Funny How I Fell in Love With You


(Draco's Point of View)
I turned to look at Hermione, and she was sobbing just as much as I was. "I'm sorry Draco, there seems to be no other way..."

At that moment a very mournful Snape came in, and hovered next to Tessie's body. "She did this... didn't she?" he asked, pointing to Bellatrix's dead body that lay a few feet away.

"Yes, she did... Bellatrix tried to kill Rose, but Tessie jumped in front and got struck... My beautiful Tessie is gone..."

Severus began to cry. "She was too young to die like that! She had so much more in her to live! She should have lived longer, become a grandmother, and die peacefully with you in your old age. Not here... not like this..."

To all of our amazement, a white figure came out of Tessie's body. Tessie had become a ghost. "Hello everyone. Sorry to say I am no longer alive and with you all, but I am now a ghost. I belong to neither hell nor heaven. I have chosen this path in the likelihood of returning to my body someday, because it CAN be done. I am to stay at Hogwarts until I am reunited with my body. I will stay with Severus, he will take good care of me... Remember everyone that I love each and every one of you. Take care..."

Snape wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and guided her off into the school. Tessie's ghost had disappeared, and arrangements for her funeral was made. The teachers, new and old, came to the school to remember Tess. Her body was on display by the Black Lake, where she loved to sit and look at the Giant Squid and feed it.

I took my time getting ready for the funeral, fixing my tie, dallying and whatnot. I was in my office, pacing back and forth. I was the one who had to give her eulogy, and was nervous to speak in front of everyone. There was a knock on the door, and Rosie Weasley entered. "Draco... are you gonna be okay?"

"I will be. I'm fine thanks," I said with a small smile.

"Draco, you can't fool me," said Rosie. "Draco, you know all of us are as torn up inside as you are over Theresa's death. Even me... she was my best friend. She helped me deliver the twins, and she saved all of our lives at one point or another. She was such a beautiful, kind person. At least she died in honor..."

"She shouldn't have died at all, Rosie!" I said quietly. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed. Rosie patted my back, and hugged me. "What am I to do? How will I take care of mine and Tessie's children?"

"You will always have help from any of us Draco," said Rosie, looking into my tear streaked face. "You know I will be there for you when you need me, and all the others will too..."

I nodded, and wiped my face with the sleeve of my robe.

"What can I say about Tessie?" I began as I stood by her coffin near the Black Lake. "Not with the time I have could I say all I need to. She turned my life around back in our third year. She showed me that purity of blood did not matter in a person, but purity of heart and spirit did. That was what Tessie was, pure, sweet, innocent, beautiful..." I looked over, and saw her parents and sister sitting towards the front, sobbing hysterically. Michaela was actually hugging Neville, which was a turn around from when she wanted to torture the poor boy at our wedding, but I guess grief makes us do weird things...

"She had fought many demons, and always came out on top," I continued. "When I was feeling down and out, she always comforted me. She always knew what to say, and was the brightest person I have ever met. Well, second to Hermione of course..."

Hermione sobbed into Ron's shoulder at this, and I tried to push back my tears. "Through all the bad times, though all the pain, torture, and suffering, she kept her head high. And even when all hope was lost, she had come through to us. This beauty, lying here, has made me happy beyond all knowledge of happiness. She has given me two of the most beautiful children I could have ever hoped for, Scorpius Severus and Rosaline Dracina. And because Tessie is so brave, loyal, loving, and caring, she chose to give her life for Rose Weasley when the Black Witch was about to strike. I know that she wanted to do this because she knew Scorpius cared for her, and Rose he. And she would say a life without love would not be a good life at all..."

"But then, Tessie, why should I go on if my love is not there with me!?" I sobbed. The tears that I had tried so hard to restrained spilled out. "WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME? I DESERVED TO DIE THAT NIGHT! I SHOULD HAVE DIED, NOT HER!!!! GODDAMN IT! WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME INSTEAD??"

I felt two pairs of arms pull me away from the funeral, and take me into the hall of the castle. When I had stopped my ranting, I looked up, and saw Fred and George Weasley. "Mate, I know this is a rough time for you, but her death is hard for everyone," said Fred.

"Think of how poor Rose feels, knowing that someone DIED so that she could LIVE!" said George.

"Rosie isn't taking it so well either," said Fred. "And with you blathering on about how you should have died in Tessie's stead isn't making everyone feel any better!"

"You got to calm down mate," said George. "I know you have just lost the love of your life, but please, at least do it for the sake of your children, and her family... They are upset enough over it without your emotional ranting..."

I nodded, and took a few deep breaths. "Are you ready to go back there and finish your speech?" asked Fred, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be alright... She is watching over me, I can feel it," I said. I walked back to the funeral, and stood by the coffin once more. "Like I was saying, Tessie did a very noble thing by saving Rose. She let Rose and Scorpius have that chance of love. She is in a better place now. Somewhere watching over us all. I hope Tessie, wherever you are, you are thinking about me, because even though you are gone, I will always be thinking of you..."

After Tessie was buried, Harry came up to me. "Draco! Draco come here!" I turned around, and Harry ran up to me. "Remember when Hermione said she couldn't think of a way to rejoin Tessie to her body?"

"Twist the knife deeper into me eh?" I said. "I know she is dead and there is nothing I can do about it you bloody bastard! Now let me mourn in peace!"

"NO! Don't you remember that night in our fourth year when Voldemort came into power, stronger and more powerful than ever? It was because he had MY BLOOD in him!"

"So, you are telling me that YOU know how to bring Tessie to life again?" I asked.

"That I do know, but it is very complicated and skilled magic..." began Harry. "You'll need blood of an enemy, forcibly taken. Has she any enemies?"

I thought to myself. Did Tess have any enemies besides all of the Death Eaters we had fought? "PANSY!" I cried. "But lord knows where the hell she is off at!"

"She lives at Slytherin's Hideaway in London now," said Harry. "Then the lover or servant must dig up her body, and cut out her heart with a knife, and place it in the cauldron with all the other things. The last ingredient is the nail clippings of all who love and care for her..."

"Nail clippings, are you batty?" I asked.

"Well, if you would rather not, the potion calls for a rather nasty substitute, flesh of the servant or lover... meaning bye bye wand..."

"Why would I be sad to see my wand go? I can always get another- OH!" I said, realizing what Harry meant, and groaned at the thought. "I'll do the nail clippings then... So, we will need them from her parents, Michaela, Nev, Rosie, Fred, George, you, Ginny, me, Luna, Ron, Hermione, Hugo, Hugh, Scorpius, Rosaline, Rose, Hubert, Albus, Lily, James, and Zathura."

"You are forgetting one person in particular," said Harry as the person floated by on the grounds. "Severus' nail clippings must be added also, or else the spell will not be complete..."