unforgiven II


"What have they done?"

I was lying on the soft grass, holding his hand. The sky was grey and dark, but the grass seemed so green and peaceful, never moved by a single blow of wind.

I knew it's the last time. I felt that we won't take it anymore. It's a dead end for the two of us.

In front of us big black wooden door. After a moment of silence I stood up and looked at them. He immediately understood.

"So it's time," he said quietly.
I nodded, "Yes."

Then the door opened slowly, but only darkness shone behind them.

"We were to share this paradise. You promised me," he said, sounding a bit accusingly, as if trying to stop me.
"I know. And I'll keep my promise"

I was about to put my hand on the doorknob, when I stopped.

"James," I said, then stuttering, unsure of myself, "I don't love you... I still love you.... But I'll never love again"

Still not looking at him, I closed my eyes falling lightly on the soft grass. Before anything could happen, the door shut and the sun appeared on the sky, winning its battle with the clouds. It's been years since he last has seen the sun.

But he still is the one who waits for her

He kneeled beside her lifeless body and looked at her for a moment. He never got to know what has he done wrong, nor what they have. Then he took off his necklace with a wolf's head, putting it in her cold hand and closing it afterwards.

She hasn't changed, dead or alive. Dark haze surrounding her eyes that were green like the Baltic sea she came from, loved and adored. Black hair falling on her pale face, her delicate and soft skin, her full raspberry lips, still tempting to kiss them, even tough dead.

"Because you're unforgiven, too," he pressed his lips to hers for the last time and lied back on his place beside, lacing their fingers.

"You'll be there when I'm gone"

So I dub thee unforgiven