more than anything at this moment. Xemnas.

"That's it! If he wont see me, than Ill go see him!" She rushed off towards his office. Before she knocked, she put her ear to the door, to hear if anything was going on. She heard nothing and with a deep breath, knocked on his door.

"Come in." Xemnas's muffled voice said and Allison walked in.

"What do you want?" Xemnas snapped when the door shut completely. He was gazing out his window so he didn't know who it was.

"I wanted to see you." Allison said with confidence she didn't know she had. Xemnas jumped slightly and whipped around to face her.

"I- I didn't know, I mean I...." Xemnas was in raged with himself.

"Its okay, you didn't know it was me." Allison said with a grin. He sighed and rushed over to give her a hug.

"You have no idea how much I missed you!" He said in her ear.

"Than, why didn't you come to see me?" Allison exclaimed.

"Because, you said to keep it on the Down low!" He shouted. Allison sighed and shook her head.

"Yes Xemnas, I did say that. But I didn't mean for you to not see me anymore. I meant for you not to tell any one." Allison shouted back. Xemnas almost turned crimson out of embarrassment that he mis-understood. Thankfully, he didn't tell anyone. Xemnas wrapped his arms around Allison once more and pulled her close.

"I'm sorry Sarah. I guess I caught up in the moment." He whispered.

"Its okay, I don't blame you." Allison said with a giggle.

"Sarah, i ask you something?" Xemnas said suddenly.

"Sure" She said, uncertain.

To be continued....