Funny How I Fell in Love With You


(Rosaline's Point of View)
Mum was going absolutely bonkers over school supplies, packing, and everything else. Dad just sat there, and laughed at her. He can be a bit of an arse at times, but hey, he is my dad, and I love him.

I can't go anywhere without being told I look like him! Even grandma Sissy and grandpa Lucious say I look like him. Well, I guess you can say that it is a bit of a compliment, because he is very handsome.

But the weird thing of it all is, I'm a twin! Yeah, there is another one of me... but he looks nothing like me! He looks like my mother! I know, how can you have twins that look nothing alike? I can't answer you that question. I don't even know how it was possible.

Anyway, my brother Scorpius are more different than we are alike. Besides the brown hair and eyes, he is very cocky, smart alecky, badass, and a troublemaker. Me? I am content with a good book, and peace and quiet. I guess you can say I am very smart and headstrong. I always have an opinion for everything, and never bother to shut my mouth when I have something to say.

So, yep, that is me in a nutshell. Oops! Almost forgot! I am a witch, if you didn't know that already. Yep, mum was so happy when she found out. I was sitting on her lap that day she found out, and she asked me if I wanted to be read a bedtime story. I made the book fly into her arms, and she began to scream, and jump up and down with joy.

Scorpius was magical since he was really little. When he was a few months old, he made me hover in mid air for several seconds before putting me down gently. He only did that because I took away his toy broom, and he got mad...

So, so far, mum is excited about seeing her old mates. They all have kids around my age, so I guess it will be interesting to meet them. Hopefully they are all quite nice. I am actually looking forward to going to school. Who knows what adventures I will have?
(Scorpius' Point of View)
Yawn! Blah, blah, blah! School is for losers like my sister! I can't believe Rosalina actually WANTS to go to this school! I on the other hand, don't want to see mother and father's old friends. I could care less about their trip down memory lane...

So yeah, I'm Scorpius Malfoy, badass extraordinaire. I bet Rosaline neglected to tell you that I've been kicked out of private school, and several public schools in our area. All because I can do magic, and I just don't feel like controlling it. Oh well, mother taught me everything she knew. She was a lot better than those crap teachers I had! They droned like a robot, on and on! I wanted to jump out a window!

Anyway, father says I'm being a prick lately because I don't give two shits about going to school or meeting mother and father's old chums. Oh well, let me be a prick, and listen to my muggle IPod in peace, ok?

No, I got to be aggravated by everyone in this madhouse! 'Scorpius, aren't you supposed to be getting ready?' 'Sure mother, I will go get ready right now!' Why do I have to even bother with this school? I mean, what do I really need to learn? Spells? Well, I guess that can come in handy if anyone makes a pass at Rosaline... Potions? Who gives a crap! Can't think of anything else really...

Mother and father are riding with us on the train, like we are babies! It's gonna be a looooooooooong and terrible ride with them in my compartment, I can tell you that much... I just hope the year goes by faster.
(Tessie's Point of View)
"Scorpius? Please hurry up! Dad is loading up the car! If you don't we'll miss the train!"

"Coming mother!" said Scorpius as he ran down the stairs, IPod in hand.

"Honestly, how can you possibly have that thing attached to your ears like that?" I asked him. "You are going to be deaf one day, mark my words. You keep playing your music loud like that..."

"Mother, we are magical beings. Can we just cure it?"

"Nope, sorry Scorpius, but there is no cure for things like that!" Scorpius scowled, and went outside with Draco. He helped Draco pack up the car, and then sat in the backseat, waiting for everyone.

"Rosaline! Get down here!" I called upstairs. Rosaline came down the stairs, gently and slowly while reading a book in her hands. My God, she looked like Draco, but she had my personality! "Come on dear!" I said, pulling her to the car.

We all drove in silence, Scorpius listening to his favorite band on the IPod, Rosaline with her nose in a book. It was very awkward. So, to not break the silence, I thought to Draco.

'Sweetheart, I'm nervous. What if the kids don't get along with the others? What are we going to do? What if Scorpius drops out of school like we did? What if he gets kicked out like in his muggle school? What if-'

'Tessie, calm down. It's not like we aren't going to school with them! We will both keep an eye on the group. We will have most of the gang back at school teaching. And we got Severus on our side now. Blimey, we haven't seen him since the war...'

'No, love, he came to the wedding. He appeared to me before we left for the honeymoon. He's probably still teaching Potions up at school. I wonder if he still remembers me...'

'How could he possibly forget you?' thought Draco. 'I mean, he LOVED you. You don't forget anyone you love, no matter how long you've been apart.'

'Well, I dunno! I'm nervous, I mean... this is our kids beginning of their future! I am sooooo not worried about Rosaline over there. It's Scorpius I'm worried about. Ever since he popped outta the womb, he has been a badass and a trouble maker. Sound familiar to you Dray?'

'Yes... he's like I was... Bad to the Bone! Dun dun dun dun dun!'

'You and your sense of humor,' I scoffed. 'If he is anything like you were, he is going to start something with the other children. You have to set his ass straight, or at least try to!'

'Quit worrying will ya? It's starting to get to be a bit annoying!'

'Fine, we can sit in silence...'
(Draco's Point of View)
No offense to Tess, but I was sick of hearing her worry about the kids. HELLO?!?! We defeated the Dark Lord almost 12 years ago! There is no powerful wizard or witch conquering the world again! The world is safe, but Tess still wouldn't give it up... Well, that's Tessie for you, worrywart to the extreme.

Although she is a worrywart, I still love her. I have always loved her since the first day we met on the train. Although she is a bit older now, I still think she is as beautiful as the day we got married.

It has been such a long time since we had seen the gang! I mean, our lives have been busy, catering to the kids, school, and whatnot, but now, I am pretty excited to be back at Hogwarts to teach and be head of Slytherin house. I wonder what the gang's kids will be like... Hmmm...
(Tessie's Point of View)
Everyone piled out of the car, and Scorpius lazily got out after I told him to move it or lose it. God that kid will drive me up the wall and then some!

"Come on Rosaline, the train waits for no one!" I said, pulling her book out of her hands, and placing the bookmark into the section she was reading.

"Mum! The book was just getting interesting!"

"Well, we have got to go! Come on Rosaline..."

The family walked through the barrier.

"OH MY GOD!" screamed a very glamorous Rosie, running over to hug me and Draco. "You look so good! You can't possibly be Rosaline and Scorpius? Last time I saw you, you were infants! Lord, time has been good to your family!"

"Thank you," I smiled. "My Rosie, you have surely gotten more beautiful than when you were in school! Where is Hugh and Hugo? I must see them!"

The twins stepped out from behind Fred, and looked anxiously at my family.

"Fred warned them that any children of Draco's was a demon," said Rosie. "That's why they are scared..."

"Come on now, boys, I'm your Aunt Tess. I have diapered your behinds, and so has Uncle Draco, the least you can do is say hello. We do not bite..."

"Hi," said the twins at the same time quietly.

They began to look Scorpius and Rosaline over. Scorpius gave the twins a dirty look, confirming their beliefs that he was a demon child. Rosaline looked at the twins with newfound interest, and smiled back at them. Hugh winked at her, and Scorpius scowled.

"So, now that we have all been acquainted..." I said.

"NO YOU HAVEN'T!" said Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny, running over with their children.

"This is Rose, and this is Hubert," said Ron.

"And this is Lilly, Albus, and James," said Ginny.

"And this one here is Zathura," said Luna, pointing to the blonde girl who was off in her own world.

"They are all so beautiful! But where is Harry and Neville?"

"Nev's up at school. Harry has a surprise waiting for you all at school," said Ginny grinning. "I better go. Gotta take mum shopping. Nice seeing you all again!"

All of the children, Luna, Draco, myself, Rosie, Fred, Ron, and Hermione began to board the train.

We all shared a large compartment in the train, and began to talk about the old days, as the children began to mix and mingle.